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Autorius Tema: VAG-COM diagnostines irangos instaliavimas, naudojimas, problemos  (Skaityta 244805 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Slashai, jei esui ieškai, susipaišom, duosiu aš tau leiblus, man kažkaip free resursą skriagint tai ką aš žinau (!?)
Free? :bedantis: :-] Tu gal parodyk man kur jie metos ir ne tie, kurios duoda prie lauzto kiniecio softo, ar galu gale kur free duoda prie originalaus softo.
Free vadinciau Label folderyje esancius, ju buna pas vienus ~1200vnt, pas kitus buna ~1700-1800vnt. Kam atsiusti - imkite mielai, tai free ir besimetantys internete.

Paskui yra "User", ten va ir yra tie, apie kuriuos kalbejau, ju pas mane nera daug, bet virs 870vnt ir toli grazu ne visus rasiau. Yra ir mano, yra taisytu nes buve klaidu.

Prisegu vieną Label iš "User". Kiekviena eilutė rašyta žmogaus remiantis turima literatūra. Gali iš vis išsiversti į Lietuvių kalbą - bus unikalus labelis
P.s. šeip jau reikia parasyti kurio label reikia, kuriam kompui, nes dar didelis klausimas ar is vis ji kas nors turi, o tu apie free kalbi :goodboy:

