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Autorius Tema: Audi VIN kodas  (Skaityta 12417 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Arce1968

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Audi VIN kodas
« Topic Start: 2011 Spalio 23, 21:19:06 »
WAU4B12N034075 Padekit issifruoti.jei galima rusu kalba.dekui is anksto

Neprisijungęs Andrius19

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Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #1: 2011 Spalio 23, 21:26:38 »


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Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #2: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 19:24:24 »
WAU4B12N034075 Padekit issifruoti.jei galima rusu kalba.dekui is anksto

Panašu, kad trūksta 3-ų skaitmenų. Neina iššifruoti niekaip  :/
Peržiūrėk VIN dar kartą...

Neprisijungęs mindziux

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Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #3: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 19:27:45 »
WAUZZZ4B12N034075 Padekit issifruoti.jei galima rusu kalba.dekui is anksto
turbūt šių.
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 19:29:40 sukūrė mindziux »


  • Svečias
Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #4: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 20:21:42 »
WAUZZZ4B12N034075 Padekit issifruoti.jei galima rusu kalba.dekui is anksto
turbūt šių.

Aha. Tikrai, juk visos audi savo vin pradeda WAUZZZ  ;)


  • Svečias
Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #5: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 20:30:39 »
WAU4B12N034075 Padekit issifruoti.jei galima rusu kalba.dekui is anksto

Lietuvių kalba:
Surinkta Vokietijoje, Neckarlsulm mieste, C5 platforma, Audi A6 Allroad Quattro modelis. Pagaminimo metai - 2002. Serijos numeris 034075, kuro rūšis - dyzelinas, paskutinė TA atlikimo data - 2011.10.25, TA galioja iki 2013.10.25., registracijos liudijimo numeris D455756, transporto klasė M1-AC, valstybinis numeris FRA666
TA istorija:

Regitros info:

Rusų kalba:
Сделано в Германии, Нецкарсулм, платформа C5, модель автомобиля Audi A6 Allroad Quattro. Сделано в 2006 году, серийный номер 034075, тип топлива - дизель, последний дата технический осмотр - 2011.10.25, техосмотр до 2013.10.25. Номер свидетельства о регистрации D455756, класса транспортного средства M1-AC, номерной знак FRA666.

информации "Regitra":
Номерной знак: FRA666
Марка: AUDI
Модель: A6 Allroad Quattro
Цвет: зеленый
Год выпуска и год выпуска: 2001
Категория, класс: M1-AC (легковой автомобиль (универсал))
Статус: Зарегистрированные
Ограничения по оформлению операций / Обеспечение: НЕТ / НЕТ
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 20:48:37 sukūrė mAtUxAz »

Neprisijungęs Andrius19

  • Įrašai: 740
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  • Miestas: Užsienis
Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #6: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 21:26:14 »
kur galima suzinot savo masinos VIN?

Neprisijungęs Evka

  • Įrašai: 34008
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Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #7: 2011 Lapkričio 01, 21:34:33 »
kur galima suzinot savo masinos VIN?

Klausimas, vertas milijono :) Dokumentuose, ant kėbulo nr lentelės, bagažinės lipduke, servizo knygoje ir t.t.

Neprisijungęs mindziux

  • Įrašai: 668
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  • Miestas: Kaunas

Neprisijungęs Bratka

  • Įrašai: 3608
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  • Miestas: Kaunas
Re: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #9: 2012 Sausio 24, 21:18:30 »
WAU4B12N034075 Padekit issifruoti.jei galima rusu kalba.dekui is anksto

galiu angliškai-
tik čia gaunas viskas krūvoj--->

Vehicle Identification No.   WAUZZZ4B12N034075
Model Designation   audi a6 av. qu. 2.5
tdi allroad
Model   A6AR 
Date of production   12.09.2001
Model year   2002
Sales type   4BH0XZ
Engine code   AKE
Transmission code   EYJ
Axle drive   5A
Interior trim code   HB
Roof color   7A
Exterior color / Paint Code   7S / Y6J

