- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 100 dienas, 6 valandas ir 27 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 5201 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 12 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 1 balsai

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- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
2731 posts of the member's 5201 posts (52.51%)2731
- Audi C3
1396 posts of the member's 5201 posts (26.84%)1396
- V8
367 posts of the member's 5201 posts (7.06%)367
- Audi S/RS klasė
294 posts of the member's 5201 posts (5.65%)294
- Klubo narių auto parkas
69 posts of the member's 5201 posts (1.33%)69
- Auto projektai
54 posts of the member's 5201 posts (1.04%)54
- D2
39 posts of the member's 5201 posts (0.75%)39
- Važiuoklės skyrius
33 posts of the member's 5201 posts (0.63%)33
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
25 posts of the member's 5201 posts (0.48%)25
- Temų archyvas
23 posts of the member's 5201 posts (0.44%)23
- Audi Quattro/Sport Quattro
6 posts of the board's 112 posts (5.36%)5.36%
- Audi C3
1396 posts of the board's 30264 posts (4.61%)4.61%
- Garso kolonėlės
4 posts of the board's 104 posts (3.85%)3.85%
- Audi S/RS klasė
294 posts of the board's 13524 posts (2.17%)2.17%
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
2731 posts of the board's 163333 posts (1.67%)1.67%
- V8
367 posts of the board's 29281 posts (1.25%)1.25%
- Klubo narių auto parkas
69 posts of the board's 6353 posts (1.09%)1.09%
- Automobiliniai kilimeliai
1 posts of the board's 132 posts (0.76%)0.76%
- Auto projektai
54 posts of the board's 7818 posts (0.69%)0.69%
- Quattro žiemą ir ne tik
6 posts of the board's 945 posts (0.63%)0.63%