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
; VAG-COM Label File
; Audi A4 (8E) / Audi A6 (4F) / Audi A8 (4E)
; Component: Motor (#01) - ASN/AVK/BBJ/BGN
; P/N: 8E0-909-559-???
;      4E0-909-559-???
; includes measuring blocks, basic setting, coding, coding-II and adaptation
; This file is part of a redirection package,
; make sure you have all of the following files.
; 4E-01.LBL
; 8E-01.LBL
; 06C-909-559-ASN.LBL (3.0l E   @ 220 HP - ASN/AVK/BBJ/BGN)
; last modification: 21/Feb/2008
; requires VAG-COM 604.3 or newer
; measuring blocks & basic setting
001,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
001,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
001,3,Lambda Control,Bank 1
001,4,Lambda Control,Bank 2
002,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
002,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
002,3,Injection Timing,,Range: 1.0...18.0 ms\nSpecification (Idle): 1.0...5.0 ms
002,4,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
003,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
003,2,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
003,3,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...93.0 %
003,4,Ignition,Timing Angle,Range: -20.0...+50.0 °CF\nSpecification (Idle): 0.0...+25.0 °v.OT
004,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
004,2,Battery Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 11.0...15.0 V
004,3,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
004,4,Intake Air,Temperature (G42),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): < +80.0 °C (max. +115.0 °C)
005,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
005,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
005,3,Vehicle Speed,,Range: 0.0...300.0 km/h
005,4,Load Status,,Range: Idle/Partial Throttle/Wide Open Throttle (WOT)/Enrichment/Deceleration
006,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
006,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
006,3,Intake Air,Temperature (G42),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): < +80.0 °C (max. +115.0 °C)
006,4,Altitude,Correction Factor
008,0,General (Brake System)
008,1,Brake Condition,,Range: Operated/Not Oper.
008,2,Vacuum Pump,Status,Range: Pump ON/Pump OFF
008,3,Brake Booster,Pressure
008,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B008,0,Vacuum Pump Test (Short Trip)
; Engine OFF, Ignition ON, Shift Lever: P/N
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal twice > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Sys. OK"
B008,1,Brake Condition,,Range: Operated/Not Oper.
B008,2,Vacuum Pump,Status,Range: Pump ON/Pump OFF
B008,3,Brake Booster,Pressure,
B008,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK\nSpecification: Sys. OK
010,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
010,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
010,3,Throttle Valve Angle,Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 0.0...3.0 %
010,4,Ignition,Timing Angle,Range: -20.0...+50.0 °CF \nSpecification (Idle): 0.0...+25.0 °v.OT
011,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
011,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
011,3,Intake Air,Temperature (G42),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): < +80.0 °C (max. +115.0 °C)
011,4,Ignition,Timing Angle,Range: -20.0...+50.0 °CF\nSpecification (Idle): 0.0...+25.0 °v.OT
014,0,Ignition (Misfire Recognition - Total)
014,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
014,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
014,3,Misfire,(total),Specification: 0...10
014,4,Misfire,Recognition,Range: Disabled/Enabled
015,0,Ignition (Misfire Recognition - Cylinder 1-3)
015,1,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 1,Range: 0...10
015,2,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 2,Range: 0...10
015,3,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 3,Range: 0...10
015,4,Misfire,Recognition,Range: Disabled/Enabled
016,0,Ignition (Misfire Recognition - Cylinder 4-6)
016,1,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 4,Range: 0...10
016,2,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 5,Range: 0...10
016,3,Misfire Counter,Cylinder 6,Range: 0...10
016,4,Misfire,Recognition,Range: Disabled/Enabled
018,0,RPM/Load Barriers (Misfire Recognition)
018,1,Lower,RPM Barrier,Range: 0...7000 RPM
018,2,Upper,RPM Barrier,Range: 0...7000 RPM
018,3,Lower,Load Barrier,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
018,4,Upper,Load Barrier,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
020,0,Ignition (Timing Retardation Cylinder 1-4)
020,1,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 1,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
020,2,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 2,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
020,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 3,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
020,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 4,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
021,0,Ignition (Timing Retardation Cylinder 5-6)
021,1,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 5,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
021,2,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 6,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
022,0,Ignition (Timing Retardation Cylinder 1 && 2)
022,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
022,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
022,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 1,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
022,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 2,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
023,0,Ignition (Timing Retardation Cylinder 3 && 4)
023,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
023,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
023,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 3,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
023,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 4,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
024,0,Ignition (Timing Retardation Cylinder 5 && 6)
024,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
024,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
024,3,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 5,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
024,4,Timing Retardation,Cylinder 6,Specification: 0.0...12.0 °CF
026,0,Ignition (Knock Control Cylinder 1-4)
026,1,Knock Sensor,Voltage Cyl. 1
026,2,Knock Sensor,Voltage Cyl. 2
026,3,Knock Sensor,Voltage Cyl. 3
026,4,Knock Sensor,Voltage Cyl. 4
027,0,Ignition (Knock Control Cylinder 5-6)
027,1,Knock Sensor,Voltage Cyl. 5
027,2,Knock Sensor,Voltage Cyl. 6
028,0,Ignition (Knock Sensor Test)
028,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
028,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
028,3,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
028,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK\nSpecification: Sys. OK
B028,0,Ignition (Knock Sensor Test - Short Trip)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases to 2200 RPM automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Sys. OK"
B028,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Basic Setting): ~2200 RPM
B028,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
B028,3,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
B028,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Sys. OK/Sys. not OK\nSpecification: Sys. OK
030,0,Lambda Control (Sensor Status)
030,1,Bank 1,Sensor 1,See Label File
; 1xxxx - Lambda Sensor Control Cyl. 1 active
; x1xxx - Catalytic Converter Venting active
; xx1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; xxx1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xxxx1 - Lambda Control active
030,2,Bank 1,Sensor 2,See Label File
; 1xxx - Lambda Control (P-Portion) active
; x1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; xx1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xxx1 - Lambda Control (I-Portion) active
030,3,Bank 2,Sensor 1,See Label File
; 1xxxx - Lambda Sensor Control Cyl. 1 active
; x1xxx - Catalytic Converter Venting active
; xx1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; xxx1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xxxx1 - Lambda Control active
030,4,Bank 2,Sensor 2,See Label File
; 1xxx - Lambda Control (P-Portion) active
; x1xx - Lambda Sensor Heating on
; xx1x - Lambda Sensor ready
; xxx1 - Lambda Control (I-Portion) active
031,0,Lambda Control (Lambda Sensor Voltages)
031,1,Lambda Control,Bank 1 (actual),Range: 0.80...2.00 V
031,2,Lambda Control,Bank 1 (specified),Range: 0.80...1.00 V
031,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2 (actual),Range: 0.80...2.00 V
031,4,Lambda Control,Bank 2 (specified),Range: 0.80...1.00 V
032,0,Lambda Control (Mixture Adaptation)
032,1,Adaptation (Idle),Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range: -10.0...+10.0 %\nSpecification: -4.0...+4.0 %
032,2,Adaptation (Partial),Bank 1 Sensor 1,,Range: -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification: -10.0...+10.0 %
032,3,Adaptation (Idle),Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range: -10.0...+10.0 %\nSpecification: -4.0...+4.0 %
032,4,Adaptation (Partial),Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range: -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification: -10.0...+10.0 %
033,0,Lambda Control
033,1,Lambda Control,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range: -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification: -4.0...+4.0 %
033,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Specification: 0.8...1.0 V
033,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range: -25.0...+25.0 %\nSpecification: -4.0...+4.0 %
033,4,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Specification: 0.8...1.0 V
034,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 1 Sensor 1)
034,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
034,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Specification: 300...800 °C
034,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Specification 0.3...1.0
034,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 not OK/B1-S1 OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B034,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 1 Sensor 1)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S1 OK"
B034,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B034,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Specification: 300...800 °C
B034,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Specification 0.3...1.0
B034,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 not OK/B1-S1 OK\nSpecification: B1-S1 OK
035,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 2 Sensor 1)
035,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
035,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Specification: 300...800 °C
035,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Specification 0.3...1.0
035,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 not OK/B2-S1 OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B035,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 2 Sensor 1)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B2-S1 OK"
B035,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B035,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Specification: 300...800 °C
B035,3,Dynamic Factor,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Specification 0.3...1.0
B035,4,Result,Lambda Aging,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 not OK/B2-S1 OK\nSpecification: B2-S1 OK
036,0,Lambda Control (Sensor Readiness - After Catalyst)
036,1,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
036,2,Result,Lambda Availability,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 not OK/B1-S2 OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
036,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
036,4,Result,Lambda Availability,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 not OK/B2-S2 OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B036,0,Lambda Control (Sensor Readiness - After Catalyst)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S2 OK"
B036,1,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B036,2,Result,Lambda Availability,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 not OK/B1-S2 OK\nSpecification: B1-S2 OK
B036,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B036,4,Result,Lambda Availability,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 not OK/B2-S2 OK\nSpecification: B2-S2 OK
037,0,Lambda Control (Delta Lambda Bank 1)
037,1,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
037,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
037,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 1 Sensor 2
037,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 OK/B1-S1 n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B037,0,Lambda Control (Delta Lambda Bank 1)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S1 OK"
B037,1,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
B037,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B037,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 1 Sensor 2
B037,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1 OK/B1-S1 n.OK\nSpecification: B1-S1 OK
038,0,Lambda Control (Delta Lambda Bank 2)
038,1,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
038,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
038,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 2 Sensor 2
038,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 OK/B2-S1 n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B038,0,Lambda Control (Delta Lambda Bank 2)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B2-S1 OK"
B038,1,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
B038,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B038,3,Delta Lambda,Bank 2 Sensor 2
B038,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1 OK/B2-S1 n.OK\nSpecification: B2-S1 OK
039,0,Lambda Control (Sensor Exchange)
039,1,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
039,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
039,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
039,4,Result,Sensor Exchange,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B039,0,Lambda Control (Sensor Exchange)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
B039,1,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
B039,2,Sensor Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B039,3,Sensor Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B039,4,Result,Sensor Exchange,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Syst. OK
