Kazkokios info radau ta tema, bet cia kiek supratau laikinas sprendimas, uzsienieciai pries technikini varant sitaip daro:
Passing Evaporative Emissions Readiness:
1. Turn car on, let idle. Vag-com -> Engine / Measuring Blocks
2. Block 70 -> click GO
3. Leave car IDLING, and click basic settings.
4.Watch the channels, one of them should say Test ON, wait till it says Sys OK, or something like that. Readiness for secondary air should now be passed. Edit: Note- when you click basic settings while holding the revs, you will immediately drop back to idle, and no matter what you do with the gas pedal, nothing will happen. This, i'm assuming, is only pertaining to DBW 1.8t's like me. Once block 70 passed, repeat from step 2 using block 71.
http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2690505 O cia kogero reikalinga detale pazymeta Nr 11 Evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge valve