- Iš viso išbuvo prisijungęs:
- 76 dienas, 6 valandas ir 10 minutes.
- Visi pranešimai:
- 2791 pranešimai
- Visos pradėtos temos:
- 0 temos
- Sukurtų balsavimų skaičius:
- 0 apklausos
- Balsų skaičius:
- 3 balsai

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- Bendri klausimai, atsakymai (ne apie techniką)
367 posts of the member's 2791 posts (13.15%)367
- AUDI in the World
334 posts of the member's 2791 posts (11.97%)334
- Audi C3
333 posts of the member's 2791 posts (11.93%)333
- Forumo dalyvių auto garažas
231 posts of the member's 2791 posts (8.28%)231
- Audi C4
214 posts of the member's 2791 posts (7.67%)214
- Dyzeliniai varikliai
94 posts of the member's 2791 posts (3.37%)94
- B5
93 posts of the member's 2791 posts (3.33%)93
- Vilnius
90 posts of the member's 2791 posts (3.22%)90
- V8
81 posts of the member's 2791 posts (2.90%)81
- Gyvenimo pomėgiai, interesai, hobi ar kita...
42 posts of the member's 2791 posts (1.50%)42
- Servisai ir meistrai mūsų apylinkėse
2 posts of the board's 21 posts (9.52%)9.52%
- AUDI in the World
334 posts of the board's 9767 posts (3.42%)3.42%
- Quattro žinynas
10 posts of the board's 400 posts (2.50%)2.50%
- Bendri klausimai, atsakymai (ne apie techniką)
367 posts of the board's 26799 posts (1.37%)1.37%
- Audi C3
333 posts of the board's 30264 posts (1.10%)1.10%
- B5
93 posts of the board's 8676 posts (1.07%)1.07%
- Audi C4
214 posts of the board's 23766 posts (0.90%)0.90%
- Quattro klausimai - atsakymai
40 posts of the board's 6438 posts (0.62%)0.62%
- Transporto paslaugos per visą LT
10 posts of the board's 2300 posts (0.43%)0.43%
- Klubo narių auto parkas
26 posts of the board's 6353 posts (0.41%)0.41%