- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 11 dienas, 4 valandas ir 27 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 470 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 2 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 1 balsai

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- Alytus
424 posts of the member's 470 posts (90.21%)424
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
13 posts of the member's 470 posts (2.77%)13
- AUDI in the World
8 posts of the member's 470 posts (1.70%)8
- Audi C4
7 posts of the member's 470 posts (1.49%)7
- B7
4 posts of the member's 470 posts (0.85%)4
- Dyzeliniai varikliai
3 posts of the member's 470 posts (0.64%)3
- Benzinu ir dujomis varomi varikliai
1 posts of the member's 470 posts (0.21%)1
- Kitos variklio skyriaus temos
1 posts of the member's 470 posts (0.21%)1
- Variklio skyrius
1 posts of the member's 470 posts (0.21%)1
- Servisai ir meistrai mūsų apylinkėse
1 posts of the member's 470 posts (0.21%)1
- Servisai ir meistrai mūsų apylinkėse
1 posts of the board's 21 posts (4.76%)4.76%
- Alytus
424 posts of the board's 10419 posts (4.07%)4.07%
- Aksesuarai
1 posts of the board's 154 posts (0.65%)0.65%
- Elektros dalys
1 posts of the board's 520 posts (0.19%)0.19%
- B7
4 posts of the board's 2802 posts (0.14%)0.14%
- Pakaba
1 posts of the board's 761 posts (0.13%)0.13%
- AUDI in the World
8 posts of the board's 9767 posts (0.08%)0.08%
- Variklio skyrius
1 posts of the board's 1933 posts (0.05%)0.05%
- Audi C4
7 posts of the board's 23766 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- Audi Coupe / Cabrio / Audi TT
1 posts of the board's 5852 posts (0.02%)0.02%