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Autorius Tema: audi a3 smagratis recall  (Skaityta 1146 kartus)

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audi a3 smagratis recall
« Topic Start: 2011 Rugsėjo 03, 03:40:13 »
pasidalinsiu info,kas turit nuo 2003m audi a3,jei suluzo smagratis pasitikrinkite audi centre,pries keisdami,gal nereikes patiems moket pinigus Reference :   R/2006/031
Manufacturer Ref :   
Make:   AUDI
Model :   A3
Launch Date :   27/03/2006
Numbers Involved :   8586
Build Start Date :   01/12/2003
Build End Date :   30/06/2005
Recall Details
Description :   The two mass flywheel can become damaged because of a non-optimally designed through-flow restrictor in the clutch pressure pipe. This can lead to a total failure of the flywheel and under unfavourable circumstances to a vehicle fire.
Remedial Action :   Recall the vehicles that are likely to be affected and establish the manufacturer of the two mass flywheel. Where necessary replace the flywheel and the breather of the clutch pressure pipe.
Vehicle Id :    WAUZZZ8P*5B000002 to WAUZZZ8P*5B017348
WAUZZZ8P*6A000109 to WAUZZZ8P*6A024252
WAUZZZ8P*6B000004 to WAUZZZ8P*6B003832
WAUZZZ8P*4A064592 to WAUZZZ8P*4A181532
WAUZZZ8P*5A000164 to WAUZZZ8P*5A176719
WAUZZZ8P369020490 to WAUZZZ8P369020490


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