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Autorius Tema: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai  (Skaityta 66813 kartus)

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VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Topic Start: 2009 Vasario 18, 23:30:17 »
Sveki diagnostikos mėgėjai.
Ko gero teko ne vienam susidurti su situacija, kuomet užsukus į "Mesuring Blocks" ar "Adaptation" nematote paaiškinimų ką konkretus parametras reiškia, arba matote klaidingai.
Tei ve, ar yra čia žmonių, rašančių/taisančių label failus?
Būtų įdomu pasidalinti patirtimi (failais)

P.S. Kuo a/m naujesnė ir jos ECU sudėtingesni, tuo daugiau darbo reikia įdėti t.y. laiko ir žinių

Neprisijungęs Minde

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #1: 2009 Vasario 19, 10:17:28 »
Sveikas diagnostikos mėgėjau :)
dėl lbl rašymo tai tikrai to nepraktikuoju, bet ross-tech'as tuom užsiema, nežinau ar matei,bet serveriuke jis tikrai nemažą krūvą tų lbl sukrovęs. Nežinau ar čia tie patys, kur su standartine įranga duodami, nesidomėjai?

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #2: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:22:32 »
As tik autoscan'o kanalus pasikoregavau, dasirasiau modelius, tik va dabar mastau ar verta detis label failus i DCDS ir ross'o puslapio. Ar padaugetu pateikiamos info ?!? Pas 607 tai padaugejo, bet kaip su astuntu vagu :V

Neprisijungęs dariniz

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #3: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:40:18 »
As tik autoscan'o kanalus pasikoregavau, dasirasiau modelius, tik va dabar mastau ar verta detis label failus i DCDS ir ross'o puslapio. Ar padaugetu pateikiamos info ?!? Pas 607 tai padaugejo, bet kaip su astuntu vagu :V
Aš pas save sukergęs velniai žino iš kiek versijų (tuo pačiu ir vokiškus).
Ką galima , pastebėti, kad ross-techas pagrinde naujina tik naujom mašinom ir didele dalimi ne mūsų rinkos mašinom, t.y. kažkokiu mažalitraškių nelabai ir papildo.
Va mokant vokiečių kalbą, kur kas geriau dirbti su vokiška versija. ten kur kas geresnė rinka. Aš ši bei tą pasiskolinu iš vokiečių ;)

Kaip pvz. pateiksiu Ross-techo (iš VCDS 805.3) ir savo perdarytus label failus (atskirose žinutėse, kad aiškiau būtų).

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #4: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:41:55 »

; VAG-COM Measuring Block Labels file.
; Module 35 -- Central Locking
; from USA 2001 Audi allroad quattro
;      (with solar sunroof)
; ECU p/n :   8B0-862-258-J
; Component:   Central Lock/Alarm D33
; Soft coding:   15885
; Modification history
; created:  Paul Cunningham,  6 June 2001
; email corrections and comments to
;suspect sunroof is in here somewhere
1,1,,Not Op
1,2,,Not Op
1,3,LH Drvr,door lock
2,1,Not Op
2,2,(no data)
2,3,RH Fr.Pass,door lock
3,1,RH rear,door lock
3,3,LH rear,door lock
4,0,System Settings
4,1,LH Front Door
4,2,RH Front Door
4,3,RH Rear Door
4,4,LH Rear Door
5,1,Not Op
5,3,Not Op
5,4,Not Op
6,1,Auto Dome light
;not sure which relay
6,2,,Relay ON|OFF
6,3,,Not Op
7,1,,048 000 000
8,1,Vehicle speed
8,4,(no data)
9,0,Bits 011 1110 0000 1101

