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Autorius Tema: Sveiki,noriu paklausti kas gali buti kad nepucia vejelis?  (Skaityta 21331 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
Tai va sklendes darinejasi,viskas ant klimos veikia ,saugikliai sveiki,tik neyjungia ventiliatoriaus,pajungiau varikliukui +12 tiesiogiai veikia,kur dar ziureti?  :)

Neprisijungęs Mukas

  • Įrašai: 2193
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kitas miestas
Gali nauju temu ir nekurt, kas uzsuka i V8 skireli tai mato ir pokalbiu temoj ka klausi... ;) kas zinos ar bent jau atsimins tokia problema turejes pasakis, tik reikia sulaukt, nes tema kiek apmirus ne taip kaip pries kokiu penketa+ metu

Neprisijungęs Wer3w0lf

  • Įrašai: 1220
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Aš dar nepasirinkau miesto
Gali nauju temu ir nekurt, kas uzsuka i V8 skireli tai mato ir pokalbiu temoj ka klausi... ;) kas zinos ar bent jau atsimins tokia problema turejes pasakis, tik reikia sulaukt, nes tema kiek apmirus ne taip kaip pries kokiu penketa+ metu
lai fiskes klimos patikrina. Ir pati klimos bloka. Jei tas zmogus nori tai galiu jam meistra autoelektrika pasiulyt, kuris sutvarkytu tuos smulkius defektus. Juokingi tie defektai...
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2016 Vasario 13, 00:47:13 sukūrė Wer3w0lf »

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
paziurejau varikliukas ok ,tas resistorius dejau kita tas pats,nezinau kaip tas ekraniukas,ir kaip jy patikrinti,o kur tas klimos blokas?

Neprisijungęs Antonijus

  • Įrašai: 2440
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kitas miestas
Tai va sklendes darinejasi,viskas ant klimos veikia ,saugikliai sveiki,tik neyjungia ventiliatoriaus,pajungiau varikliukui +12 tiesiogiai veikia,kur dar ziureti?  :)
Klimą spaudai, čiupinėji ir dar klausi kur ji. :bedantis:

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
tai tas ekraniukas ir yra pats klimos blokas? :-)

Neprisijungęs Wer3w0lf

  • Įrašai: 1220
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Aš dar nepasirinkau miesto
tai tas ekraniukas ir yra pats klimos blokas? :-)
Galima ir taip sakyt. Ten is kitos puses ~5 fishkes. Medi aplink klimos lygtai "подкавырнуть" reikia ir po medzio apdaila bus ~4 varzhtai. Nesenai ardziau, kai lemputes keiciau.

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
ok supratau  ;)

Neprisijungęs virsininkas88

  • Įrašai: 2838
    • Žiūrėti profilį
atjungus klimos bloką ir įjungus degimą turėtų pilnu pajėgumu pradėt pūst?

Neprisijungęs Grishman

  • Temos moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 7631
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
paziurejau varikliukas ok ,tas resistorius dejau kita tas pats,nezinau kaip tas ekraniukas,ir kaip jy patikrinti,o kur tas klimos blokas?
Kai nustatei, kad "varikliukas OK" kaip "žiūrėjai"?

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
nu prijungiau nuo akumo tiesiogiai +12

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
Nerandu kas dar gali buti,pakeiciau klimos valdyma,perrinkau visa peciu laidai visi ok,kur dar ieskoti ? del ko dar gali neveikti tas varikliukas?

Neprisijungęs Grishman

  • Temos moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 7631
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Tai gal antra relė, kur keitei, taip pat parejusi? Valdymo bloke greitis keičiasi? matavai multimetru, kas darosi varikliuko fyškeje? keičiant greitį keičiasi parodymai, bandei ant jos rankose pajungti kitą varikliuką?
Patikrink visus parodymus per klimato ekraną ar yra, pagal šią instrukciją ir patikrink, ką rodo 18 ir 19 kanalai:

Accessing On-Board Diagnostic codes
Press and hold the recirculation button. Then press the manual flow control up arrow. You should see a 1c. Press the temperature up ("+") or down ("-") buttons to select a code number. Then press the recirculation button again. The value should display. Press the temperature up or down button again to display another code.
NOTE: Air Flow Motor (V 71) and Potentiometer (G 113) are not installed in USA/Canada vehicles. Disregard values displayed for these components.

