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Autorius Tema: AUDI V8 - Pokalbiai ir diskusijos  (Skaityta 1818039 kartus)

Neprisijungęs gataz

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teisingi ir pasiteisine sprendimai islieka ir buna toliau sekmingai naudojami, o kazkaip to negaliu pasakyti apie si long wheel base varianta...

O cia mes kalbame apie tiuning sou kurini ar apie limo paskirties automobili komfortui pakelti? Tiesa sakant nezinau kuris patogesnis gale sedint, bet seip idomus postai- viskas del isores.
As tai ir turejau galvoje, manau komforto atzvilgiu audi teisingiau praiilginta
Tesla Model 3 SR+ 239kw, '19
Audi V8 206kw, '91

Neprisijungęs maxtro

  • Įrašai: 294
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o as neisivaizduoju auto limuzino klases su mechanika  :f

ojooj ar matei kaip gali vaziout 4,2 6 saibu mexanas? kad sakai

Neprisijungęs Matas_

  • Įrašai: 2051
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 :D na as vis tiek lieku prie savo nuomones..   taika  ;)

Neprisijungęs Lucifer

  • Įrašai: 4708
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Nesvarbu 3.6 ar 4.2 galiu pasakyt kad skirtumas nerealus tar mechanines ir automato. Vien tik kaip starta geriau lupa, o dar kai ant sniego ar ledo (nes man ant asfalto tokio daikto gaila) koks valdimas lengvas jos o automato taip lengvai neatgrazinsi, bent nebuvo kada ismokt atidirbt sistemos.

Neprisijungęs maxtro

  • Įrašai: 294
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apie ka as ir kalbu, beje tarp 3,6 ir 4,2 mexano skirtumas dydelis !!!

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
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  • Įrašai: 37886
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  • Miestas: Kaunas
tai kaip su to MOTRINIC variklio 'gesinimu'? Ar kas yra kokios infos mates, girdejes ar panasiai. Gal cia as vel sapnuoju?

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
čia kažkas apie Motronic'ą yra, tiesa apie A200 20V, bet gal ką išknisi .....  (h) ff ff ff

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
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  • Įrašai: 37886
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  • Miestas: Kaunas

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
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  • Įrašai: 37886
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  • Miestas: Kaunas
Kai aušinimo skysčio temperatūra viršyja 119°C (245°F), įpūtimo slėgis yra sumažintas

oba (z) geras ?!?

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
Nu jooooooooo, daug neskaičiau, nes ir antrasčių pakako:
Asterisko Daviklis (G4); su Neturinčiu darbo Jungikliu (F60); Beldimo Daviklis I (G61) ir Beldimo Daviklis II (G66)
 :D :D :D :D  :[ :[  ff

Neprisijungęs maxtro

  • Įrašai: 294
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tai cia ant varyklio traukos turetu itaka?jei taip tai reiskia buvo man toksai reiskynis

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
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  • Įrašai: 37886
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  • Miestas: Kaunas
buvai pasiekes 120C temperatura (z)

Kad tokie bairiai yra- ta zinau, bet kad jau sita masina turejo sia vadinkim apsauga- tikrai nezinojau...

Neprisijungęs maxtro

  • Įrašai: 294
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 as pasekes net virs 125 temp tikrai ir tepalas 110 buvo, ir kaskas tuo metu tikrai man buvo kaip ir gazo duodi o jinai nenori imt apsuku, pirma karta girdziu apie tokis navarotas :)

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
nu ir Jūs man pasakykit kurioj vietoj pas V8 yra F76 multifunkcinis temperatūrinis daviklis ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
buvau as pasekes net virs 125 temp tikrai..........

perpostinsiu 'dėl bendro išsilavinimo' jau beveik metų senumo postą (ką jau čia bepadarysi, kad kai kurie yra per daug aptingę, kad pasiskaitinėt nuo pradžių  ff ff ff )

--- About two temp sensors that control fan operation in a V8 ---

The following description applies to 3.6 and 4.2 cars.

There are two sensors, G82 on the left head, and G83 on the radiator about 1 inch from the outlet. Both are used by the fan control circuit of the instrument cluster.

G82 is used by the analog temp gauge circuit and for secondary control of the electric fan.

G83's only function is as the primary sensor for control of the electric fan

Due to the relative locations of these sensors in the system it is not only possible but virtually guaranteed that G83 will not read as hot as G82. The situation this brings on is the gauge starts climbing into the high end of its range and the outlet temp of the radiator may not be high enough to make the instrument cluster trigger the electric fan. (explaining the sudden rash of calls I'm getting from frantic owners)

Geeky stuff........ The instrument cluster fan control circuit completely ignores any reading from G82 as long as G83 is in the loop, that is to say providing a current path. Unplugging G83 results in the fan control circuit defaulting to G82 for fan control. Unplug them both and the fan control circuit assumes an overtemp condition, takes control of the gauge making it read on the high side, and engages the fan in 3rd speed.

IMO the test procedure in the manual is a perfect example how incomplete information can cause mechs and DIYers to develop bald spots. Since I despise "Easter egg" troubleshooting and "shotgun" repairs I've come up with my own tests to fully exercise the system, someone may find them helpful. If anyone decides to use these tests please read through them and notes a) thru d) before starting.

1) After the car has been running does the temp gauge have a reading? If so G82 is working and the wiring to the cluster is good. If the gauge reads low all the time the thermostat has probably failed, a defective G82 is possible but not likely. If the gauge doesnt read at all then do test 2, 3, and 4. If they pass but the gauge doesnt do anything in test 4 the gauge is defective.