Neprisijungęs dariniz

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #5: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:42:27 »
; VAG-COM Measuring Block Labels file.
; Module 35 -- Central Locking
; Audi A6 (1998)
; ECU p/n :   4B0 962 258 B
; Component:   Zentralverrieg.,DWA D28
; Soft coding:   04618
; Modification history
; created:  dariniz, 2008-11-23
; includes measuring blocks, adaptation and coding
; Measuring block informations
1,0,Driver's door status
1,1,Key switch, driver's door,Display Range: open/closed/disabled
1,2,CL interior switch, driver's door,Display Range: locked/unlocked/disabled
1,3,Feedback signal, lock, driver's door,Display Range: locked/unlocked
1,4,Feedback signal, lock, driver's door,Display Range: safe/not safe
2,0,Passenger's door status
2,1,Key switch, passenger's door,Display Range: open/closed/not actuated
2,2,Not in use
2,3,Feedback signal, lock, passenger's door,Display Range: locked/unlocked
2,4,Feedback signal, lock, passenger's door,Display Range: safe/not safe
3,0,Rear door's status
3,1,Feedback signal. lock, rear right,Display Range: locked/unlocked
3,2,Feedback signal. lock, rear right,Display Range: safe/not safe
3,3,Feedback signal. lock, rear left,Display Range: locked/unlocked
3,4,Feedback signal. lock, rear left,Display Range: safe/not safe
4,0,Open door's status
4,1,Door contact switch, driver's door,Display Range: Door open/Door closed
4,2,Door contact switch, passenger's door,Display Range: Door open/Door closed
4,3,Door contact switch, rear right,Display Range: Door open/Door closed
4,4,Door contact switch, rear left,Display Range: Door open/Door closed
5,0,Tailgate or boot lid
5,1,Key switch, tailgate,Display Range: open/closed/disabled
5,2,Contact switch,boot lid,Display Range: Tailgate open/Tailgate closed
5,3,Remote release,boot lid,Display Range: open/not actuated
5,4,Soft touch for,tailgate release,Display Range: open/not actuated
6,1,Interior light,,Display Range: on/off
6,2,Switch-off delay,terminal 15 (logic relay),Display Range: Relay ON/Relay OFF
6,3,Automatic open,/close function,Display Range: open/closed/disabled
6,4,Luggage,compartment light,Display Range: on/off
7,1,Position of,matched key,Display Range: 0 or 1 2 3 4
7,2,Remote command,buttons,Display Range: 1st position - OPEN / 2nd position - CLOSE / 3rd position - TAILGATE
7,3,Matched keys, in position (1/2/3/4 mem.pos.),Display Range: 0-vacant (not matched) / 1-assigned (matched)
7,4,Not in use
8,1,Vehicle speed signal
8,2,Immobiliser,Display Range: ON/OFF
8,3,Not in use
8,4,Not in use
9,1,Coding,,Display Range: 001-Confirming remote opening (flashes 2x) / 010-can be ignored (always 0) / 100-Remote CL. Mech. SCL
9,2,Coding,,Display Range: 0001-Lighting control, Avant / 0010-Confirming remote locking (flashes 1x) / 0100-Confirming ATW using the horn / 1000-Terminal 87 Door logic
9,3,Coding,,Display Range: 0001-Tail locking via speed/0010-Central locking via speed/0100-Convenience function remote window lifter/1000-RHD
9,4,Coding,,Display Range: 0001-Tailgate release / 0010-Confirming ATW flashes / 0100-SCL active / 1000-ATW active
; coding information
C00,Central locking (J429) Coding (see label file)
C01,no *   - can be used
C02,with * - aditional, user choice
C04,+00000 -
C05,+00001 - Open tailgate, tailgate lock cylinder (3 button)
C06,+00002 - Confirming ATW flashes
C07,+00004 - * Security central locking
C08,+00008 - Anti-theft alarm (ATW) is activated
C09,+00016 - * Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving
C10,+00032 - * Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h
C11,+00064 - Comfort closing/locking via radio remote control
C12,+00128 - RHD
C13,+00256 - Alarm cycle sounder for ROW
C14,+00512 - Confirming remote locking (flashes 1x)
C15,+01024 -
C16,+02048 - Window lifter logic, USA
C17,+04096 - Confirming remote opening (flashes 2x)
C18,+08192 - Radio remote control is activated (old or USA)
;Coding table up to approx. CW 32.98 (two-key remote keys)
;4672 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) without anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;4682 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;The control units fitted in vehicles from the initial production run do not include the remote function for automatic
;opening and closing of the electric window lifters. The basic codings for the original control units were
;4608 (without ATW) and 4618 (with ATW).
;In addition to the basic encoding customers can be offered the following extras:
;without ATW      with ATW
;4676         4686      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;4688         4698      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;4692(with SCL)      4702(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;4704         4714      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;4708(with SCL)      4718(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;Coding table up to CW 18.00 (with introduction of three-key remote keys)
;4673 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) without anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;4683 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;In addition to the basic encoding customers can be offered the following extras:
;without ATW      with ATW
;4677         4687      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;4689         4699      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;4693(with SCL)      4703(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;4705         4715      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;4709(with SCL)      4719(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;Coding table as of CW 18.00 (three-key remote keys)
;6721 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) without anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;6731 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;In addition to the basic encoding customers can be offered the following extras:
;without ATW      with ATW
;6725         6735      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;6737         6745      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6741(with SCL)      6751(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6753         6763      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;6757(with SCL)      6767(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;Coding table as of CW 18.01 (with introduction of software version D35)
;6721 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) without anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;6987 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;In addition to the basic encoding customers can be offered the following extras:
;without ATW      with ATW
;6725         6991      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;6737         7003      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6741(with SCL)      7007(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6753         7019      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;6757(with SCL)      7023(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;Coding table as of CW 18.01 for vehicles with British registration (with introduction of software version D35)
;6859 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;         with ATW
;         6863      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;         6875      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;         6879(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;         6891      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32);
;         6895(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;Coding table as of CW 18.01 for vehicles with Japanese registration (with introduction of software version D35)
;6657 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) without anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;6667 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW)
;6785 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) without anti-theft alarm (ATW). Vehicles designed for right-hand drive
;6795 - Basic encoding for central locking (CL) with anti-theft alarm (ATW). Vehicles designed for right-hand drive
;In addition to the basic encoding customers can be offered the following extras:
;without ATW      with ATW
;6661         6671      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;6673         6683      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6677(with SCL)      6687(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6689         6699      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;6693(with SCL)      6703(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;Vehicles designed for right-hand drive. In addition to the basic encoding customers can be offered the following extras:
;without ATW      with ATW
;6789         6799      - Security central locking (basic code + 4)
;6801         6811      - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6805(with SCL)      6815(with SCL)   - Luggage compartment locks automatically when vehicle starts moving (basic code + 16)
;6817         6827      - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
;6821(with SCL)      6831(with SCL)   - Automatic locking of vehicle as of a speed of approx. 40 km/h (basic code + 32)
; adaptation
A021,0,Remote Key Adaptation (if not valid - see label file)
;1 - Select the desired memory position (free) of key being matched
;2 - Press remote opening/closing button
;3 - The display "setting" changes after recognising a remote command to "recognised"
;matching remote keys by using a second key
;1 - Unlock the vehicle from the outside via the driver's door lock
;2 - Switch on the ignition (using anny key).
; Check in measured value block 007 display zone 3 how many keys have already been matched

; Indicated on display: Read measured value block        7
;    0    0000    1100
;Display zone 3 shows how many remote keys have been matched and in which memory positions
;(2x in positions 1 and 2 in example shown).
;3 - Lock vehicle from outside with the key to be adapted by way of the driver's lock door.
;4 - Within 5 seconds press "unlock" key of remote key until next memory position is reached (3x in example).
;Each time the button is pressed the hazard lights will flash to confirm.
;5 - Wait 5 seconds.
;6 - Then press "unlock" key again. This unlocks the vehicle => key has been successfully matched.
;7 - Switch off ignition and remove ignition key.
;8 - Check function of new remote key.
;Check display zone 3 in measured value block 007 => 
;Deleting memory addresses
;It is possible to erase memory positions, if, for example, a customer has lost a radio remote control key.
;1 - Switch on the ignition using a key.
;2 - Lock vehicle from outside with the key to be adapted by way of the driver's lock door.
;3 - Press "open/unlock" button on radio remote control key five times at 1 second intervals.
;Each time the button is pressed the hazard lights will flash to confirm.
;4 - Switch off ignition and remove ignition key. Memory positions are erased, it must not be possible
; to unlock central locking system by pressing "remote opening" button.
;5 - Check display zone 3 in measured value block 007. All memory positions must now be erased and reset to "0" (in example: 0000).
;Up to four keys can now be re-matched once again.

