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Autorius Tema: A8 Inspection  (Skaityta 1137 kartus)

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Re: A8 Inspection
« Topic Start: 2009 Rugsėjo 28, 16:26:14 »
VAG com 311 tikriausiai netinka, arba aš neradau tenai

tinka, einį į SELECT, Instruments. Jei tavo aštunkė senesnė nei 98m gamybos, tai eini į adaptacijos 5,6,7,8 kanalus. O jei naujesnė, tai į antra adaptacijos kanalą ir ten nulį įkali.

INFO iš ross techo

1998 and Newer:

    [17 - Instruments]
    [Adaptation - 10]
    Enter channel 02
    The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
    Enter the "New" value of 0 (zero)

Note: It is normal for the display to show something like "--/--" instead of an actual distance/time to service after resetting until you have driven some distance.

Pre-1998 models ... or if Channel 02 is not available:

    [17 - Instruments]
    [Adaptation - 10]
    Enter the correct channel from the list below in "Channel Number"
    The "Stored Value" is the current value for that channel.
    Enter the "New" value of from the list below.

Channel 05 should be the distance until the next Oil Service.
It is in thousands of kilometers. Let's say you want the Oil
Service light to come on in 5000 miles. That would be 8000 km.
Put  the value 8 into channel 05. The "standard value" used by the US
dealers would be 12 (7500 miles).

Channel 06 should be the distance until the next In-1 Service.
Same units as above. Standard value would be 24 (15,000 miles).

Channel 07 should be the time until the next In-1. In-1 lights
up based on time or distance, whichever comes first. This is in
10's of days. Standard value would be 36 for 360 days.

Channel 08 would be time until the next In-2. In-2 is based
strictly on time. Standard value is 72 for 720 days (about
two years).


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