041,0,Lambda Control (Lambda Sensor Heating Bank 1)
041,1,Resistance,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range: 0.0...0.5 kOhm
041,2,Heater Condition,,Display Range: Htg. S1 OFF/Htg. S1 ON
041,3,Resistance,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Range: 0.0...0.5 kOhm
041,4,Heater Condition,,Display Range: Htg. S2 OFF/Htg. S2 ON
042,0,Lambda Control (Lambda Sensor Heating Bank 2)
042,1,Resistance,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Range: 0.0...0.5 kOhm
042,2,Heater Condition,,Display Range: Htg. S1 OFF/Htg. S1 ON
042,3,Resistance,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Range: 0.0...0.5 kOhm
042,4,Heater Condition,,Display Range: Htg. S2 OFF/Htg. S2 ON
043,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 1 Sensor 2)
043,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
043,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.
043,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 1,Range: 0.0...1.0 V
043,4,Result,Aging Check,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 OK/B1-S2 n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B043,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 1 Sensor 2)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B1-S2 OK"
B043,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B043,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.
B043,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 1 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B043,4,Result,Aging Check,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S2 OK/B1-S2 n.OK\nSpecification: B1-S2 OK
044,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 2 Sensor 2)
044,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
044,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.
044,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 1,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
044,4,Result,Aging,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 OK/B2-S2 n.OK\nSpecification: B2-S2 OK
B044,0,Lambda Control (Aging Check: Bank 2 Sensor 2)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "B2-S2 OK"
B044,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B044,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.
B044,3,Lambda Voltage,Bank 2 Sensor 2,Specification: 0.0...1.0 V
B044,4,Result,Aging Check,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S2 OK/B2-S2 n.OK\nSpecification: B2-S2 OK
046,0,Lambda Control (Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 1)
046,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
046,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Specification: 450.0...750.0 °C
046,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 2,Specification (EU4): max. 0.58\nSpecification (ULEV 1/LEV 2): max. 0.47
046,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/CatB1 OK/CatB1 n.OK\nSpecification: CatB1 OK
B046,0,Lambda Control (Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 1)
; Short Trips 034/035/036/037/038/039/043/044 must be OK
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "CatB1 OK"
B046,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B046,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 1 Temp.,Specification: 450.0...750.0 °C
B046,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 1,Specification (EU4): max. 0.58\nSpecification (ULEV 1/LEV 2): max. 0.47
B046,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/CatB1 OK/CatB1 n.OK\nSpecification: CatB1 OK
047,0,Lambda Control (Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 2)
047,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
047,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Specification: 450.0...750.0 °C
047,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 2,Specification (EU4): max. 0.58\nSpecification (ULEV 1/LEV 2): max. 0.47
047,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/CatB2 OK/CatB2 n.OK\nSpecification: CatB2 OK
B047,0,Lambda Control (Catalytic Conversion Test Bank 2)
; Short Trips 034/035/036/037/038/039/043/044 must be OK
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Firmly press Brake Pedal and Throttle Pedal at once
; Engine Speed increases automatically > Field 4 = Test ON
; Wait until Field 4 shows "CatB2 OK"
B047,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B047,2,Catalytic Converter,Bank 2 Temp.,Specification: 450.0...750.0 °C
B047,3,Catalytic,Conversion Bank 2,Specification (EU4): max. 0.58\nSpecification (ULEV 1/LEV 2): max. 0.47
B047,4,Result,Cat. Conversion,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/CatB2 OK/CatB2 n.OK\nSpecification: CatB2 OK
050,0,Engine Speed Increase
050,1,Engine Speed,(actual),Range: 640...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 650...810 RPM
050,2,Engine Speed,(specified),Range: 670...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 780 RPM
050,3,A/C Readiness,,Display Range: A/C-Low / A/C-High
050,4,A/C Compressor,,Display Range: Compr.OFF/Compr.ON
051,0,Engine Speed Increase (Gear shifts)
051,1,Engine Speed,(actual),Range: 640...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 650...810 RPM
051,2,Engine Speed,(specified),Range: 670...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 780 RPM
051,3,Selected Gear,,P or N = 0\nGear = 1 - 6\nR = 7
051,4,Battery Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 11.0...15.0 V
052,0,Engine Speed Increase ( Window Heating)
052,1,Engine Speed,(actual),Range: 640...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 650...810 RPM
052,2,Engine Speed,(specified),Range: 670...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 780 RPM
052,3,A/C Readiness,,Range: A/C-Low / A/C-High
052,4,Front/Rear,Window Heater,Range: ON/OFF
053,0,Engine Speed Increase (Generator Load)
053,1,Engine Speed,(actual),Range: 640...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 650...810 RPM
053,2,Engine Speed,(specified),Range: 670...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 780 RPM
053,3,Battery Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 11.0...15.0 V
053,4,Generator Load,,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
054,0,Engine Speed Increase (Generator Load)
054,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
054,2,Load Status,,Display Range: Idle/Partial Throttle/Wide Open Throttle (WOT)/Enrichment/Deceleration
054,3,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Range: 0.0...100.0 %
054,4,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...93.0 %
055,0,Idle Speed Stabilization
055,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
055,2,Idle Regulator,(Torque),Range: -3.0...+5.0 %
055,3,Idle Stabilization,Self-Adaptation,Range: -3.0...+3.0 %
; x0xxx? = A/C Compressor
; x0xx?x = Gear engaged
; x0x?xx = A/C Readiness
; x0?xxx = Rear Window Heater
; ?0xxxx = Front Window Heater
056,0,Idle Speed Stabilization
056,1,Engine Speed,(actual),Range: 640...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 650...810 RPM
056,2,Engine Speed,(specified),Range: 670...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 780 RPM
056,3,Idle Regulator,(Torque),Range: -3.0...+5.0 %
; x0xxx? = A/C Compressor
; x0xx?x = Gear engaged
; x0x?xx = A/C Readiness
; x0?xxx = Rear Window Heater
; ?0xxxx = Front Window Heater
057,0,Idle Speed Stabilization (Air Condition)
057,1,Engine Speed,(actual),Range: 640...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 650...810 RPM
057,2,Engine Speed,(specified),Range: 670...2550 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 780 RPM
057,3,A/C Compressor,,Range: Compr.OFF/Compr.ON
057,4,A/C Fluid,Pressure
060,0,Electronic Throttle (Throttle Body Adaptation)
060,1,Throttle Valve,Sensor 1 (G187),Range: 0...100 %\nSpecification: 3.0...93.0 %
060,2,Throttle Valve,Sensor 2 (G188),Range: 0...100 %\nSpecification: 97.0...3.0 %
060,3,Throttle Adaptation,Steps Counter,Range: 0...8\nSpecification: 8
060,4,Result,Throttle Valve Adp.,Range: ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification: ADP OK
B060,0,Electronic Throttle (Throttle Body Adaptation)
B060,1,Throttle Valve,Sensor 1 (G187),Range: 0...100 %\nSpecification: 3.0...93.0 %
B060,2,Throttle Valve,Sensor 2 (G188),Range: 0...100 %\nSpecification: 97.0...3.0 %
B060,3,Throttle Adaptation,Steps Counter,Range: 0...8\nSpecification: 8
B060,4,Result,Throttle Valve Adp.,Range: ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification: ADP OK
061,0,Electronic Throttle
061,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
061,2,Battery Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 11.0...15.0 V
061,3,Throttle Valve Angle,,Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...93.0 %
; x0xxx? = A/C Compressor
; x0xx?x = Gear engaged
; x0x?xx = A/C Readiness
; x0?xxx = Rear Window Heater
; ?0xxxx = Front Window Heater
062,0,Electronic Throttle (Sensor Values)
062,1,Throttle Valve,Sensor 1 (G187),Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification: 3.0...93.0 %
062,2,Throttle Valve,Sensor 2 (G188),Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification: 97.0...3.0 %
062,3,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification: 12.0...97.0 %
062,4,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 2 (G185),Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification: 4.0...49.0 %
063,0,Electronic Throttle (Kick-Down Adaptation)
063,1,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Range: 12.0...97.0 %
063,2,Kick-Down,Adaptation Value,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
063,3,Kick-Down,Switch,Range: Kick Down
063,4,Kick-Down,Adaptation,Range: ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification: ADP OK
B063,0,Electronic Throttle (Kick-Down Adaptation)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Press the Accelerator Pedal down to the floor
; Wait until Field 4 shows "ADP OK"
B063,1,Throttle Position,Sensor (G79),Range: 12.0...97.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 15.0...18.0 %
B063,2,Kick-Down,Adaptation Value,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
B063,3,Kick-Down,Switch,Range: Kick Down
B063,4,Kick-Down,Adaptation,Range: ADP RUN/ADP OK/ADP ERROR\nSpecification: ADP OK
064,0,Electronic Throttle (Sensor Adaption Values)
064,1,Lower Adaptation,Sensor 1 (G187)
064,2,Lower Adaptation,Sensor 2 (G188)
064,3,Emergency Air Gap,Sensor 1 (G187)
064,4,Emergency Air Gap,Sensor 2 (G188)
066,0,Electronic Throttle (Cruise Control System)
066,1,Vehicle Speed,(current)
066,2,Switch Positions I,,See Label File
; xxxxxxx? = Brake Light Switch
; xxxxxx?x = Brake Pedal Switch
; xxxxx?xx = Clutch Pedal Switch
; xxxx?xxx = CCS (Cruise Control System) enabled
; xxx?xxxx = ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) available
; xx?xxxxx = Main Switch engaged
; ??xxxxxx = CCS Status
066,3,Vehicle Speed,(specified)
066,4,Switch Positions II,,See Label File
; x0xxxxx? = CCS ON (CAN)
; x0xxxx?x = SET (CCS ON)
; x0xxx?xx = Deceleration (-)
; x0xx?xxx = Acceleration (+)
; x0x?xxxx = SET
; x0?xxxxx = RESUME/RESET
; ?0xxxxxx = CCS ON (Hardware Pin)
070,0,Emission Reduction (EVAP Valve Test)
070,1,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve (Open),Range: 0.0...100.0 %
070,2,Lambda Control
070,3,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve (Flow)
070,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/TEV OK/TEV not OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B070,0,Emission Reduction (EVAP Valve Test)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "TEV OK"
B070,1,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve (Open),Range: 0.0...100.0 %
B070,2,Lambda Control
B070,3,Evap. Emissions,Sol. Valve (Flow)
B070,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/TEV OK/TEV not OK\nSpecification: TEV OK
071,0,Emission Reduction (Leak Diagnostic System)
071,1,Reed Contact,Condition,Range: Reed Open/Reed Closed
071,2,Malfunction,Message,Range: Small Leak/Large Leak/Abort
071,3,Test Status,,Range: System Test/Meas. End
071,4,Ergebnis,,Wertebereich: Test AUS/Test EIN/Syst. i.O./Syst. n.i.O.\nSollwert: Syst. i.O.
B071,0,Emission Reduction (Leak Diagnostic System)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
B071,1,Reed Contact,Condition,Range: Reed Open/Reed Closed
B071,2,Malfunction,Message,Range: Small Leak/Large Leak/Abort
B071,3,Test Status,,Range: System Test/Meas. End
B071,4,Result,,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. OK
077,0,Emission Reduction (Secondary Air Injection: Bank 1)
077,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
077,2,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
077,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 1
077,4,Test Result,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 1,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B077,0,Emission Reduction (Secondary Air Injection: Bank 1)
B077,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B077,2,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
B077,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 1
B077,4,Test Result,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 1,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
078,0,Emission Reduction (Secondary Air Injection: Bank 2)
078,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
078,2,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
078,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 2
078,4,Test Result,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 2,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B078,0,Emission Reduction (Secondary Air Injection: Bank 2)
B078,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B078,2,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
B078,3,Air Mass from,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 2
B078,4,Test Result,Sec. Air Inj. Bank 2,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
079,0,Emission Reduction (Exhaust Flap)
079,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
079,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
079,3,Exhaust Flap,Status,Range: ON/OFF
080,0,Advanced Control Module Identification I
081,0,Advanced Control Module Identification II
081,1,Vehicle Ident.,Number (VIN)
082,0,Advanced Control Module Identification III
083,0,Advanced Control Module Identification IV
086,0,Readiness Code I
086,1,Readiness Bits,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst(s)
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Heating
; xxxxx?xx = EVAP System
; xxxx?xxx = Secondary Air Injection System
; xxx?xxxx = Climate Control
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor(s)
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heating
; ?xxxxxxx = Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
