dar vieni patarimai:
Fuel consumption seems high:
- Consumption normally increases noticeably in cold weather, both due to efficiency loss in cold weather, and due to lower energy content of winterized fuel.
- Incorrect use of manual transmission - unnecessary high engine revs, jack-rabbit starts, and so forth affect fuel consumption of any vehicle.
- High proportion of city driving or short trips affect fuel consumption adversely in any vehicle.
- New engine not broken in. The TDI engine seems to take longer to break in than gasoline engines.
- Automatic transmission models have about 20% to 25% higher fuel consumption than those with manual transmission.
- Brakes dragging.
- Low tire pressure.
- Clogged injectors, if older vehicle.
- General lack of maintenance. Dirty air filters, clogged exhaust system, etc.
- Improper modifications to the turbo and/or boost control system in an attempt to get more performance, which result in excessively high boost pressure under light load conditions (and thus, excessively high exhaust back-pressure, and hence the drag on the engine).