Address 01 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 8E0 907 401 C Component: 2.5L V6 TDI 0000SG 0004 Coding: 02015 Shop #: WSC 00026 00006059 130 106LC150_1.V79936684381 2 Faults Found: 00550 - Start of Injection Regulation 08-10 - Control Limit Surpassed - Intermittent 00550 - Start of Injection Regulation 17-10 - Control Difference - Intermittent Readiness: N/A
Address 03 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 8E0 614 517 A Component: ABS/ESP allrad 1726 Coding: 04455 Shop #: WSC 06435 1 Fault Found: 18265 - Load Signal: Error Message from ECU P1857 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent