- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 11 dienas, 9 valandas ir 59 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 215 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 2 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 6 balsai
- 0
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- Gyvenimo pomėgiai, interesai, hobi ar kita...
31 posts of the member's 215 posts (14.42%)31
- AUDI in the World
18 posts of the member's 215 posts (8.37%)18
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
9 posts of the member's 215 posts (4.19%)9
- Bendri klausimai, atsakymai (ne apie techniką)
8 posts of the member's 215 posts (3.72%)8
- Ukmergė
7 posts of the member's 215 posts (3.26%)7
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
5 posts of the member's 215 posts (2.33%)5
- Garso ir video skyrius
2 posts of the member's 215 posts (0.93%)2
- Kita
1 posts of the member's 215 posts (0.47%)1
- Važiuoklės skyrius
1 posts of the member's 215 posts (0.47%)1
- Ukmergė
7 posts of the board's 2096 posts (0.33%)0.33%
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
9 posts of the board's 4037 posts (0.22%)0.22%
- AUDI in the World
18 posts of the board's 9767 posts (0.18%)0.18%
- Gyvenimo pomėgiai, interesai, hobi ar kita...
31 posts of the board's 47682 posts (0.07%)0.07%
- Kita
1 posts of the board's 1952 posts (0.05%)0.05%
- Bendri klausimai, atsakymai (ne apie techniką)
8 posts of the board's 26799 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- Garso ir video skyrius
2 posts of the board's 14837 posts (0.01%)0.01%
- Važiuoklės skyrius
1 posts of the board's 21841 posts (0.00%)0.00%
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
5 posts of the board's 163317 posts (0.00%)0.00%