gal kazkiek pades
dėkui, bet nelabai, čia LEDiniai žiburėliai, ir neradau nieko apie įtampos sumažinimą šviesos šaltiniui (lemputei).
itampa sumazint gali uzkabindamas ant lemputes arba kokia varza arba reikiamo voltazo stabilizatoriu arba ,jei dideli lempuciu galingumai, tai turbut paprasciau bus koki transformatoriu 
Arba PWM

"PWM to reduce the output of the high beams (the most common system now used)."
O kiti būdai:
"2. A large power resistor (far less common now) to reduce output to high beams.
3. Relays to switch the highbeam bulbs to be connected in series, reducing output of each (common on lots of GM vehicles).
4. Simply turning on a different light at full power, be it the low beams, fog lights or in some vehicles a special DRL only bulb that also sits inside the main headlight housing"