jau meginau, kazkodel manau kad nesiaktivuoja, o kaip istikro suzinot kad jau aktivuota?
tai skaityk dar karta instrukcija, kur linkas duotas
![šypsena :)](http://www.audiklubas.com/forumas/Smileys/3rdpty/smile1.gif)
pas mane tai jokia "G" neatsirado, o patikrinti galima taip:
Test whether GRA enabled:
[01 - Engine]
[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Read the [Group 06] -> It's "Cruise Control"
Read the
fourth window just right:
- "255" means that the GRA is Not Enabled
- "0.0" means that the GRA is On but Off button
- "1.0" means that the GRA is Enabled with Button on
[Done, GB Back]
Jei atsirado 015 grupe, tai irgi reiskia kad autopilotas aktyvuotas.