- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 104 dienas, 15 valandas ir 9 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 792 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 4 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 4 balsai
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- Audi C3
274 posts of the member's 792 posts (34.60%)274
- Benzininiai varikliai
66 posts of the member's 792 posts (8.33%)66
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
59 posts of the member's 792 posts (7.45%)59
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
50 posts of the member's 792 posts (6.31%)50
- Gyvenimo pomėgiai, interesai, hobi ar kita...
39 posts of the member's 792 posts (4.92%)39
- Benzinu ir dujomis varomi varikliai
39 posts of the member's 792 posts (4.92%)39
- Audi 80 / 90
36 posts of the member's 792 posts (4.55%)36
- Dyzeliniai varikliai
32 posts of the member's 792 posts (4.04%)32
- Quattro klausimai - atsakymai
18 posts of the member's 792 posts (2.27%)18
- Bendri klausimai, atsakymai (ne apie techniką)
17 posts of the member's 792 posts (2.15%)17
- www.HibDeta.lt automobilių dalys
1 posts of the board's 20 posts (5.00%)5.00%
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
50 posts of the board's 4037 posts (1.24%)1.24%
- Audi C3
274 posts of the board's 30264 posts (0.91%)0.91%
- Benzininiai varikliai
66 posts of the board's 11149 posts (0.59%)0.59%
- Benzinu ir dujomis varomi varikliai
39 posts of the board's 8298 posts (0.47%)0.47%
- Audi 80 / 90
36 posts of the board's 9052 posts (0.40%)0.40%
- Quattro klausimai - atsakymai
18 posts of the board's 6437 posts (0.28%)0.28%
- Variklio skyrius
5 posts of the board's 1931 posts (0.26%)0.26%
- Renginiai Lietuvoje
1 posts of the board's 650 posts (0.15%)0.15%
- Kompiuterinė elektronikos diagnostika
14 posts of the board's 9591 posts (0.15%)0.15%