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Autorius Tema: Naudingos nuorodos kurias verta pažiūrėt prieš užduodant klausimus  (Skaityta 58631 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Klaustukas

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kaip sudėlioti laidų žgutai
tik čia reiks prisiloginti.......

audi gamyklinių magnetolų pajungimo schemos ir instrukcijos kaip įvest kodą

automobilinių signalizacijų pajungimo schemos ir naudojimosi instrukcijos (rusu kalba)

šiaip ydomus puslapis su schemomis

« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2007 Vasario 28, 20:11:48 sukūrė Klaustukas »

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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jei ne čia patalpinau - pratrink

Do not stare at high brightness LEDs, because doing so may cause permanent damage to your eyes.

The optics of our eyes focus visible light onto the retina, which is the light sensitive part of our eyes, similar to the way a magnifying glass can focus an image of the sun onto a piece of paper. Just as the piece of paper might smolder and catch fire, a light that is brightly focused on your retina can cook and thus permanently damage your eye. Exposure to bright white and blue LEDs can also cause permanent damage to your eyes through photochemical action. 

Here is a link to an article about the particular hazards of blue  LEDs:

The key factors that determine whether or not a particular exposure to light from an LED causes permanent damage are the wavelength and intensity of the light, the length of the exposure occurs, and the distance from the light source to the eye.

This danger is most pronounced with the use of the newer high output blue and white LEDs. These are intended to illuminate large areas, and for those designed for direct view applications, to be viewed at a significant distance. These LEDs can be identified by packaging or mountings that are designed to carry heat away from the junction. LEDs without these special thermal management features can also pose a danger when operated beyond their specified maximum current.

Infrared and ultraviolet LEDs can also be hazardous, and when using those, please consult the manufacturer's data sheets or IEC 60825-1:2001 for guidance with respect to safety. You may find IEC 60825-1:2001 summarized on the web. The standard can be purchased from IEC's web store

The IEC specification was written to apply to primarily to lasers , though it also applies to LEDs. A new standard, IEC TR 60825,  is in development that promises that includes a section that is intended to address LEDs directly. You might want to check the web for drafts or summaries of this standard in the future.

The standards mentioned above rely on measurements that can only be made with very expensive specialized equipment, though some manufacturers state the safety classification of their LEDs, under specified operating conditions, in their data sheets.  Take note of these comments on the data sheets for LEDs you may use. In the mean time, play it safe by not staring at any bright LEDs.

My thanks to Geoff Davies of Lucid Optical Services Ltd. (, for raising the issue of permanent eye damage, and providing the information contained in this section.

Nemenkas LED'ų asortimentas:

LED'ai Lietuvoje:,289/Auto-LED.html

Current Limiting Resistor Calculator for Leds:    P.S. pats nebandžiau dar......................

Apie įtampą ir srovę automobilyje:
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2010 Vasario 22, 23:15:41 sukūrė Gedis »

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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                                                What things mean in the world of Audi/VW wiring diagrams
                                                   These basic circuit numbers also correspond with the numbers found on the relay

15 = Powered when ignition is in "ON" or "START" position. Most common wire color: BLACK (BK)

X = Load-reduction circuit, powered by load reduction relay when ignition is in "ON" or :START" position. Most common wire color: Black/Yellow (BK/Y)

30 = Battery positive ( + ) Voltage. Powered whenever battery is connected. Most common wire color: RED (R)

31 = Ground (GND) or battery negative ( - ). Most common wire color: BROWN (BR)

50 = Powered only when ignition switch is in the "START" position. Most common wire color: RED/BLACK (R/BK)

B+ = From generator (GEN) or alternator (ALT) Charging Voltage to battery. Most common wire color: RED (R)

D+ = Generator (GEN) or alternator (ALT) warning light and field energizing circuit. (mostly associated with a (BATT) light). Most common wire color: N/A (Not Applicable)

85 = Ground (GND) (- negative) side of switching relay. Most common wire color: BROWN (BR)

86 = Power-input (+ positive) side of switching relay. Most common wire color: N/A

87 = Relay change-over contact.

When a color code is given on a wiring diagram, the first color is the dominant color. The second color is the secondary known as a "tracer" For example, the Load Reduction relay mentioned above will have a Black wire with a Yellow tracer or stripe on it.

Neprisijungęs Klaustukas

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  • Miestas: Vilnius

Neprisijungęs Veil

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« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2011 Liepos 31, 21:47:32 sukūrė Veil »

Neprisijungęs greider

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Neprisijungęs 3F

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Neprisijungęs Sneaker

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  • Miestas: Marijampolė
lempučių katalogas pagal automobilio metus, markę, manau pravers (+)
dar vienas lempučių parinkimo katalogas
LED parinkimas pagal automobilį (išbandyta, kažką panašaus lyg ir rado ;) )
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2016 Kovo 30, 22:07:44 sukūrė Sneaker »

Neprisijungęs volume13

  • Audi klubo prezidentas
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Jei keliaujate po pasaulį, prisidėkite prie kolekcijos! :

Neprisijungęs deividas019

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Re: elektros skyrius
« Atsakymas #11: 2017 Gruodžio 31, 01:19:16 »
Sveiki, A6C6 avant, nedega led galiniai zibintai desnes puses (ant bagazines dangcio ir kampinis). Isjungus degima ir vel ijungus veikia ~5min ir uzgesta. Gal kas minciu?

Neprisijungęs only AUDI

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  • Miestas: Aš dar nepasirinkau miesto
Sveiki, A6C6 avant, nedega led galiniai zibintai desnes puses (ant bagazines dangcio ir kampinis). Isjungus degima ir vel ijungus veikia ~5min ir uzgesta. Gal kas minciu?

Bent pažiūrėk kurioje temoje klausi (H-)


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