del marketingo

net nezinau ka pasakyt

juokas ima ir tiek. siaip man grynai iki lemputes kas kiek jus keisit tepalus ir kokius pilsit. as tik isdesciau savo kazkokias sukauptas zinias. ka jus su jom darysit, man dzin. siaip tie argumentai, kad vaziuoja masinos su LL tepalais. nu vaziuoja. bet masinos ir be tepalu vaziuoja.
vietoj alyvos vanduo
dvi dienas gazuoja iki red line. manau jei keinciat vandeni kas kokius 1000 km, galima normaliai vaziuot
siaip galima isvis be tepalo vazinet...... ir dar. laiskas i
ieskau sintetines alyvos. Domintu klampumo 5w30 arba 5w40. ar turite pilnai sintetines alyvos, kurios bazine alyva sudarytu 4 ir 5 grupes alyvos PAO ir esterai. Pagal saugos duomenu lapus, matau, kad sitas alyvas sudaro bent 50 proc 3 grup[es mineraline alyva. Aplamai, ar turite savo produkcijoje 100 proc PAO / Esterai sinetines variklines alyvos? API ar ACEA aprobacijos nedomina. ju gali ir nebut. Nes domina didesnis ZDDP kiekis. aciu uz atsakyma.
Deja tokių reikalavimų atitinkančių alyvų Jūms pasiulyti negalime.
Bandziau rasyt i Red Line. sitie tepalai uzsirekomendave kaip PAO/Esteru pagrindu gaminami tepalai. amerikieciu emailo neradau, parasiau anglams
Good Afternoon Marius,
Thank you for your email via the Red Line synthetic Oil Europe Website.
Red Line products are formulated using predominantly ester based stock with some PAO.
We do not use any group 3 base stocks in our oils. If you have any future questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
hi, Daniel, thanks for answer.
i see this msds, petroleum, hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 64742-54-7 <55
its mean till 55 percent 3 basis oil?
or this mean till 60 percent 4 and 5 group basisi oil?
Hi Marius,
Ah please excuse me, the first link you have sent me in for a new Red Line product which has not been launched yet hence my confusion: This product will be the first group 3 based product and is not the same formulation as the grou 4/5 performance and race oils. This is a better value product for general road car use.
These documents you are looking at are for mainly shipping purposes and only give an indication of the chemicals for health and safety reasons.
hi, Daniel,
so some Red Line oils like 5w30 for daily cars will be "semi sinthetick oils" with +- 50 percent 3 group basis oil? and if i will some 100 PAO and esters oil. i must to look race oil?
Good Morning,
Group three base oil that are Hydrotreated/Hydrocrack are classes as a fully synthetic, Red Line do not offer a Semi Synthetic or mineral range.
In answer to your question, no.
Our performance line is exactly what is says, performance. It is designed for street use every day. We also manufacture a race range which is dedicated only for the race track.
Kind Regards
Daniel Street
Business Development Manager
Old Hall Performance Ltd
Falkland Close,
CV4 8AU,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 ( 0 ) 2476 717100
Mobile: 07902 292 335
Fax: +44 ( 0 ) 2476 421 329
Skype: marketing.oldhall
www.oldhallperformance.comwww.redlineoil-europe.comkas yra treciso grupes bazine alyva galit pagooglint patys
The best grade of
petroleum base oil, since they are fully produced by Hydrocracking, which make these oils purer.
API defines group III as "base stocks contain greater than or equal to 90 percent saturates and less than or equal to 0.03 percent sulfur and have a viscosity index greater than or equal to 120".
This group may be described as Synthetic Technology oils or Hydro-Cracked Synthetic oil. However, some oil companies may call their products under this group as synthetic oil.[5]
Group IV[edit]