086,2,Cycle Flags I,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst Bank 1
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Bank 2
; xxxxx?xx = Leak Diagnostic Pump
; xxxx?xxx = EVAP Valve
; xxx?xxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 1
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 2
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 1
; ?xxxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 2
086,3,Cycle Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 1 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 1 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 (Delta-Lambda Shift)
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 1 Sensor 2 (Sensor Aging)
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 (Period Duration)
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?0xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
086,4,Cycle Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 2 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 2 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 (Delta-Lambda Shift)
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 2 Sensor 2 (Sensor Aging)
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 (Period Duration)
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?xxxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
087,0,Readiness and Error Bits
087,1,Readiness Bits,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst(s)
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Heating
; xxxxx?xx = EVAP System
; xxxx?xxx = Secondary Air Injection System
; xxx?xxxx = Climate Control
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor(s)
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heating
; ?xxxxxxx = Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
087,2,Error Flags I,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Catalyst Bank 1
; xxxxxx?x = Catalyst Bank 2
; xxxxx?xx = Leak Diagnostic Pump
; xxxx?xxx = EVAP Valve
; xxx?xxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 1
; xx?xxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 1 Sensor 2
; x?xxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 1
; ?xxxxxxx = Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 Sensor 2
087,3,Error Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 1 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 1 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 (Delta-Lambda Shift)
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 1 Sensor 2 (Sensor Aging)
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 1 Sensor 1 (Period Duration)
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?0xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
087,4,Error Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; 0xxxxxx? = Bank 2 Sensor 1 elec.
; 0xxxxx?x = Bank 2 Sensor 2 elec.
; 0xxxx?xx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 (Delta-Lambda Shift)
; 0xxx?xxx = Bank 2 Sensor 2 (Sensor Aging)
; 0xx?xxxx = Bank 2 Sensor 1 (Period Duration)
; 0x?xxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 1
; 0?xxxxxx = Secondary Air Injection Bank 2
88,0,Cycle Flags
88,1,Cycle Flags I,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Exhaust Camshaft Bank 2
; xxxxxx?x = Exhaust Camshaft Bank 1
; xxxxx?xx = Intake Camshaft Bank 2
; xxxx?xxx = Intake Camshaft Bank 1
; xxx?xxxx = Knock Sensor 4
; xx?xxxxx = Knock Sensor 3
; x?xxxxxx = Knock Sensor 2
; ?xxxxxxx = Knock Sensor 1
88,2,Cycle Flags II,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxxxxxx? = Brake Light Switch
; xxxxxx?x = Clutch Pedal Switch
; xxxxx?xx = Idle Speed Control
; xxxx?xxx = Speed Signal
; xxx?xxxx = Idle Switch
; xx?xxxxx = Coolant Temperature Sensor
; x?xxxxxx = Throttle Valve Potentiometer
; ?xxxxxxx = Mass Air Flow Sensor
88,3,Cycle Flags III,,See Label File\n\n0 = completed\n1 = not completed
; xxx0x?00 = Intake Air Temperature Sensor
; xxx0?x00 = Thermostat (only USA)
; xx?0xx00 = Cruise Control Lever
; x?x0xx00 = Oxygen Sensor Control - Adaptation Bank 2
; ?xx0xx00 = Oxygen Sensor Control - Adaptation Bank 1
089,0,On-Board-Diagnostics (OBD)
089,1,Distance Driven,with MIL on
089,2,Tank Condition,,Range: OK/too low
090,0,Camshaft Adjustment (Intake)
090,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
090,2,Adjustment,Status,Range: Cam Ctrl. ON/Cam Ctrl. OFF
090,3,Adjustment,Bank 1
090,4,Adjustment,Bank 2
091,0,Continuous Camshaft Adjustment (Intake - Bank 1)
091,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
091,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
091,3,Adjustment,Bank 1 (specified),Range: -5.0...+47.0 °KW
091,4,Adjustment,Bank 1 (actual),Range: -5.0...+47.0 °KW
092,0,Continuous Camshaft Adjustment (Intake - Bank 2)
092,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
092,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
092,3,Adjustment,Bank 2 (specified),Range: -5.0...+47.0 °KW
092,4,Adjustment,Bank 2 (actual),Range: -5.0...+47.0 °KW
093,0,Continuous Camshaft Adjustment (Phase Position)
093,1,Phasenlage,Intake Bank 1,Range: -16.0...+16.0 °KW
093,2,Phasenlage,Intake Bank 2,Range: -16.0...+16.0 °KW
093,3,Phase Position,Bank 1
093,4,Phase Position,Bank 2
094,0,Camshaft Adjustment (Intake)
094,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
094,2,Phase Position,Intake,Range: -16.0...+16.0 °KW
094,3,Result,Bank 1,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. not OK
094,4,Result,Bank 2,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. not OK
B094,0,Camshaft Adjustment (Intake)
B094,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B094,2,Phase Position,Intake,Range: -16.0...+16.0 °KW
B094,3,Result,Bank 1,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. not OK
B094,4,Result,Bank 2,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. not OK
095,0,Intake Manifold Change-Over
095,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
095,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
095,3,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
096,0,Camshaft Adjustment (Exhaust)
096,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
096,2,Adjustment,Status,Range: Cam Ctrl. ON/Cam Ctrl. OFF
096,3,Result,Bank 1,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. not OK
096,4,Result,Bank 2,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. not OK\nSpecification: Syst. not OK
099,0,Lambda Control Shut-Off
099,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
099,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
099,3,Lambda Control
099,4,Lambda Control,Status,Range: O2-Reg.OFF/O2-Reg.ON
B099,0,Lambda Control Shut-Off
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "O2-Reg.OFF"
B099,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B099,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
B099,3,Lambda Control
B099,4,Lambda Control,Status,Range: O2-Reg.OFF/O2-Reg.ON
100,0,Readiness Code
100,1,Readiness Bits,,See Label File
; xxxxxxx? - Catalytic Converter
; xxxxxx?x - Catalytic Converter Heater
; xxxxx?xx - Activated Charcoal System
; xxxx?xxx - Secondary Air Injection (AIR) System
; xxx?xxxx - A/C System
; xx?xxxxx - Oxygen Sensors
; x?xxxxxx - Oxygen Sensor Heating
; ?xxxxxxx - Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
100,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
100,3,Time since,Engine Start
100,4,OBD-Status,,See Label File
; xxxx00x? - Warm-Up Cycle not possible
; xxxx00?x - Warm-Up Cycle ended
; xxx?00xx - Malfunction detected (min. 1 Fault)
; xx?x00xx - Trip complete
; x?xx00xx - Driving Cycle detected
; ?xxx00xx - MIL ON
101,0,Fuel Injection
101,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
101,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
101,3,Injection Timing,,Range: 1.0...18.0 ms\nSpecification (Idle): 1.0...5.0 ms
101,4,Mass Air Flow,(G70),Range: 3.0...250.0 g/s\nSpecification (Idle): 3.0...6.0 g/s\nSpecification (Load): min. 170 g/s
102,0,Fuel Injection
102,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
102,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
102,3,Intake Air,Temperature (G42),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): < +80.0 °C (max. +115.0 °C)
102,4,Injection Timing,,Range: 1.0...18.0 ms\nSpecification (Idle): 1.0...5.0 ms
104,0,Fuel Injection (Start Adaption Values)
104,1,Engine Start,Temperature
104,2,Temperature,Adaptation Factor 1
104,3,Temperature,Adaptation Factor 2
104,4,Temperature,Adaptation Factor 3
107,0,Fuel Injection (Fuel Supply System)
107,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
107,2,Lambda Control,Bank 1
107,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2
107,4,Result,Lambda Control,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Test OFF
B107,0,Fuel Injection (Fuel Supply System)
; "Activate" Basic Setting
; Wait until Field 4 shows "Syst. OK"
B107,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
B107,2,Lambda Control,Bank 1
B107,3,Lambda Control,Bank 2
B107,4,Result,Lambda Control,Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK\nSpecification: Syst. OK
110,0,Load Registration (Load/Full Throttle Enrichment)
110,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
110,2,Coolant,Temperature (G69),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
110,3,Injection Timing,,Range: 1.0...18.0 ms\nSpecification (Idle): 1.0...5.0 ms
110,4,Throttle Valve Angle
113,0,Load Registration (Load/Full Throttle Enrichment)
113,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
113,2,Engine Load,,Range: 7.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 12.0...23.0 %
113,3,Throttle Valve Angle
120,0,Traction Control (ASR)
120,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Range: 640...7200 RPM\nSpecification (Idle): 760...800 RPM
120,2,Torque specified,by ASR
120,3,Engine Torque,(actual)
120,4,Traction Control,Status,Specification: ASR OFF/ASR ON
122,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 590...850 RPM
122,2,Engine Load,(specified)
122,3,Engine Load,(actual)
122,4,Status,,Range: Engine interv./No engine interv.
125,0,CAN-Databus Communication (Powertrain)
125,1,Transmission,,Range: Transm. 1/Transm. 0
125,2,Brake Electronics,(J104),Specification: ABS 1\nRange: ABS 1/ABS 0
125,3,Instrument Cluster,(J285),Specification: Instruments 1\nRange: Instruments 1/Instruments 0
125,4,Heating/Air,Condition (J255),Specification: A/C 1\nRange: A/C 1/A/C 0
127,0,CAN-Databus Communication (Powertrain)
127,3,Steering Wheel,Electronics (J527),Specification: St. Wheel 1\nRange: St. Wheel 1/St. Wheel 0
130,0,Engine Cooling (Map Cooling)
130,1,Engine Outlet,Temperature,Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
130,3,Thermostat,Duty Cycle,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
131,0,Engine Cooling (Map Cooling)
131,1,Engine Outlet,Temp. (actual),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
131,2,Engine Outlet,Temp. (specified),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...115.0 °C
131,4,Thermostat,Duty Cycle,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
132,0,Engine Cooling (Map Cooling)
132,3,Heater Supply,Potentiometer
132,4,Cooling Status
; 10000011,Bin. Bits,
; x0xxxxx? = No Malfunction in System
; x0xxxx?x = Thermostat Actuation active
; x0xxx?xx = Fan Control active
; x0xx?xxx = Control Deviation (0 = above specified Temp. / 1 = below specified Temp)
; x0x?xxxx = Fan Stage 2 active
; x0?xxxxx = Fan Stage 1 active
; ?0xxxxxx = Hot Climate Country coded
134,0,Engine Cooling (Temperatures)
134,1,Oil Temperature
134,3,Intake Air,Temperature (G42),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): < +80.0 °C (max. +115.0 °C)
134,4,Engine Outlet,Temperature
135,0,Engine Cooling (Fan Activation)
135,2,Fan 1 Activation,Duty Cycle,Range: 0.0...100.0 %
136,0,Engine Cooling (Fan Activation)
136,3,Auxiliary,Water Pump,Range: Pump ON/Pump OFF
136,4,Fan After Run,,Range: ON/OFF
137,0,Engine Cooling (Air Condition Requirements)
137,1,A/C Readiness,,Range: A/C-Low / A/C-High
137,2,A/C Compressor,,Range: Compr.OFF/Compr.ON
137,4,Fan Request,from A/C-System
138,0,Thermostat Diagnosis
138,1,Engine Start,Temperature
138,2,Mean Mass Air,Flow (G70),Range: 0.0...250.0 g/s
138,3,Average,Vehicle Speed
138,4,Result,,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK
139,0,Thermostat Diagnosis
139,1,Engine Temp.,at Diagnosis
139,2,Air Mass Integral,(actual),Range: 0.0...50.0 kg
139,3,Air Mass Integral,(specified),Range: 0.0...50.0 kg
139,4,Result,,Display Range: Test ON/Test OFF/Syst. OK/Syst. n.OK
; Coding
C00,Engine (J220) Coding
C01,00??xxx: Country/Emissions
C02,04 = Japan/EURO-II (PR-0GX) & Mexico/Tier-I (PR-0GY))
C03,11 = Rest of World/Japan EURO-IV (PR-0GG/7GE)
C04,13 = North America/LEV-II (PR-7GA)
C05,16 = North America/ULEV (PR-0GN)
C06,26 = Steam Pressure Critical (0GV)
C07,27 = Brasil (0GW)
C08,00xx?xx: Powertrain
C09,5 = Front-Wheel-Drive (FWD)
C10,7 = All-Wheel-Drive (AWD)
C11,00xxx?x: Transmission
C12,0 = 5-Speed Manual Transmission
C13,1 = 6-Speed Manual Transmission
C14,5 = Automatic Transmission (01V/5HP19)
C15,8 = Multitronic (01J/VL30)
C16,00xxxx?: Vehicle
C17,1 = Audi A4 (8E)
C18,2 = Audi A6 (4B)
C19,3 = Audi A8 (4E)
C20,4 = Audi A4 Cabriolet (8H)
; Coding-II
L00,Engine Control Unit (J248/J623) Coding-II
L01,11463 = Cruise Control (CCS) Activation
L02,13647 = Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Activation
L03,16167 = Cruise Control (CCS) Deactivation
L08,Hot Country Function (see MVB 132.4)
L09,50000 = Coolant Post Run Pump (V51) Deactivation
L10,60000 = Coolant Post Run Pump (V51) Activation
; Adaptation
A001,0,Idle Speed
A001,1,Engine Speed,(actual)
A001,2,Engine Speed,(specified)
A001,3,A/C Readiness,,Range: A/C-Low / A/C-High
A001,4,A/C Compressor,,Range: Compr.OFF/Compr.ON
A050,0,Immobilizer (Vehicle Data learning)
A050,5,Immobilizer (Vehicle Data learning)
A050,6,Please enter the Immobilizer PIN/SKC of the Instrument Cluster (OLD PIN/SKC).
A050,7,After that the Learning Process is being initiated the new Engine Control
A050,8,Module adopts the Vehicle-Identification-Number (VIN) and Immobilizer
A050,9,Identification (IMMO-ID) of the Vehicle (from the OLD Instrument Cluster).
A050,10,Once the Adaptation is done switch the Ignition OFF for about 2 Minutes.
A091,0,Immobilizer Status
A091,5,Immobilizer Status (Read Only)
A091,6,0 = Immobilizer not matched (NEW)
A091,7,1 = Immobilizer disabled
A091,8,4 = Immobilizer matched (System OK)
; Security Access
S00,Engine Control Unit (J248/J623) Security Access
S01,Prior to adapting a new USED Engine Control Unit the
S02,Vehicle specific PIN/SKC (IMMO-Login) of the new USED
S03,Engine Control Unit has to be used to enable the adaptation.
S04,You'll find the PIN/SKC on the Key Tag of the additional
S05,Key (of the Donor Car) or you can acquire it through your
S06,responsible Distribution Center or Importer.