Code   Displayed Value
1   System malfunction - displayed as a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC), see chart below

2   Digital value of Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner (G 86)
3   Digital value of Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel (G 56)
4   Digital value of Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor (G 89)
5   Digital value of Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor (G 17), front
6   Digital value of Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor
7   Digital value of Ambient Temperature Sensor At Fresh Air Blower (G 109)
8   Digital value of Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 92)
9   Delta value of Temperature Regulator Flap
10   Non-corrected specified value of Temperature Regulator Flap
11   Digital value of Central Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 112)
12   Specified value of Central Flap
13   Digital value of Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 114)
14   Specified value of Footwell/Defroster Flap
15   Digital value of Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 113)
16   Specified value of Air Flow Flap
17   Vehicle Speed (km/h)
18   Actual Air Blower voltage (Volts)
19   Specified Fresh Air Blower voltage (Volts)
20   A/C Compressor (A/C Clutch) voltage (Volts)
21   Number of low voltage occurrences, non-transient
22   Cycle condition of A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch (F 118)
23   Cyclings of the A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch (F 118)
24   Cyclings of the switches, absolute non-fluctuating
25   Analog/Digital value, Kick-Down Switch
26   Analog/Digital value, Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Warning Light
27   Coding value
28   Engine Speed (RPM)
29   A/C Compressor speed in rpm (Equals Engine Speed x 1.28)
30   Software version
31   Display check (all segments of A/C Control Head display light up)
32   Potentiometer malfunction counter, Temperature Regulator Flap
33   Potentiometer malfunction counter, Central Flap
34   Potentiometer malfunction counter, Footwell/Defroster Flap
35   Potentiometer malfunction counter, Air Flow Map
36   Feedback value, cold end-stop, Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 92)
37   Feedback value, hot end-stop, Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 92), max. stop
38   Feedback value, cold end-stop, Central Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 112)
39   Feedback value, hot end-stop, Central Flap Motor Potentiometer (G 112)
40   Feedback value, cold end-stop, Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer (G114)
41   Feedback value, hot end-stop, Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer (G114)
42   Feedback value, cold end-stop, Air Flow Map Motor Potentiometer (G 113)
43   Feedback value, hot end-stop, Air Flow Map Motor Potentiometer (G 113)
44   Vehicle operation cycle counter
45   Calculated interior temperature (internal software, in digits)
46   Outside (ambient) temperature, filtered, for regulation (internal software)
47   Outside (ambient) temperature, unfiltered, (internal software, in deg C)
48   Outside (ambient) temperature, unfiltered, (in digits)
49   Malfunction counter for speedometer (vehicle speed) signal
50   Standing time (in minutes)
51   Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) in deg C
52   Graphics channel 1 - A/C compressor switch-off conditions are identified by illuminated segments of the “88.8” display. See chart below.

53   Graphics channel 2 - Climate system electrical outputs are identified by illuminated segments of the “88.8” display. See chart below.

54   Control characteristics
55   Outside (ambient) temperature, in deg C or deg F depending on setting on A/C control head
56   Temperature in deg C, from Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner (G 86)
57   Temperature in deg C, from Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel (G 56)
58   Temperature in deg C, from Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor (G 89)
59   Temperature in deg C, from Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor (G 17), front
60   Temperature in deg C, from Ambient Temperature Sensor At Fresh Air Blower (G 109)
61   Software version (latest)

Changing Degree Temperature Display
Press and hold the recirculation button. Then press the temperature up ("+") button to switch between degrees Celsius & Fahrenheit on the Climate Control Temperature and Instrument Panel Outside Temperature displays

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
paziurejau tai neateina pliusas nei y varikliuka nei y valdymo rele  (-)

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
18c 0 00 tokie parodymai

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
gal kas turit kokia schema kaip ten stovi ir kokias reles reiketu patikrinti,nes toks jausmas kad kazkokia rele grybauja,gali buti ar klystu?  :)

Neprisijungęs Wer3w0lf

  • Įrašai: 1220
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Aš dar nepasirinkau miesto

Neprisijungęs Grishman

  • Temos moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 7631
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
paziurejau tai neateina pliusas nei y varikliuka nei y valdymo rele  (-)
Ką pirmam kanale rodo? jei bus kokia klaida, turėtų šviestis klaidų kodai. kitų kanalų vertes tikrinai? ar mato visus daviklius?

