- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 113 dienas, 12 valandas ir 36 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 5199 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 23 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 8 balsai
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- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
1049 posts of the member's 5199 posts (20.18%)1049
- Vilnius
1015 posts of the member's 5199 posts (19.52%)1015
- Šiauliai
948 posts of the member's 5199 posts (18.23%)948
- Audi C4
115 posts of the member's 5199 posts (2.21%)115
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
96 posts of the member's 5199 posts (1.85%)96
- Klaipėda
91 posts of the member's 5199 posts (1.75%)91
- Įvykę renginiai
77 posts of the member's 5199 posts (1.48%)77
- Gyvenimo pomėgiai, interesai, hobi ar kita...
64 posts of the member's 5199 posts (1.23%)64
- Transporto paslaugos per visą LT
60 posts of the member's 5199 posts (1.15%)60
- Automobilis dalimis
55 posts of the member's 5199 posts (1.06%)55
- Audi klubo nariai ir forumo dalyviai auto sporto renginiuose
1 posts of the board's 14 posts (7.14%)7.14%
- Šiauliai
948 posts of the board's 14142 posts (6.70%)6.70%
- 2% gyventojo pajamų mokesčio – parama Lietuvos Audi klubui
5 posts of the board's 90 posts (5.56%)5.56%
- R15
5 posts of the board's 105 posts (4.76%)4.76%
- Automobilis dalimis
55 posts of the board's 1466 posts (3.75%)3.75%
- Vilnius
1015 posts of the board's 38359 posts (2.65%)2.65%
- Transporto paslaugos per visą LT
60 posts of the board's 2300 posts (2.61%)2.61%
- Renginiai Lietuvoje
16 posts of the board's 650 posts (2.46%)2.46%
- Audi 80/90/4000/Coupe/Coupe GT
96 posts of the board's 4037 posts (2.38%)2.38%
- Automobilių chiptuning, galios didinimas, DPF,FAP, EGR išprogramavimas
1 posts of the board's 54 posts (1.85%)1.85%