Activated carbon canister    1E0    Without activated charcoal canister 
Additional child seat anchors    3B4    Child seat anchor for child seat system ISOFIX 
Additional dust seals    6U0    Without additional seals outside 
Additional tires (winter tires)    2WA    Without additional tires 
Air bag    4UE    Air bag for driver and front seat passenger 
Anti-theft protection system    7AH    Electronic vehicle immobilization device with alarm system, passenger compartment control and backup horn 
Antifreeze    1C1    Antifreeze up to -25 degree celsius tolerance up to -30 degree C 
Auxiliary heating    9M0    Without auxiliary/parking heater 
Batteries    J1G    Battery 450 A (92 Ah) 
Body measures    5C8    Additional body measures 
Body style    K8X    Station Wagon "allroad" 
Brake type, front    1LX    Disc brakes, front 
Brake type, rear    1KD    Disc brakes, rear 
Breakaway interior mirror    4L6    Breakaway interior rear view mirror, automatically dimming 
Bumper systems    2K0    Standard bumpers 
CD ROM/DVD/SD card    7QB    CD ROM (Germany) 
CD changer/CD player    7A0    Without CD changer/CD player 
Carrier frequency for radio remote control    5D1    Carrier frequency 433.92 MHz-434.42 Mhz 
Cassette and CD storage unit    4W0    Without cassette and CD storage unit 
Center armrest    6E3    Front center armrest 
Center rear seat belts    3C7    3-point seat belt for center rear seat 
Child bench seat    3V0    Without child bench seat 
Component part sets with country-specific design requirements    B0A    Component parts set without country-specific design requirement 
Components with special surface appearance    6FB    Body-colored exterior mirror housings 
Cruise control    8T0    Without cruise control system (CCS) 
Customized installation    FC0    Without customized installation 
Dashboard    4N0    Standard dashboard 
Delivery equipment    2A4    Delivery equipment for shipment (transit coating) with thick seat cover 
Door and lid locking system    4K4    Radio remote controlled central locking 
Double-size standard radio/dual-view display    2T1    Double-sized standard (DIN) 
Drive layout    1X1    Four wheel drive 
Emission standard    0GE    Emission standard EU3 
Engine cooling system    8Z6    Hot country 
Engine specifications    MR1    6-cyl. diesel engine 2.5 L/132 kW 24V TDI with fuel distributor injection pump base engine is T1K/T5T 
Equipment levels    A8S    Standard equipment 
Exterior mirror setting    6XD    Exterior mirrors: electrically adjustable/heated 
Exterior noise suppression measures    2B7    Additional exterior noise suppression 
First aid kit / warning triangle    1T3    First aid kit with warning triangle 
Front license plate bracket    6W5    Front license plate bracket 
Front underbody guard    1SE    Additional engine and transmission guard (depending on body) 
Fuel quantity for initial filling    1Z2    Increase in initial standard fuel filling 
Fuel systems    0F3    Fuel system for diesel engine 
Gearshift boot/cover    6R0    Selector lever cover 
Gearshift knob/handle    6Q2    Leather gearshift knob/handle 
General operating permit, alterations    C18    Operating permit, alteration 
Generators    8GU    Alternator 140 A 
Hand brake lever handle    6PC    Leather hand brake lever handle 
Handling standard production and pre-production series    FA0    Control of standard production 
Headlight    8JG    Headlight with gas discharge lamp for driving on the right 
Headlight activation    8K0    Without special headlight activation 
Headlight washer system    8X1    Headlight washer system 
Headlight-range adjustment    8Q3    Automatic headlight-range adjustment dynamic (self-adjusting while driving) 
Heat accumulator system/additional heater    7E6    Electric auxiliary air heater 
Heating and air conditioning system    9AK    Climatronic with impact pressure control free of cfc 
Identification plates    1EX    Special identification plate for EC for M1 passenger vehicle 
Insert for the filling up of unleaded fuel/fuel type    2G0    Without insert for the filling up of fuel 
Inserts    5TS    Decorative burr walnut inserts, natural, high-gloss 
Installation parts for engine (engine mount system)    1VH    Installation parts for six-cylinder engine 
Label for central electric    0W1    Label for central electric German-speaking countries 
Leather parts scope    3HA    Without leather parts scope 
Left exterior mirror    5SL    Left exterior mirror: aspherical 
Lock operation for tailgate/trunk lid    4E0    Tailgate/trunk lid unlocking from outside 
Lockable wheel bolts    1PC    Wheel bolts with anti-theft protection (unlockable) 
Luggage compartment floor covering    6SJ    Trunk floor covering, reversible mat (rubber/fabric) 
Luggage compartment lining    5A5    Trunk lining, with stowage trays 
Lumbar support    7P1    Power adjustable lumbar support in front seats 
Moldings    4ZK    Colored moldings 
Multi-function display/trip computer    9Q2    Multi-function display/on-board computer with check control 
Navigation device    7Q2    Navigation system with color screen 
Owner's manuals    0VC    Information kit in German 
Paint preservative/transit coating    5K1    Paint preservative (wax) 
Park distance control    7X0    Without park distance control 
Partition    3CB    Removable net partition 