Neprisijungęs Obščiako Vadovas

  • Banned!
  • Įrašai: 7131
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kitas miestas
nesuprantu tokio pavyzdžio, tu pats šimtą leiblų esi rašęs?

Jei žmogus niekada neužsiiminėjo tokiais dalykais, neplanuoja užsiimt o ir reikia jam leiblų, tarkim, jo paties ir trijų artimųjų mašinom, iš kur jis jums paims kažką tokio ypatingo, kas sudomins jūsų personas ir pamotyvuos pasidalinti nemokamais dalykais?

Slashai, jei esui ieškai, susipaišom, duosiu aš tau leiblus, man kažkaip free resursą skriagint tai ką aš žinau (!?)

nera cia toks free resursas. be to, labelas labelui nelygus. man irgi ju negaila savam rate pasidalint, bet turimu man irgi niekas uz dyka nedave. nu va tarkim Evka metodom naucnava tika kapste sau long kodingus. atkapste - tegu labela paraso. juk ten vos 4 eilutes gal uzimtu. karta su Rycka iki naktu sedejom su vienu labelu ir is vokieciu vertem ir panasiai, kol gavosi kazkas naudojamo. taip kad, kas prie ju dirba, tam tikrai nekyla ranka na leva na prava metitis. o apsikeist info visada malonu....

Neprisijungęs slashas

  • Įrašai: 8255
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
nesuprantu tokio pavyzdžio, tu pats šimtą leiblų esi rašęs?

Jei žmogus niekada neužsiiminėjo tokiais dalykais, neplanuoja užsiimt o ir reikia jam leiblų, tarkim, jo paties ir trijų artimųjų mašinom, iš kur jis jums paims kažką tokio ypatingo, kas sudomins jūsų personas ir pamotyvuos pasidalinti nemokamais dalykais?

Slashai, jei esui ieškai, susipaišom, duosiu aš tau leiblus, man kažkaip free resursą skriagint tai ką aš žinau (!?)

Taip man esui reikia, vakuumo leak gaudau ;) dėl jo pas mane visi cilindrai missfire ir abu banks too lean...

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Taip man esui reikia, vakuumo leak gaudau ;) dėl jo pas mane visi cilindrai missfire ir abu banks too lean...
koda pasakok variklinio, tada bus galima zinoti ar is vis yra ir kiek jis pilnai parasytas... nes viena labeli pacitavau, zemiau kita pacituosiu - matai išsamumo skirtuma? :-]

; VCDS Label File
; Copyright © 2011 Ross-Tech, LLC
; Audi V8 (4C) / Audi 100 (4A)
; Component: J220 - Engine (#01) - ABH
; P/N: 441-907-557-??? / 4A0-907-557-???
; includes measuring blocks, basic setting and coding
; This file is part of a label file package,
; make sure you have all of the following files.
; 44-01.LBL
; 4A-01.LBL
; 077-907-557-ABH.LBL  (4.2l SR     @ 280 HP - ABH)
; last modificationon on 15/Mar/2011
; requires VCDS 10.6.4 or newer
; measuring blocks & basic setting
000,0,Decimal Measuring Values
000,1,Coolant Temperature,Specification: 189...210 (85.0...100.0 °C)
000,2,Engine Load,Specification: 32...46
000,3,Engine Speed,Specification: 49...75 (690...750 RPM)
000,4,Idle Speed Stabilization (Operating Range),Specification: 123...140
000,5,Idle Speed Stabilization (Characteristic Curve Zero Point),Specification: 80...128
000,6,Idle Speed Stabilization (Load Adaptation),Specification: 120...138
000,7,Idle Speed Stabilization (Characteristic Curve Control),Specification: 42...53
000,8,Lambda Control,Specification: 121...135
000,9,Lambda Adaptation,Specification: 78...178
000,10,Ignition Timing,Specification: 42...47 (3.8...10.4 °BDTC)
B000,0,Active Charcoal Valve closing
; coding
C00,Engine Control Unit (J220) Coding
C01,Coding is being done via Coding Bridges in the Wiring.
C02,Please refer to the Factory Repair Manual for Details.

Va jums ir FREE (8-)

Neprisijungęs slashas

  • Įrašai: 8255
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Tą trijų raidžių? Būtų ANK pas mane.

Neprisijungęs Obščiako Vadovas

  • Banned!
  • Įrašai: 7131
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  • Miestas: Kitas miestas
ecu koda mesk o ne variklio (+)

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Ramzis teisus, ne variklio, o kompo kodą duok.

Neprisijungęs slashas

  • Įrašai: 8255
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Control module part number 4D0 907 559 AB, jei apie šį kalbame.

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Control module part number 4D0 907 559 AB, jei apie šį kalbame.
Neturiu tokio nei FREE kaip Mega vadina, nei papildinyje (H-)

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Nors turėtų šitas būti, čia ne tavo variklio, bet ir V8 4,2 tik 334Ag,
dar yra 310Ag ir 360Ag varikliams. Tad tiketina kad bus panasu, nors nesu tikras.
Labeli per skype galiu atmesti, reiks ji persivadinti, tada turetu atidaryti prie tavo variklinio, tik kaip sakiau, cia gali buti panasumu, gali buti ir skirtumu.

