taip atsiranda, tik vistiek neveikia.
If the 02546 - Steering Limit Stop 005 - No or Incorrect Basic Setting / Adaptation fault will not clear after driving the vehicle and completing the VW Golf (1K) Steering Assist procedure, increase the time in-between key cycles to 30 seconds or more.
Stai sios vietos nesuprantu:
increase the time in-between key cycles to 30 seconds or more.
Ka turi omeny minedami tas 30 sekundziu?
Ir ar gali buti, kad susije su ABS daviklio gedimu? Nes ABS nesusitvarkiau dar. Nes kiek skaiciau tai kazkas lyg ir susije su ABS bloku
Gal kas vln galetu pagelbet?
aj beje
[Measuring Blocks - 08]
Group 007
Check field 1, the value has to be between -1.5 and +1.5
cia man raso visada 0, kiek bandziau