- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 164 dienas, 19 valandas ir 49 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 6902 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 1 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 12 balsai

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- Vilnius
1978 posts of the member's 6902 posts (28.66%)1978
- D2
1651 posts of the member's 6902 posts (23.92%)1651
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
1112 posts of the member's 6902 posts (16.11%)1112
- Audi C3
373 posts of the member's 6902 posts (5.40%)373
- Gyvenimo pomėgiai, interesai, hobi ar kita...
219 posts of the member's 6902 posts (3.17%)219
- Audi C5
169 posts of the member's 6902 posts (2.45%)169
- Audi S/RS klasė
128 posts of the member's 6902 posts (1.85%)128
- Bendri klausimai, atsakymai (ne apie techniką)
126 posts of the member's 6902 posts (1.83%)126
- Klubo narių auto parkas
93 posts of the member's 6902 posts (1.35%)93
- V8
83 posts of the member's 6902 posts (1.20%)83
- Vilnius
1978 posts of the board's 38395 posts (5.15%)5.15%
- D2
1651 posts of the board's 36921 posts (4.47%)4.47%
- Quattro žiemą ir ne tik
21 posts of the board's 945 posts (2.22%)2.22%
- Quattro žinynas
8 posts of the board's 400 posts (2.00%)2.00%
- Transporto paslaugos per visą LT
44 posts of the board's 2300 posts (1.91%)1.91%
- Kita
3 posts of the board's 165 posts (1.82%)1.82%
- Klubo narių auto parkas
93 posts of the board's 6343 posts (1.47%)1.47%
- Aksesuarai
2 posts of the board's 154 posts (1.30%)1.30%
- Audi C3
373 posts of the board's 30264 posts (1.23%)1.23%
- D3
18 posts of the board's 1742 posts (1.03%)1.03%