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #6: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:46:29 »
Sveikas diagnostikos mėgėjau :)
dėl lbl rašymo tai tikrai to nepraktikuoju, bet ross-tech'as tuom užsiema, nežinau ar matei,bet serveriuke jis tikrai nemažą krūvą tų lbl sukrovęs. Nežinau ar čia tie patys, kur su standartine įranga duodami, nesidomėjai?
Mačiau ir žinau ;)
Tie patys, jie būna su standartine įranga

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #7: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:56:27 »
 :V nu jo  :V

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #8: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:57:15 »
galima bandyt imt vokiškus ir su automatiniu vertėju verst, bet kad tik cirkų nesigautų :D

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #9: 2009 Vasario 19, 15:57:53 »
Va codingo patskazkiu labiausiai pasigendu :E

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #10: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:00:43 »
galima bandyt imt vokiškus ir su automatiniu vertėju verst, bet kad tik cirkų nesigautų :D

reiketu su promtu pabandyt. ten yra spec zodynai technikai, kompams ir panasiai. o cia ne is elsos info paimta?

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #11: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:01:41 »
galima bandyt imt vokiškus ir su automatiniu vertėju verst, bet kad tik cirkų nesigautų :D
Neperežyvaite ;) Briedai vietomis gaunasi.
Automatu praverti, o paskui ilgai ir nuobodžiai rankutėmis su žodyno ir literatūros pagalba taisai

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #12: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:03:33 »
Va codingo patskazkiu labiausiai pasigendu :E
Pameni klausei apie centrinio raktų pririšimą tokiai mašinai? pažvelk nuo vietos "adaptation" ;)

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #13: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:05:21 »
Visko noriu :E
:D :D

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #14: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:10:24 »
reiketu su promtu pabandyt. ten yra spec zodynai technikai, kompams ir panasiai. o cia ne is elsos info paimta?
Pirminė info imama iš automobilio valdymo bloko. Jeigu eis kalba apie variklį, tai pageidautina 2-3 kartus (šalta tik ant degimo, užvesta bešylanti, užvesta normalioj darbinėj temperatūroj).
Paskui imama ELSA ir kiti žinynai, panašūs label failai, identiški ne ENG label failai, žodynai, vertėjai ... ir dirbama  ?!?
Na o galop, pageidautina pratestuoti ant tokio pačio ECU.

P.S. Šeštadienį galėsiu detaliau papasakoti ir parodyti kaip tai daryti (aišku, jei pas jus bus noras ir pageidavimas)

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #15: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:13:13 »

P.S. Šeštadienį galėsiu detaliau papasakoti ir parodyti kaip tai daryti (aišku, jei pas jus bus noras ir pageidavimas)

 (+) (+) (+)

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #16: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:16:10 »
Visko noriu :E
:D :D
Apie viską - šeštadienį ;)

O dabar susirask pas save paminėtą mano label failą, atsidaryk jį su notepadu, ir...

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #17: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:25:29 »
As tik autoscan'o kanalus pasikoregavau, dasirasiau modelius, ...
tokį įsitraukei? :
7M,Ford Galaxy,01,02,03,08,09,15,16,17,18,19,22,25,29,36,37,39,45,46,55,56,76

o tokį? :
2D,VW LT,01,25

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #18: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:35:37 »
Prie fordu nelysiu, nesvarbu kad nuskaito ;)
Turiu D11 V8,01,02,08 :D dar turiu Pagrindai Audi,01,02,03,08,15,25 :D O kai kuriuos kanalus tiesiog pratryniau, nes kaip pvz senu A4 komplektacijos buna zenkliai biednesnes nei siulo patikrinti :-]

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #19: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:46:34 »
Prie fordu nelysiu, nesvarbu kad nuskaito ;)
Tai, kad Galaxy grynas VW elektronikos atžvilgiu, išskyrus kai kuriuos variklius (01) ir immobilaizerius (25).

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #20: 2009 Vasario 19, 16:47:25 »
Prie fordu nelysiu, nesvarbu kad nuskaito ;)
Tai, kad Galaxy grynas VW elektronikos atžvilgiu, išskyrus kai kuriuos variklius (01) ir immobilaizerius (25).

ne tik elektronikos  :-]

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #21: 2009 Vasario 20, 12:51:50 »
ne tik elektronikos  :-]
tema apie elektroniką, o ne apie mechaniką  :P (be)

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #22: 2009 Vasario 22, 20:25:52 »
Kieno ta A8?
koks variklio kodas?

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #23: 2009 Vasario 22, 21:05:11 »
Kieno ta A8?
koks variklio kodas?

Mano (h) AUW

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Re: VAG-COM, VCDS label failai
« Atsakymas #24: 2009 Vasario 22, 21:52:30 »
nuo diagnostikos ir label failu siandien visa diena galva skaudejo, nezinot kodel? :D


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