Ir dar, gal kas nežinojot, tai nekreipkit dėmesio į šitas klaidas:
Most 1995 and earlier Bosch ECU's will show you a DTC 00513 - Engine Speed Sensor (G28) if you scan them when the engine is not running. This fault code goes away by itself once you start the engine. If this sensor were truly defective, the engine would not run at all! Please ignore this code.
In addition, many Automatic Transmission Control Modules will show a DTC 00526 or 17087 that indicates a faulty brake light switch. This can also be ignored and will not appear if you press the brakes once before checking for Fault Codes.
Ta supratau pora kartu pajunges ant uzkurto ir neuzkurto variklio, taip pat ir brake light switch parodo, tik va su ja jau daugiau neaishkumu, klaida atsiranda pernauja, net jei paspaudi stabdziu ar laikai nuspaustus, stopai uzsidega tvarkingai, bet velgi priburta ten shalia to jungiklio kazkokia neaishki saviveikla, itariu del to man gali neveikti autopilotas

velgi, pajungus prie 1989m V8 3.6 automato, minetos klaidos dezeje apskritai nera