Quattro GmbH    FQ0    Standard production wheels 
Radios    8AY    Radio/navigation system 
Rear axle    0N6    Rear axle with reduced tread 
Rear cargo area    3GD    Plane rear cargo area 
Rear fog light    8TC    Rear fog light for driving on the right 
Rear headrests    3Q6    Three rear headrests 
Rear seats    3NZ    Rear seat bench unsplit, backrest split folding 
Rear trim panel    6V1    Rear trim panel (ECE) 
Right exterior mirror    5RU    Right exterior mirror: convex (large viewing field) 
Roll-up sun screen for rear and side windows    3Y0    Without roll-up sun screen 
Roof insert/convertible top    3FA    Without roof insert (standard roof) 
Roof rails/roof load rack    3S9    Roof rails 
Safety certificate    0LW    Special plates/stickers/ safety certificates for Germany 
Scuff plates    7M3    Scuff plates in door apertures 
Seat adjustment    3L5    Electric seat adjustment for both front seats 
Seat belt check    9P0    Without seat belt reminder 
Seat covering    N5A    Leather seat covering "Cricket" 
Seat heater    4A3    Seat heater for front seats separately controlled 
Self-collection / special control    A00    No self-collection 
Shock absorption/suspension, chassis    1BY    4-corner air suspension for rough-road design 
Side air bag    4X4    Side air bag, front and rear with curtain air bag 
Side and rear windows    4KC    Side and rear windows in heat-insulating glass 
Sill top/sill cover    5E9    Sill top with door cover 
Ski bag    3X1    Load-through provision with ski bag 
Spare wheel/breakdown set    1G8    Breakdown set 
Speaker installation    9VD    Speaker (active) 
Special editions    E0A    No special edition 
Special labels/plates    0ST    Labels/plates in German and French 
Steering    1N3    Speed-related variable steering assist (Servotronic) 
Steering column systems    2C5    Axial and vertical adjustable steering column 
Steering system arrangement    L0L    Left-hand drive vehicle 
Steering wheels    2ZS    Leather trimmed multi-function steering wheel with Tiptronic 
Tachograph/logbook    9NX    Without electronic logbook 
Telepay device    9B0    Without telepay device 
Telephone/telematics    9ZH    Car phone installation with emergency call system (telematics 1) 
Tie down straps/net/pocket    6M1    Tie down straps 
Tire pressure warning light    7K1    Tire pressure warning light 
Tires    H4Z    Tires 235/40 R19 96W x1 (polymer coating) 
Trailer hitch    1D2    Trailer hitch, removable and lockable 
Transit coating    NT0    Transit coating (type 1) 
Transmission shafts    1WD    Transmission shaft for tripod joints 
Transmission shafts, rear axle    1YD    Transmission shafts for rear axle diameter 108 
Transmission specifications    G0Q    5-speed automatic transmission for four-wheel drive vehicle 
Transmission types/gearshift mechanisms    0G7    Tiptronic 
Type approval countries/countries with special requirements    B01    Type approval Germany 
Type sign    2Z0    Deletion of model designation 
Vehicle class differentiation units/platform components    0DS    Vehicle class differentiation 4B0 
Vehicle specifications    F0A    No special purpose vehicle, standard equipment 
Weight category front axle    0JZ    Without determination of weight category for front axle 
Weight category rear axle    0YZ    Without determination of weight category for rear axle 
Wheels    CD4    Alloy wheels 9.5J x 20 
Windshield glass type    4GH    Windshield in heat-insulating glass with sunshield 
Windshield wiper intermittent control    8N4    Windshield wiper intermittent control with potentiometer (four speeds) 
Audio-response system/voice control    QH0    Without voice control 
Child seats    QA0    Without child seat 
Front seats    Q1E    RECARO sports seats, front 
TV reception/digital radio reception    QV0    W/o TV reception/digital radio reception 
Base engine    T5T    6-cylinder diesel engine 2.5 L unit 059.B 
Danger alarm system    VY0    Without danger alarm system 
Hands-free system    VX0    Without hands-free system 
Instrument inserts    U2B    Instrument insert with km/h speedometer, radio-controlled clock, tachometer, trip odometer and additional instruments 
Remote-controlled garage door opener    VC0    W/o remote-controlled garage door opener 
Tire suppliers    V0A    Tires w/o specification of tire brand 

Neprisijungęs G1dzius

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Ats: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #10: 2012 Birželio 08, 03:22:14 »
WAUZZZ8DZVA172189  is anksto aciu

Neprisijungęs rainau

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Ats: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #11: 2012 Rugpjūčio 17, 15:11:21 »
laba. noreciau suzinot daugiau apie savo audi
vin kodas : WAUZZZ8DZWA154665
Is anksto aciu

Neprisijungęs fuxas303

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Ats: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #12: 2012 Lapkričio 19, 17:22:55 »
dekui is anksto jeigu galit ka suzinot

Neprisijungęs only AUDI

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Ats: Audi VIN kodas
« Atsakymas #13: 2012 Lapkričio 19, 17:52:39 »
Jau pries tai parase, yra tam skirta tema,667.0/topicseen.html ten ir klausiame. Sita rakinu , kad nesimaisytu.


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