Audi A4 2001m, o resetinau taip:
1998 and Newer:
[17 - Instruments]
[Adaptation - 10]
Enter channel 02
The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
Enter the "New" value of 0 (zero)
Ar yra koks manualas, pvz mano modelio kompo kanalu paaiskinimas? Kas ka reiskia?
Atskiruose adaptacijos kanaluose nustatomi atitinkami periodai:
40,Mileage since Service,100,DIST
41,Time since Service,1,Days
42,Min Mileage to Service,1000,DIST
43,Max Mileage to Service,1000,DIST
44,Max Time to Service,1,Days
45,Oil Quality,1,
47,Soot Quantity,100,DIST
48,Thermal Load,100,DIST
Taip pat aktualus kanalų keitimo eiliškumas: 45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48
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