Man kazko stacionaras gryba mala, nebeina win 7 ikalti
Meta error. butent ta kur daviau nuorodoje, bandziau ivairius variantus, default bios pasidaryt, ieskojau blogu sektoriu su hirens boot, Windows xp isiraso be problemo, bet tai windows xp antikvaras, dabar vienintele iseitis naudot ubuntu isimetus. Nes windows 7 ne pro kur nelenda. Gal kas kartais susidure esat su tokia klaida?
Bandziau sita aprasoma buda, jokiu pokyciu nedave, rasiau is usb win 7 32 bit, win 7 64bit(procas palaiko) win 7 32bit sp1, poto bandziau is dvd turiu win 7 ultimate, win 7 professional 32bit. pradejus instala ismeta ta errora.
1. Boot into the BIOS (for Dell press F2 while the Dell splash screen is showing, other computers may use a different button).
2. Go to Drives > SATA Operation. (will be different for a non-Dell)
3. Change from "RAID Autodetect / AHCI" to "RAID Autodetect / ATA" (or something similar)
4. Press escape, choose Save / Exit.
Play it safe, shut down your PC and disconnect all USB devices (except the keyboard/mouse) before trying to reinstall.
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