2) With the car running place the climate control temp setting in LO and turn on the A/C. The fan should now cycle from low speed to second speed and then stay in 2nd speed. Obviously this test requires a fully operational A/C system. An alternate test is to jumper each speed by removing the respective relays at the fuse panel to verify fan operation.

3) Unplug G83 and insert a 100ohm resistor into the connector. Start the car. The fan should now cycle through all three speeds. If this doesnt happen proceed to test #4, if test #4 fails the chip in the cluster has failed.

4) Shut the car off and remove the resistor, leave the connector loose, unplug G82. Start the car. The temp gauge should now read high and the fan should cycle through all three speeds.

5) Shut off the car. Reconnect G82 and leave G83 unplugged. Take a short drive to ensure the engine is warm. Place a large section of cardboard in front of the radiator ensuring the entire radiator face is covered (it doesnt have to be perfect). Start the car. The temp should rise fairly rapidly past the 100c mark on the gauge. At about halfway between 100c and the next higher mark the electric fan should kick on in low speed.

6) Reconnect G83 and redo test 5 with this one change. The fan should come on at about the same temp as it occurred before. If it doesnt then G83 is either defective or the radiator is clogged.

Notes: a) The tests must be done in the order they are written for the results I've supplied to be valid.

b) The A/C should be off for all test with the exception of #2

c) The three speeds of the fan are pretty easy to recognize. Low speed should be almost silent but moving a pretty fair amount of air (much more than the engine fan) Second speed is easily heard and moves a lot of air. High speed sounds like a blow dryer on high and will make you think you have a small hurricane generator under the hood. For situations where the fan doesnt operate at all or fails to operate in one or two modes please refer to the manual for troubleshooting.

d) If you have an overtemp condition and the entire electric fan system is operational, there are a few other possibilities. Listed by likelihood IME: Failed mechanical fan clutch, clogged radiator, blown head gasket/cracked head, or stuck thermostat.

The really quick minded may have seized on the fact that if you leave G83 unplugged an otherwise fully functional system will operate the way most would assume, with the fan coming on by engine temp and not radiator outlet temp. I dont recommend anyone intentionally bypass a sensor Audi installed but ..........

I know of at least two V8s operating this way, and one will soon have two other mods to ensure proper cooling.

Neprisijungęs Grishman

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  • Miestas: Vilnius
nu ir Jūs man pasakykit kurioj vietoj pas V8 yra F76 multifunkcinis temperatūrinis daviklis ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Etkos print screena prašyčiau arba detalės numerį...


  • Svečias

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
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  • Įrašai: 37886
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  • Miestas: Kaunas
labai matyta :D

Neprisijungęs Gedis

  • Banned!
  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
nu ir Jūs man pasakykit kurioj vietoj pas V8 yra F76 multifunkcinis temperatūrinis daviklis ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Etkos print screena prašyčiau arba detalės numerį...
Tingiu ieškot ETKOJE, nes po ranka turiu šitą:

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
gal Kaunieciai zinot sia V8.....?
labai matyta :D
na dėstyk plačiau, nes yra paprasčiausias sportinis interesas - čia kartais ne ta pati kur visai nesenai buvo pardavime ??  Oo)

Neprisijungęs no one

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  • Miestas: Kaunas
o kas del to daviklio ? na as ji keiciau.Bent taip atrodo nes daugiau ten davikliu nera.nuo jo atjungus fyske tem gauge rodo 120 ir isijungia klimos ventiliatorius visu pajegumu. bet ir masina tada pasidaro buka. kaip kazkas minejo apsauga nuo perkaitimo.
Audi V8 4.2 MT 93m.  Audi coupe quattro 2.1T MT 86m. Subaru forester 2.5XT MT 04m.
4.2 servisas  tel. Nr 8-37-206767 (darbo laikas 9-18val d.d.)

Neprisijungęs Tom4s

  • Įrašai: 6846
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  • Miestas: Kaunas
arba aš kažko nesuprantu, arba nesuprantu...
kaip ji gali būti matyta Bajorui, jei nuotraukų nėra :V
gal Kaunieciai zinot sia V8.....?

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
tai Tu keitei G82 (brėžinyje 2) ar G83 (2a) ??. Nes 120 laipsnių rodo tik atjungus abu:
The instrument cluster fan control circuit completely ignores any reading from G82 as long as G83 is in the loop, that is to say providing a current path. Unplugging G83 results in the fan control circuit defaulting to G82 for fan control. Unplug them both and the fan control circuit assumes an overtemp condition, takes control of the gauge making it read on the high side, and engages the fan in 3rd speed.
O kad pasidaro 'buka', tai nepastebėjau, aš tik bandžiau stovint gazuot, tai kaip ir normaliai viskas buvo..........  :V

Neprisijungęs Grishman

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  • Įrašai: 7631
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
nu ir Jūs man pasakykit kurioj vietoj pas V8 yra F76 multifunkcinis temperatūrinis daviklis ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Etkos print screena prašyčiau arba detalės numerį...
Tingiu ieškot ETKOJE, nes po ranka turiu šitą:

Multinunkcinis, mano supratimu, čia trijų ir daugiau kontaktų daviklis, atliekantis kelias funkcijas, siunčiantis signala į kelis įrenginius iškart, pas V8 tokio nera.

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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  • Įrašai: 13709
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
visiškai teisingai, ir mano turimoje Motronic'o schemoje F76 neparodytas  ;)


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