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Kur rasti ABS/ESP kompą C5-oje Audi?
Susigooglinau, kad A4/S4 jis būna po galine sėdyne, o pas mane jo ten nėra, tai kaip suprantu C5-ose jis kažkur kitur nukištas. Po sėdyne tik ESP giroskopas ar kaip jis vadinasi tėra.
We repair all Bosch modules except the 5.0/5.2 units (which use 5.3 coding with ESP). 5.0 modules are found in some 2001-2002 Audi S4s and are located under the rear seat (Part Number 8E0614111T, 0265202401). The part under the hood is shown in the picture above, but it is actually not the ABS control module. The control module is under the rear seat (separate from the ABS pump). Because of the remote location of the computer control circuitry in the 5.0 applications, these modules fail far less often.vag-com'o loguose radau, kad kompo kodas toks: Control Module Part Number:
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