; VAG-COM Measuring Block Labels file 4D0-907-560-CS.lbl
; VW Phaeton 4.2L V8/5V gasoline engine, Engine Code BGH
; p/n: 4D0 907 560 CS  Component: 4.2L V8/5V G 0030  Coding: 0001065 (no speed limiter) - 2004 Phaeton NAR 'special'
; p/n: 4D0 907 560 DD  Component: 4.2L V8/5V G 0030  Coding: 0007873 - 2005 Phaeton NAR (Canada and USA) regular
; **Modification History**
; Created:  Original by Dave Eaton (S8 V8 - 4D0-907-560-AT.lbl)
; Modified: Sebastian Stange 03/15/04
; Modified: Michael Moore (, 'PanEuropean' on the VW Vortex forum) March 27 2005 for the Phaeton V8 with BGH (V8) engine.
; Modified: Michael Moore 23/November/2005, additonal p/n added above.
; This file is part of a redirection package,
; make sure you have all of the following files.
; 4D-01.LBL
; 4D0-907-560-BGH.LBL (4.2l E   @ 334 HP - BGH)
; ready for VAG-COM 405.0 and above
0,0,General Engine Status
0,1,Coolant Temp,180-203
0,4,Throttle Angle,2-7
0,5,Idle Speed Control,118-138
0,6,Idle Learned Value,123-143
0,7,O2S Control Bank 1,120-136
0,8,O2S Control Bank 2,120-136
0,9,O2S Adaption Bank 1,115-139
0,10,O2S Adaption Bank 2,115-139
; **********************************************************************
; General Engine Data
; **********************************************************************
1,0,Engine Conditions
1,1,Idle Speed,RPM;640-6900
1,2,Coolant Temp,80-110C
1,3,O2 Sens Bank1,+/-15%(>2% flct)
1,4,O2 Sens Bank2,+/-15%(>2% flct)
2,0,Load Measurement
2,1,Engine speed,RPM
2,2,Engine load,7 - 100%
2,3,Mass air,flow 1,specified value: 1 - 130
2,4,Mass air, flow 2,specified value: 1 - 130
3,0,Throttle Position Sensor Check
3,1,Engine speed,RPM,640-6900
3,2,Mass air flow,g/s,3 - 250
3,3,Throttle angle,0 - 100
3,4,Ign timing,- 20 - 50
4,0,Battery Voltage and Temperatures
4,1,Engine speed,RPM,640-6900
4,2,Battery voltage,12-15V
4,3,Coolant temp,80-110 deg C
4,4,Intake air,temperature,<110 deg C
5,0,Engine Operating Conditions
5,1,Engine Speed,RPM
5,2,Engine Load,%
5,3,Vehicle Speed,km/h
5,4,Operating,condition,Idle - partial throttle - WOT - deceleration - enrichment
6,0,Engine Operating Conditions
6,1,Engine Speed,RPM,640 - 6900
6,2,Engine Load,%,7 - 100
6,3,Intake air,temperature,<110 deg C
8,0,General Information
8,1,Brake,Status,operated or not operated
8,2,Voltage,supply,pump on or pump off
8,3,Status of,vacuum pump
8,4,Result,of test,Test OFF / Test ON / Syst. OK / Syst. not OK
;  Ignition & Misfire Detection
10,0,Engine Operating Conditions
10,1,Engine Speed,RPM
10,2,Engine Load,%
10,3,Throttle Angle, %
10,4,Ignition Timing
11,0,Engine Operating Conditions
11,1,Engine Speed,RPM
11,2,Coolant, Temperature
11,3,Intake air temp,
11,4,Ignition Timing
14,0,Misfire Recognition
14,1,Engine Speed,(600-820 @idle)
14,2,Engine Load,%
14,3,Total misfires,0-5
15,0,Misfire Recognition Cylinders 1-3 (@idle)
15,1,Cyl 1,0-5
15,2,Cyl 2,0-5
15,3,Cyl 3,0-5
15,4,Misfire status,activated
16,0,Misfire Recognition Cylinders 4-6 (@idle)
16,1,Cyl 4,0-5
16,2,Cyl 5,0-5
16,3,Cyl 6,0-5
16,4,Misfire status,activated
17,0,Misfire Recognition Cylinders 7-8 (@idle)
17,1,Cyl 7,0-5
17,2,Cyl 8,0-5
17,4,Misfire status,activated
18,0,Load/RPM window misfire recognition
18,1,Lower RPM,limit
18,2,Upper RPM,limit
18,3,Lower load,barrier
18,4,Upper load,barrier
;  Knock Control
20,0,Knock Control - Ignition Angle Retard
20,1,Cyl 1
20,2,Cyl 2
20,3,Cyl 3
20,4,Cyl 4
21,0,Knock Control - Ignition Angle Retard
21,1,Cyl 5
21,2,Cyl 6
21,3,Cyl 7
21,4,Cyl 8
22,0,Knock Control Cyl 1 && 2
22,1,Engine Speed,RPM
22,2,Engine Load,%
22,3,Retard,Cylinder 1
22,4,Retard,Cylinder 2
23,0,Knock Control Cyl 3 && 4
23,1,Engine speed,RPM
23,2,Engine load,%
23,3,Retard, Cylinder 3
23,4,Retard, Cylinder 4
24,0,Knock Control Cyl 5 && 6
24,1,Engine speed,RPM
24,2,Engine load,%
24,3,Retard, Cylinder 5
24,4,Retard, Cylinder 6
25,0,Knock Control Cyl 7 && 8
25,1,Engine speed,RPM
25,2,Engine load,%
25,3,Retard, Cylinder 7
25,4,Retard, Cylinder 8
26,0,Knock Sensor Voltages - Cylinders 1-4
26,1,Cylinder 1,Volts
26,2,Cylinder 2,Volts
26,3,Cylinder 3,Volts
26,4,Cylinder 4,Volts
27,0,Knock Sensor Voltages - Cylinders 5-8
27,1,Cylinder 5,Volts
27,2,Cylinder 6,Volts
27,3,Cylinder 7,Volts
27,4,Cylinder 8,Volts
28,0,Test Knock Sensor, Short Trip
28,1,Engine Speed,RPM
28,2,Engine Load,%
28,4,Test Status
;  Mixture Control, Catalytic Converters, O2 System
30,0,O2S Condition [B=Bank S=Sensor]
30,1,Status B1S1,111=OK
30,2,Status B1S2,010=OK
30,3,Status B2S1,111=OK
30,4,Status B2S2,010=OK
31,0,Oxygen Sensor Voltages
32,0,O2S Adaption Maximums [B=Bank S=Sensor]
32,1,B1S1 idle,
32,2,B1S1 partial,
32,3,B2S1 idle,
32,4,B2S2 partial,
33,0,O2S Control (Before TWC) [B=Bank S=Sensor]
33,1,Control B1S1,,+/-15%
33,2,Voltage B1S1,,0-5V
33,3,Control B2S1,,+/-15%
33,4,Voltage B2S1,,0-5V
34,0,O2S Aging Bank 1
34,1,Engine RPM,,640 to 6900
34,2,Temp before,cat conv,300 - 800
34,3,Dynamic Factor,
34,4,Diag Status,,Test ON/Test OFF/B1-S1OK/B1-S1 nOK
35,0,O2S Aging Bank 2
35,1,Engine RPM,,640 to 6900
35,2,Temp before,cat conv,300 - 800
35,3,Dynamic Factor,
35,4,Diag Status,,Test ON/Test OFF/B2-S1OK/B2-S1 nOK
36,0,O2S Beyond TWC [B=Bank S=Sensor]
36,1,Volt Supply B1S2,0-1V
36,2,Diag Status B1S2,Test/ON/OFF|OK
36,3,Volt Supply B2S2,0-1V
36,4,Diag Status B2S2,Test/ON/OFF|OK
37,0,Oxygen Sensor Control System Bank 1
37,1,Engine Load,
37,2,O2S Volt B1 S2,0.1-1.0V
37,3,O2S val B1 S1-S2,-0.03 - 0.03
37,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
38,0,Oxygen Sensor Control System Bank 2
38,1,Engine Load,13.5-22.5%
38,2,O2S Volt B2 S2,0.1-1.0V
38,3,O2S val B2 S1-S2,-0.03 - 0.03
38,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
39,0,Sensor exchange after cat. converter short trip
39,1,Air mass
39,2,Bank 1,sensor voltage
39,3,Bank 2,sensor voltage
39,4,Result,,Test ON/Test OFF/ Sys OK/Sys. not OK
41,0,Oxygen Sensor Heater  Bank 1 @Idle
41,1,Sensor 1 Resist
41,2,Heater Bf cat,Status
41,3,Internal,Resistance,kOhm B1S2
41,4,Heater beh. cat,Status
42,0,Oxygen Sensor Heater Bank 2 @Idle
42,1,Sensor 1 Resist
42,2,Heater Bf cat,Status
42,3,Internal,Resistance,kOhm B2S2
42,4,Heater Beh. cat,Status
43,0,Oxygen Sensor Aging Bank 1 Behind TWC
43,1,Engine RPM,650 to 720rpm
43,2,Cat Temp,Aprox 250 C
43,3,O2 Sensor,Voltage (0-1V)
43,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
44,0,Oxygen Sensor Aging Bank 2 Behind TWC
44,1,Engine RPM,650 to 720rpm
44,2,Cat Temp,Aprox 250 C
44,3,O2 Sensor,Voltage (0-1V)
44,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
46,0,Cat. Converter Bank 1 diagnosis
46,1,Engine RPM,1800 to 2400rpm
46,2,Cat Temp,400 < C < 540
46,3,Cat COnversion,Secs (0-0.55)
46,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
47,0,Cat. Converter Bank 2 diagnosis
47,1,Engine RPM,1800 to 2400rpm
47,2,Cat Temp,400 < C < 540
47,3,Cat COnversion,Secs (0-0.55)
47,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
;  Engine Speed Control
50,0,Signals to Engine Control Module
50,1,Engine speed,Actual
50,2,Engine Speed, Specified
50,3,A/C idle boost,Lo=A/Hi=F
50,4,A/C compressor,ON/OFF
51,0,Speed and Shift Initiations
51,1,Engine Speed,Actual
51,2,Engine Speed,Specified
51,3,Driving Range,1-6
53,0,Speed Increase Based on Load
53,1,Engine Speed,Actual
53,2,Engine Speed,Specified
54,0,Closed Throttle Position Switch
54,1,Engine Speed
54,2,Operating Cond,
54,3,Pedal Pos,Sensor 1 %
54,4,Throttle Angle,%
55,0,Idle Air Control (IAC)
55,1,Engine Speed
55,2,IAC Value
55,3,IAC Adaption,Value
55,4,Op condition,See File
;X0000 N/A
;0X000 N/A
;00X00 Climate Control 0=Min, 1=Max
;000X0 Gear Level 0=P/N 1=2/3/4/R/D
;0000X A/C Compressor 0=Off 1=On
56,0,Idle speed stabilization (@Idle)
56,1,Engine speed,Actual
56,2,Engine Speed,Spec #1+20
56,3,Ctrl Torque Chg,-1 to +1%
56,4,Op condition,See File
;X0000 N/A
;0X000 N/A
;00X00 Climate Control 0=Min, 1=Max
;000X0 Gear Level 0=P/N 1=2/3/4/R/D
;0000X A/C Compressor 0=Off 1=On
57,0,Idle air control pressure signal A/C compressor
57,1,RPM,(actual value)
57,2,RPM,(specified value)
57,3,A/C compressor
57,4,Duty cycle,pressure receiver
58,1,RPM,(actual value)
58,2,Engine Load
58,3,Right,Engine Mount,on - off
58,4,Left,Engine Mount,on - off
;  Throttle Valve Control
60,0,Adaptation of Throttle Valve (TV) Controller (Ignition On && Engine Off)
60,1,TV Sensor 1,
60,2,TV Sensor 2,
60,3,Op condition,0 to 8
60,4,Adapt status,ADP. RUN/OK/ERROR
61,0,Throttle Valve (TV) Operating Conditons
61,1,Engine Speed
61,2,Supply Voltage
61,3,TV Control,%
61,4,Op Condition,See File
;X000 N/A
;0X00 A/C Readiness On
;00X0 Driving Range Selected
;000X A/C Compressor On
62,0,Electronic Throttle Voltages [S=Sensor]
62,1,TV Sensor 1
62,2,TV Sensor 2
62,3,Acc. Pos S1,8 - 97%
62,4,Acc. Pos S2,3 - 49%
63,0,Kick Down Adaption
63,1,Acc Pedal Pos,Sensor 1 %
63,2,Sensor Learned,Posiiton %
63,4,Adaption Result
64,0,Throttle Valve Potentiometer Adaption Voltages
64,1,Pot 1 Lower,Adaption
64,2,Pot 2 Lower,Adaption
64,3,Emergency Air,Gap Pot 1,(not certain about this for Phaeton)
64,4,Emergency Air,Gap Pot 2,(not certain about this for Phaeton)
66,0,Cruise Control
66,1,Current Speed,Km/h
66,2,Brake Swith Pos,See File
; 0000000X Brake Light Switch
; 000000X0 Pedal Depressed
; 00000X00 Brake Pedal Switch
; 0000X000 Clutch Switch
; 000X0000 CC Function
; 0000XX00 ADR Function switched free
66,3,Specified Speed,Km/h
66,4,Switch Position,See File
;0000=CC off
;0011=CC on
;0001=CC on before point of engagement
;1011=Resume selected
69,0,Highest speed status of suspension

