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Autorius Tema: Ieškoma programa Vivid Workshop Data ATI 9.2  (Skaityta 25537 kartus)

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Vivid WorkshopDATA ATI v.10.2.Q2 09.2010

WorkshopData ATI is our new information product available on CD and DVD. It is based on Vivid’s technical database, the most extensive repertory of car data in Europe. Vivid WorkshopData provides technical information on cars and light commercial vehicles, e.g. essential maintenance and repair information, adjustment data, technical drawings and engine management data.
Extra modules are: Wiring diagrams (comfort electronics) and Repair Times. Its content is second to none.
At this moment Vivid WorkshopData offers:
- Almost 6,500 engine types
- Over 45,000 technical drawings
- Over 5,600 engine management systems
- Thousands of wiring diagrams
- Millions of specified repair times
- And much more
* Identification Data
* Lubricants and Fluids
* Adjustment Data
* Environmental Data
* Maintenance
* Engine and Timing Belt
* Removal
* Repair Manuals
* Air conditioning and Climate
* Control (mechanical)
* Automatic Transmission
* ABS (mechanical)
* Key Programming
* Technical Drawings
* Engine Management
* Wiring Diagrams A/C
* Systems
* Repair Times
* Wiring Diagrams Comfort
* Electronics
* Workshop Organiser
* Electronic Smart Assistant
What's new …
Electronics Smart Assistant
Automotive electronic technology is developing rapidly. To diagnose faults accurately, the automotive technician now needs detailed information on complex electronic processors (ECU’s) and their associated components. A single diagram displayed on a PC is no longer enough.
Designed specifically for the diagnosis and repair of modern vehicle electronic systems, the Electronics Smart Assistant will change the way the automotive
aftermarket views car electronics and diagnostics. The Smart Assistant is easy to use.
You can either enter EOBD codes or go straight to an electronic component. Clear, step-by-step instructions then lead you to an accurate diagnosis.
Our database contains thousands of standard P-codes, manufacturers’ fault codes, and detailed wiring diagrams, making the diagnostic process quick and easy.
The Electronics Smart Assistant is available either integrated within the application or as a stand-alone module.
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2011 Vasario 25, 13:27:52 sukūrė exstoras »


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