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Autorius Tema: Audi A3 2001 centrinio valdymo blokas 8D0862257C  (Skaityta 7082 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Baltikas

  • Įrašai: 9
    • Žiūrėti profilį
Pagaliau radau ko man reikia, nukopijuosiu cia, gal kam pravers:

8L0 862 257    DWA and remote (433,92 Mhz)
8L0 862 257B DWA and remote(315 MHz)
8L0 862 257D just remote(433,92 Mhz)
8L0 862 257G DWA and remote(433,92 MHz)
8L0 862 257K just remote(433 MHz)
8L0 862 257M DWA and remote(315 MHz)
8L0 862 257N DWA and remote(315 MHz)

But first you have to check that you have an aerial. There is two different types 315MHz and 433MHz. To check it that use your vagcom and try to type 8192 in coding to activate. Your car should blink once. Or also you can check it on central locking pump. The aerial should be connected in PIN 1 and 7 in socket C.
8L0 900 433 - aerial part no. for central locking pump 433MHz:
8L0 900 315 - aerial part no. for central locking pump 315MHz:
Once you check that and you confirm you have an aerial then you just swaping pump and coding new key to it.
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2013 Kovo 10, 15:07:17 sukūrė Baltikas »


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