69,1,Range is 0 or 1,in last digit
;  Emission Control Systems
70,0,Fuel Tank Ventilation
70,1,Degree Open,0-93%
70,2,O2 Sens Regulator,Average Value
70,3,IAC Daig Value,%
70,4,Diag Condition,Test/ON/OFF|OK
71,0,Fuel tank leak detection
71,1,Reed contact,Open
71,2,Error msg,Type,Small leak - large leak - abort
71,3,Sys Status,Test/check/end
71,4,Diag Condition,Test/ON/OFF|OK
72,0,Tank Leak Test
72,1,Reed contact,Open
72,2,Error msg,Type
72,3,Sys Status,Test/check/end
72,4,Diag Condition,Test/ON/OFF|OK
77,0,Secondary Air Injection system diagnosis Bank 1
77,1,Engine Speed,1800-2400rpm
77,2,Air Mass,40 < g/s < 70
77,3,Deviation,% (-70-30)
77,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
78,0,Secondary Air Injection system diagnosis Bank 2
78,1,Engine Speed,1800-2400rpm
78,2,Air Mass,40 < g/s < 70
78,3,Deviation,% (-70-30)
78,4,Diag Status,Test/ON/OFF|OK
;  OBD-II Readiness Code
81,0,Vehicle Identification
82,0,Flash Tool Code
86,0,OBD-II Readiness Code
86,1,Readiness Code,00000000=OK,See label file
;X0000000 EGR = 0
;0X000000 O2S Heating 0=Ready, 1=Not Ready
;00X00000 O2S Control 0=Ready, 1=Not Ready
;000X0000 Climate Control 0
;0000X000 Secondary Air 0=Ready, 1=Not Ready
;00000X00 EVAP 0=Ready, 1=Not Ready
;000000X0 Three Way Converter (TWC) Catalytic Converter = 0
;0000000X TWC 0=Ready, 1=Not Ready
86,2,Diag. This, Cycle,See label file
;X0000000 H2OS Heater After Bank 2 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0X000000 HO2S Heater Before Bank 2 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;00X00000 HO2S Heater After Bank 1 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;000X0000 H2OS Heater Before Bank 1 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0000X000 EVAP 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;00000X00 Leak Detection Pump 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;000000X0 TWC Bank 2 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0000000X TWC Bank 1 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
86,3,Diag. This, Cycle,See label file
;X0000000 Open
;0X000000 Secondary Air System Bank 2 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;00X00000 Secondary Air System Bank 1 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;00000X00 H2OS Before TWC Bank 1 Cycle Time 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0000X000 H2OS Aging Behind Bank 1 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;00000X00 H2OS Correction Bank 1 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;000000X0 HO2S After Bank 1 Electrical 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0000000X H2OS Before Bank 1 Electrical 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
86,4,Diag. This, Cycle,See label file
;X0000000 Open
;0X000000 Open
;0000X000 Open
;00000X00 O2 Sensor before TWC Bank 2 (Cycle Period) 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;000000X0 O2 Sensor Aging Behind TWC Bank 2 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0000000X O2 Sensor COrrection Bank 2 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;000000X0 O2 Sensor Behind TWC Bank 2 Electrical Testing 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
;0000000X Sensor Before TWC Bank 2 Electrical Testing 0=Diagnosis in last cycle, 1=Not
89,0,MIL Light Information
89,1,Kms driven with,MIL light on,Range:0 to 65535
;  Camshaft & Inlet Manifold Control
90,0,Camshaft adjustment (values are for idle && road test: accel in 2nd gear)
90,1,Engine speed,RPM
90,2,Adj ON/OFF,idle=OFF/rt=ON
90,3,Adj resp Bank1,
90,4,Adj resp Bank2,
91,0,Camshaft Adjustment - Bank 1
91,1,Engine Speed,RPM
91,2,Last %
92,0,Camshaft Adjustment - Bank 2
92,1,Engine Speed,RPM
92,2,Last %
93,0,Phase Positions of Cam Pos Sensors
93,1,Egine Speed,Rpm
93,3,Phase position,Bank 1
93,4,Phase position,Bank 2
94,0,Camshaft Adjustment Control
94,1,Engine Speed,RPM
94,2,Control Status,On/Off
94,3,Bank 1,Test/Sys On/Off
94,4,Bank 2,Test/Sys On/Off
95,0,Intake Manifold Change Over
95,1,Engine Speed,(600-820 @Idle)
95,2,Load,(14-24% @idle)
95,3,Coolant Temp,80-105 Celsius
95,4,I/M Chg Over,(Off @idle)
99,0,O2S Control (ON in read mode && OFF for diagnosis in Basic Setting)
99,1,Engine speed,RPM
99,2,Coolant temp,Celsius
99,4,O2S control,ON/OFF
;  Compatability Groups
100,0,Readiness code
100,1,Ready bits,(concluded tests),See label file
;1 = not concluded / 0 = concluded
;X0000000 EGR
;0X000000 Oxygen sensor heating
;00X00000 Oxygen sensors
;000X0000 A/C
;0000X000 SL-System
;00000X00 AKF-System
;000000X0 Heat cat
;0000000X Cat. converters
100,3,Time since,engine start
100,4,OBD-Status,See label
;1 = Description fulfilled / 0 = Description not fulfilled
;X00000000 MIL ON
;0X0000000 Driving cycle fulfilled
;00X000000 Trip complete
;000X00000 at least one DTC recognized
;0000X0000 not used
;00000X000 not used
;000000X00 cycle finished
;0000000X0 warm-up
;00000000X no warm-up cycle possible
;  Fuel Injection
101,0,Engine Conditions
101,1,Engine Speed,RPM
101,2,Engine Load
101,3,Injector On,Time
101,4,Mass Flow,mg/s
102,0,Fuel Injection
102,1,Engine Speed,RPM
102,2,Coolant Temp,Celsius
102,3,Intake Temp,Celsius
102,4,Mean Injection,Time
104,0,Adaption Values
104,1,Start Engine,Temp
104,2,Temp Adapt,Factor 1
104,3,Temp Adapt,Factor 2
104,4,Temp Adapt,Factor 3
106,0,Electric Fuel Pump Status
106,2,Pump 1,status
106,3,Pump 2,status
106,4,Shutoff time
107,0,Fuel Supply Diagnostic
107,1,Engine Speed,Rpm
107,2,O2 Av Value,Bank 1 -25 +25%
107,3,O2 Av Value,Bank 2 -25 +25%
107,4,Diag Condition,Test/ON/OFF|OK
;  Load Registration
110,0,Full Load Enrichment
110,1,Engine Speed,RPM
110,2,Coolant Temp,Celsius
110,3,Av Injection,Time
110,4,Throttle Valve,Angle
113,0,Full Load Enrichment
113,1,Engine Speed,RPM
113,3,Throttle Valve,Angle
113,4,Air Pressure,mbar
;  CAN Communication Between Modules
120,1,Engine Speed,RPM
120,2,ASR Moment,Nm
120,3,Engine Moment,Nm
120,4,ASR Active,Yes/No
122,1,Engine Speed,RPM
122,2,Tranny Spec.,Moment Nm
122,3,Engine Moment,Nm
123,0,Reserved for CAN Bus signals
124,0,Reserved for CAN Bus signals
125,0,CAN Bus Messages
126,0,CAN Bus Messages
126,1,CAN Bus ADR
126,2,CAN Bus,Steering Angle
126,3,Airbag 32,1=OK
126,4,El. Wiring,1=OK
127,0,CAN Bus Messages
127,1,All wheel,1=OK
127,3,Steer. wheel,1=OK
128,0,CAN Bus Messages
128,1,Electric,Ignition Key
;  Engine Cooling
132,0,Map cooling
132,4,Status cooling,see label
;1 = Description fulfilled / 0 = Description not fulfilled
;X0000000 not used
;0X000000 not used
;00X00000 Fan stage 1 active
;000X0000 Fan stage 2 active
;0000X000 Control deviation (0 > specified temp. / 1 < specified temp.)
;00000X00 Cooling van triggering active
;000000X0 Thermostat actuation active
;0000000X Error in system
134,3,Intake air,temperature
134,4,Engine outlet,temperature
135,0,Coolant fan control short trip
135,2,Duty cycle,stage 1
135,3,Duty cycle,stage 2
136,0,Activities after Engine Shutdown
136,3,Aux Water Pump,status
136,4,After-run,coolant fan
137,0,A/C requirements
137,3,Pressure of,A/C system
137,4,Fan request,from A/C
138,1,Engine Start,temperature
138,2,Mean Engine ,mass air flow
138,3,Mean,vehicle speed
138,4,Test result
139,1,Engine temp,during diagnostic
139,2,Current MAF,integral
139,3,Specified MAF,integral
;  Miscellaneous Modules
203,0,Fuel Injection
203,1,Engine Speed,RPM
203,2,Engine Load,%
203,3,Injection Time,Now
203,4,Injection Time,Last
210,1,Engine Speed,RPM
210,2,Engine Load,%
210,3,Absolute Pres,Mbar
210,4,Idle Stabilisation
211,0,Intake Manifold Conditions
211,1,Mass Flow,g/sec
211,2,Mass Flow,g/sec
211,4,Manifold Pressure,mbar
218,1,Engine Speed,RPM
218,3,Mass Flow,g/sec
219,1,Engine Speed,RPM
219,3,Mass Flow,g/sec
220,1,Lambda Factor
220,2,Lambda Factor
221,1,Engine Speed,RPM
225,1,Engine Speed,RPM
226,1,Engine Speed,RPM
229,0,Temperature (Undocumented)
232,0,Temperatures (Undocumented)
; End of File