Neprisijungęs audzius

  • Įrašai: 5201
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Varžų blokelis nebus, kur į klimos dėžę statosi?

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
jau tris dejau varzu blokelius ir nieko,neateina pliusas iki varzu blokelio ir iki peciuko motoriuko

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
02.3  03.3  05.3  06.1  08.7  11.5  13.7  15.7  18.1  29.4  stai ka rodo pirmas kanalas :)

Neprisijungęs Grishman

  • Temos moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 7631
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Gal jungtis atjunginejai ir prigaudė klaidų bet šiaip patikrink esamus mazgus,

kodų reikšmės:

Diagnostic Trouble Code Meanings
 Diagnostic Trouble
 Code (Sensor) Malfunction Description
 00.0 No malfunction present
02.1 (G86) Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, static open, *02.1
 (see below)
02.2 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, static short, see 02.1
02.3 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, sporadic open
02.4 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Headliner, sporadic short
03.1 (G56) Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, static open,
 see 02.1
03.2 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, static short, see
03.3 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, sporadic open
03.4 Interior Temperature Sensor, in Instrument Panel, sporadic short
04.1 (G89) Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, static open, *04.1 (see
04.2 Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, static short, see 04.1
04.3 Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, sporadic open
04.4 Fresh Air Intake Duct Temperature Sensor, sporadic short
 05.1 (G17) Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, static open,
 *05.1 (see below)
 05.2 Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, static short, see
 05.1, *05.2 (see below)
 05.3 Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, sporadic open
 05.4 Outside Air (Ambient) Temperature Sensor, front, sporadic short
 06.1 (G110) Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C static open, *06.1 (see
 06.2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C static short, see 06.1
 06.3 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C sporadic open
 06.4 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT), A/C sporadic short
07.1 (G109) Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, static open,
 *07.1 (see below)
07.2 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, static short, see 07.1
07.3 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, sporadic open
07.4 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower, sporadic short
08.1 (G92) Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open,
 *08.1 (see below)
08.2 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 08.1
08.3 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
08.4 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
 08.5 Temperature Regulator Flap, static block, *08.5 (see below)
08.6 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
 08.7 Temperature Regulator Flap, sporadic block
11.1 (G112) Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *11.1 (see below)
11.2 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 11.1
11.3 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
11.4 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
 11.5 Central Flap, static block, *11.5 (see below)
11.6 Central Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
 11.7 Central Flap, sporadic block
13.1 (G114) Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *13.1
 (see below)
13.2 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 13.1
13.3 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
13.4 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
 13.5 Footwell/Defroster Flap, static block, *13.5 (see below)
13.6 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
 13.7 Footwell/Defroster Flap, sporadic block
15.1 (G113) Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *15.1 (see
15.2 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 15.1
15.3 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
15.4 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
15.5 Air Flow Flap, static block, see *15.5 (see below)
15.6 Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
15.7 Air Flow Flap, sporadic block
17.0 Vehicle Speed Signal faulty
18.1 Fresh air blower voltage, static
18.3 Fresh air blower voltage, sporadic
20.1 A/C compressor voltage not OK - static, *20.1 (see below)
20.3 A/C compressor voltage not OK - sporadic
 22.1 (F11 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, static open, *22.1 (see
 22.3 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, sporadic open
 22.5 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, 120X open, *22.5 (see below)
 29.1 Belt slip detection "soft", static
 29.2 Belt slip detection "hard", static
 29.3 Belt slip detection "soft", sporadic
 29.4 Belt slip detection "hard", sporadic

