Address 01: Engine (038 906 019 FP)
19:23:00 Group 001: Injected quantity
882 /min Engine speed 790-870
8.0 mg/str Injected quantity 3.0-9.0 (keiciasi tarp 7,8 ir 8,9mg.)
7.1°KW Spec. Inj. duration 3-8 °Ck.
65.7°C Coolant temp 80-110°C (termostatas parejas)
Address 01: Engine (038 906 019 FP)
19:24:55 Group 004: Unit Injectors valves command
882 /min Engine speed 790-870
-0.0 °ATDC Spec start of inj. 4BTDC-2ATDC
7.1°KW Spec inj. duration 3-8 °Ck.
-1.1°KW Synchro. angle -3..+3°Ck. (sokineja tarp 1,1 iki 2,2)
Address 01: Engine (038 906 019 FP)
19:26:26 Group 013: Idle Speed Smooth Running Control
-1.04 mg/str Cyl 1 -2.8 to +2.8 mg/H
-0.05 mg/str Cyl 2 -2.8 to +2.8 mg/H
1.22 mg/str Cyl 3 -2.8 to +2.8 mg/H
-0.16 mg/str Cyl 4 -2.8 to +2.8 mg/H
13 kanale tai isvis kaip diena taip skirting skaiciai
Address 01: Engine (038 906 019 FP)
19:27:01 Group 018: PD valve status(after 1 min idling- coolant>80°C)
0.0 Cyl 1 0
0.0 Cyl 2 0
0.0 Cyl 3 0
0.0 Cyl 4 0
Ka rodo 18 kanalas?
Address 01: Engine (038 906 019 FP)
19:27:22 Group 023
-16.0 (no units)
-1.0 (no units)
19.0 (no units)
-17.0 (no units)
Skaiciai kinta