Neprisijungęs M G

  • Klubo draugas
  • *
  • Įrašai: 6071
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Free? :bedantis: :-] Tu gal parodyk man kur jie metos ir ne tie, kurios duoda prie lauzto kiniecio softo, ar galu gale kur free duoda prie originalaus softo.
Free vadinciau Label folderyje esancius, ju buna pas vienus ~1200vnt, pas kitus buna ~1700-1800vnt. Kam atsiusti - imkite mielai, tai free ir besimetantys internete.

Paskui yra "User", ten va ir yra tie, apie kuriuos kalbejau, ju pas mane nera daug, bet virs 870vnt ir toli grazu ne visus rasiau. Yra ir mano, yra taisytu nes buve klaidu.

Prisegu vieną Label iš "User". Kiekviena eilutė rašyta žmogaus remiantis turima literatūra. Gali iš vis išsiversti į Lietuvių kalbą - bus unikalus labelis
P.s. šeip jau reikia parasyti kurio label reikia, kuriam kompui, nes dar didelis klausimas ar is vis ji kas nors turi, o tu apie free kalbi :goodboy:

jei visi būtų tokie žmotai, kaip jūs čia ką tik norėjote pabūti, tai niekas nieko ir nedarytų, nes visi sėdėtų užsispaudę ir niekas niekam nieko neduotų.
Gražu, kad pasidalinote info (y)

P.s. galbūt bus naujiena, bet visi labeliai yra rašyti žmogaus :O net ir softas žmogaus rašytas ff

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
jei visi būtų tokie žmotai, kaip jūs čia ką tik norėjote pabūti, tai niekas nieko ir nedarytų, nes visi sėdėtų užsispaudę ir niekas niekam nieko neduotų.
Gražu, kad pasidalinote info (y)

P.s. galbūt bus naujiena, bet visi labeliai yra rašyti žmogaus :O net ir softas žmogaus rašytas ff
Tai kad mes ir esame žmotais :goodboy: Norint gauti - mokėk ir duoti. Niekas nekalba apie tuos Free, o kai žmogus kalba konkrečiai, tai konkretus ir pokalbis.
P.s. na bet kuris iš mūsų nesunkiai pasirašytų Labeli, jei tik info turėtų, pats principas labai paprastas ir logiškas. Perprastų ir 5-tokas, o programą huj parašys ir dvidešimtokas bet kuris - tai turėjau minty (h)

Neprisijungęs M G

  • Klubo draugas
  • *
  • Įrašai: 6071
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Tai kad mes ir esame žmotais :goodboy: Norint gauti - mokėk ir duoti. Niekas nekalba apie tuos Free, o kai žmogus kalba konkrečiai, tai konkretus ir pokalbis.
P.s. na bet kuris iš mūsų nesunkiai pasirašytų Labeli, jei tik info turėtų, pats principas labai paprastas ir logiškas. Perprastų ir 5-tokas, o programą huj parašys ir dvidešimtokas bet kuris - tai turėjau minty (h)
nu bet tai pasakyk, ką tau turi žmogus duoti, kad gautų iš jūsų label failą? jei neturi jis jokių label failų, pinigų, kaip sakėt, jum nereikia. Tai ko reikia?

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
nu bet tai pasakyk, ką tau turi žmogus duoti, kad gautų iš jūsų label failą? jei neturi jis jokių label failų, pinigų, kaip sakėt, jum nereikia. Tai ko reikia?
Na kol kas man niekas nieko nedavė, o gavo visus label daug žmonių, tačiau pažįstamų, o nuo visų našarnikų man nepažįstamų jokia prasme - yra "saugiklis" ff Tu neprimeti kiek kartais ateina PM tokiais visokiais klausimais (z)

O kalbant apie minėtą apsikeitimo principą, na ką darysi, vieni turi vertingų dalykų ir juos keičia savo kanalais į kitus vertingus dalykus, kiti neturi... Tad neturi ką duot, nebus ką ir gauti - tokios tos pogrindžio taisyklės. Aš tame nedalyvauju, nes neturiu ką duoti tokio gero, ką gali man duoti tie... va tie kiti dėdės. Bet nesėdžiu ir neverkiu su moralizavimais (-) Pasiparini google eile valandų, pasiknisi programose ir pats susilipdai labeli, neretai nieko nerandi (H-)

Neprisijungęs M G

  • Klubo draugas
  • *
  • Įrašai: 6071
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
neverki su moralizavimais... O RLY :goodboy:

vienu žodžiu :-)

Neprisijungęs Bajoras

  • 8-640-22223
  • Moderatorius
  • *
  • Įrašai: 37886
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
jau išsikalbėjome? Galima nuo šlamšto temą pravalyti? 

Neprisijungęs slashas

  • Įrašai: 8255
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Aš čia tik užklausiau, o tokia diskusija užvirė, tad temą pravalykite, žodžiu kaip nors išsiversiu ne pasaulio pabaiga juk ;) užsisakiau keletą metrų vaakumo šlangelių, visas pasikeisiu tada žiūrėsiu, dar įtariu oro srauto matuoklę, bet čia antras žingsnis. Dar šiandien antifreezas pabėgo visiškai iš sistemos, šalčiai parodė visas silpnas vietas...

Neprisijungęs Pufas

  • Įrašai: 219
    • Žiūrėti profilį
turiu kinieti laida ir programa vcds lite 1.00, naudot bandau ant win7 64bit ir zinoma turiu problema.
Suinstaliavau pagal instrukcijas rodo kad veikia. Bet bandant prisijungti prie engine meta lentele su uzrasu ''too many communication errors to continue", tai cia kabelis blogas ar kas?

Neprisijungęs ZuKaS1

  • Vilniaus miestas
  • Įrašai: 48
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
KAs galetu pagelbet, draugas dave laida bet jis sugadintas
ant virselio 11.11 versija bet neturiu nei softo nie ka, gal kas galetu paiskint kur turi but prilitoti laidai ?ir softa pagelbetu rast sitam laidui? :)

Neprisijungęs Domas

  • 200 20v
  • Klubo narys
  • *
  • Įrašai: 18273
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
o tai nesimato kur laido galiukas buvo lituotas matau tik 2 pozicijas kur jis galėjo būt, ir prie kažkurio turi matytis kur laido galiukas likęs?  šiaip tai raudonas yra paprastas +5V usb matinimas, žiūrėk pagal komponentus, atrasi

Neprisijungęs Domas

  • 200 20v
  • Klubo narys
  • *
  • Įrašai: 18273
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
aš lyg iš foto matau kad:
žalias, baltas, nieko, juodas, raudonas, krč kraštinis

Neprisijungęs ZuKaS1

  • Vilniaus miestas
  • Įrašai: 48
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
o man atrodo kad viduri tarp juodo ir balto ? gal kas toki turi galetu isrinkt ir paziuret ? o kokia tada  softo versija jam reikalinga ? nes neturiu...
Radau viska kaip kas sulituot db su programa reik rast kokia jam tiktu kad nesugadint stovi FTDI FT232BL cipas kokia jam tinkanti programa ?
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2014 Vasario 10, 20:34:24 sukūrė audi80gte »

Neprisijungęs bastardo

  • Įrašai: 420
    • Žiūrėti profilį
Zmones, kaip torque converter lietuviskai vadinasi?

Neprisijungęs T-max

  • Įrašai: 1714
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Panevėžys
berods automato pusle


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