 Diagnostic Trouble Code Notes: *02.1 Digital default value of 128 is
 programmed if sensor fails
 *04.1 Value supplied by Temp. Sensor is used if sensor fails
 *05.1 Value supplied by Temp. Sensor is used if sensor fails
 *05.2 Digital default value of 128 is programmed if sensors G89 & G17 both
 *06.1 Engine Coolant Temperature is calculated is sensor should fail or is
 not installed; diagnosis occurs only above 0 degrees Celsius
 *07.1 Programmed corrective value = 0
 *08.1 Temperature Regulator Flap Motor will no longer be controlled
 automatically; manual adjustment only
 *08.5 Motor is cycled; software attempts to eliminate block
 *11.1 Central Flap Motor will no longer be controlled automatically; manual
 adjustment only
 *11.5 Motor is cycled; software attempts to eliminate block
 *13.1 Footwell/Defroster Flap Motor will no longer be controlled
 automatically; manual adjustment only
 *13.5 Motor is cycled; software attempts to eliminate block
 *15.1 Digital value is internally programmed for limp-home mode
 *15.5 Motor is cycled; software attempts to eliminate block
 *20.1 Compressor remains off until voltage is greater than 10.8V for at
 least 25 seconds
 *22.1 Compressor remains off until switch closes
 *22.5 Compressor re-engagement circuit, VAG 1551 Scan Tool function
OBD Channel 52 - A/C Compressor switch-off codes

If an A/C compressor switch-off condition exists, a segment of the "88.8"
 display, indicated below as an alpha-numeric code, will illuminate.
 Segment Condition
 a1 Slippage or blockage, A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, 120x off
 b1 Engine Speed (RPM) less than 200 - 500
 c1 Engine Speed (RPM) greater than 6000
 d1 Engine Speed (RPM) greater than 6000
 e1 System function OK
 f1 System function OK
 a2 A/C manually switched off (A/C standby canceled)
 b2 low voltage
c2 Kick-down switch, compressor off for 12secs max.
 d2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) warning light switched
 e2 A/C Refrigerant Low Pressure Switch (F73)
 f2 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch (F11
 a3 ECON mode selected
 b3 OFF selected
 c3 Outside (ambient) temperature too low
 d3 Engine management system (compressor will remain off for 3 -12 seconds)
 e3 High pressure occurrences more than 30 times
f3 Ambient Temperature Sensor at Fresh Air Blower (G109) less than 27 degF
 (-3 degC)
g1,g2,g3 System function OK (g1+g2+g3 must illuminate simultaneously to
 indicate system is OK)
 Decimal Point
Lit A/C compressor ON
 Decimal Point
Unlit A/C compressor OFF

 OBD Channel 53 - Climate system electrical output codes

 When a NO system electrical output is activated, a segment of the "88.8"
 display, indicated below as an alpha-numeric code, will illuminate. The
 decimal point in the "88.8" display will not illuminate in this channel.
 Segment Condition
a1 Fan for interior temperature sensor
 b1 Fresh air/recirculation flap closed (recirculation mode)
 c1 Heater valve closed
d1 Bi-directional wiring harness
e1 A/C compressor ON
 f1 coolant fan first speed ON
a2 Air flow flap open
b2 Air flow flap open
c2 Air flow flap closed
 d2 Footwell/Defroster flap in "Footwell" position
 e2 Footwell/Defroster flap in "Footwell" position
 f2 Footwell/Defroster flap in "Defroster" position
 a3 Central flap in "instrument panel outlet" position
 b3 Central flap in "instrument panel outlet" position
 c3 Central flap in "footwell outlet/defrost" position
 d3 Temperature flap in "cold air" position
 e3 Temperature flap in "cold air" position
 f3 Temperature flap in "warm air" position
g1,g2,g3 System function OK (g1+g2+g3 must illuminate simultaneously to
 indicate system is OK)

« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2016 Vasario 18, 10:34:00 sukūrė Grishman »

Neprisijungęs virsininkas88

  • Įrašai: 2838
    • Žiūrėti profilį
kam tuos parametrus žiūrėt klimoj jeigu maitinimas neateina iki ventiliatoriaus reguliatoriaus.

Neprisijungęs Romualdas

  • Įrašai: 95
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Tauragė
tai va va neateina,o kur jis dingsta?

Neprisijungęs Toto

  • Įrašai: 4511
    • Žiūrėti profilį
Tauragej nera elektriku ar tu pats prie ju?


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