ar esat kas pastebėję tokį reiškinį, kad įjungiant klimą garsas persiduoda per garsiakalbius ?????
jei egzistuoja toks reiškinys, pasirodo jau seniausiai tam yra sprendimas:
Click or Pop heard in Base Stereo system when A/C compressor is turned on?
Intermittent Misfire/Backfire when the A/C is compressor is cycled on? Problem in A/C Control Head Display?
Audi issued a service bulletin, Group 87 # 92-02 on 4/08/92 for the 1988-91 Audi 100/200/V8/80/90 indicating that a new A/C compressor relay and a different compressor magnetic clutch wiring harness with a zener diode was used to eliminate a voltage spike that can occur when the compressor clutch cycles on and off during normal operation.
As of November 1990 Production date, Audi 100/200 after VIN 44MN 024295 and for the Audi V8 after VIN 4CMN001831 the compressor clutch relay was updated along with a modified A/C compressor magnetic clutch wiring harness with zener diode.
The harness with zener diode is Audi # 443 298 008 but last time I checked Audi wanted $115 for this simple part.
You may want to find a suitable zener diode with 18 VDC breakdown voltage soldered or wired to the compressor magnetic clutch +12V wire to ground to suppress these transient voltage spikes.
For earlier vehicles produced before the VIN's listed, you can install the new relay and install a zener diode kit for the A/C compressor magnetic clutch wiring.