Labas, Svečias. Prašome prisijungti arba užsiregistruoti. Did you miss your activation email?

Autorius Tema: Kompiuterija  (Skaityta 514073 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Arturiuxv6

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  • Miestas: Radviliškis
Re: Kompiuterija
« Atsakymas #650: 2009 Rugsėjo 29, 20:46:11 »
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations turiu rakta  iki 2010 08 10  36 kompams is kompiuterasto gavau  :D, bet 9 kasperskiui netinka yra crakas,

Tokia seka, tik reikia turet nulauzimo failiuka.
Steps to reset Kaspersky 2009

1. Disable Kaspersky's "Self-Defense" feature. To disable the "Self-Defense",
right click on Kaspersky's tray icon and select <Settings>, <Options>,
(on the right side under "Self-Defense") uncheck <Enable Self-Defense> <Apply> <OK>.

2. Exit Kaspersky.

3. Execute the crack and Wait for Kaspersky to prompt you to activate
(Kaspersky should start by itself). If Kaspersky doesn't start by itself,
then try to start it manually or just restart the computer.
(The crack will automatically exit without executing if you don't do step 1 & 2.)

4. To uninstall, just delete the file.