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Autorius Tema: Audi MMI 3G USA to EU  (Skaityta 1446 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Tautvydasdzi

  • Įrašai: 2
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  • Miestas: Kėdainiai
Audi MMI 3G USA to EU
« Topic Start: 2017 Birželio 27, 15:29:08 »
Sveiki audistai,

Gal kas esat persidarineje audi MMI amerika i europa?

ka pirmiausia reik daryt, updatint firmware? kokia procedura?
Ar link'u turit kokiu naudingu?

P.S. pas mane MMI 3G high

Laukiu pagalbos

Neprisijungęs Darka45

  • Vilniaus miestas
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
Re: Audi MMI 3G USA to EU
« Atsakymas #1: 2017 Birželio 27, 16:31:49 »
jei supranti angliskai

You pretty much gonna have to replace the US head unit with a European head unit. The US head unit hardware is different. For example the US unit has sat radio and HD radio receivers, where as the European unit has a DAB receiver and no sat radio. You can't load European maps onto US firmware either, and the European firmware won't run on US hardware because of the hardware differences. The US hardware also doesn't work with international SIM cards. This is the reason why if you do European delivery, [/size]Audi[/color][/size] gives you a [/size]portable GPS[/color][/size].
[/size]o siaip ivesk savo antraste i google paieska ir rasi atsakymus

Neprisijungęs Darka45

  • Vilniaus miestas
  • Įrašai: 180
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Vilnius
Re: Audi MMI 3G USA to EU
« Atsakymas #2: 2017 Birželio 27, 16:34:04 »
You pretty much gonna have to replace the US head unit with a European head unit. The US head unit hardware is different. For example the US unit has sat radio and HD radio receivers, where as the European unit has a DAB receiver and no sat radio. You can't load European maps onto US firmware either, and the European firmware won't run on US hardware because of the hardware differences. The US hardware also doesn't work with international SIM cards. This is the reason why if you do European delivery, Audi gives you a [/color]portable GPS.

ivesk i google pieska savo antraste ir turesi daug atsakymu.....
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2017 Birželio 27, 18:00:57 sukūrė only AUDI »

Neprisijungęs Tautvydasdzi

  • Įrašai: 2
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kėdainiai
Re: Audi MMI 3G USA to EU
« Atsakymas #3: 2017 Birželio 27, 16:47:47 »
Neprisikabino linkai. gali pakartot?

Neprisijungęs mmiconversion

  • Įrašai: 1
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda
Re: Audi MMI 3G USA to EU
« Atsakymas #4: 2018 Vasario 10, 14:53:46 »
Sveiki, galiu suteikti informacija, kaip perdaryti Audi MMI iš USA į Europa
jei supranti angliskai

You pretty much gonna have to replace the US head unit with a European head unit. The US head unit hardware is different. For example the US unit has sat radio and HD radio receivers, where as the European unit has a DAB receiver and no sat radio. You can't load European maps onto US firmware either, and the European firmware won't run on US hardware because of the hardware differences. The US hardware also doesn't work with international SIM cards. This is the reason why if you do European delivery, [/size]Audi[/color][/size] gives you a [/size]portable GPS[/color][/size].
[/size]o siaip ivesk savo antraste i google paieska ir rasi atsakymus

Neprisijungęs only AUDI

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Re: Audi MMI 3G USA to EU
« Atsakymas #5: 2018 Vasario 10, 15:13:48 »
Sveiki, galiu suteikti informacija, kaip perdaryti Audi MMI iš USA į Europa

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