visu pirma lietuvoj galingumo matavimo duomenys nera licencijuojami ir jie nera jokiais kitais budais reglamentuoti, beto pamastykit dabar kur lietuvoj gali rasti atitinkama organizacija kuri pakalibruotu galingumo matavimo stenda ir ishduotu jam sertifikata, kad jis rodo teisingai

NERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NERA tokiu dalyku lietuvoj, termometrui, tachografui, ir tt yra, bet inreciniam dyno nera. Visu pirma jei aplamai pasidometumete inercinio stendo veikimo principu tai suprastumete, kad jo kalibracija reikalinga tada jeigu pasikeicia volu diametras, jeigu pasikeicia plokstes nuo kurios imamas matmuo (matuojamosios plokstes principas yra toks pats kaip variklio rpm skaiciuokle kuri turi ishpjovas) ir viskas, easy reikalas cia sitoje vietoje ir kai nei volu diametras, nei skaiciuokle nepasikeite tai nors ir 30metu vyniok viskas bus tas pats.
O del paklaidos tai stendo paklaida yra 0.1% ( Galite pasiklausti pas ) tai jeigu paklaida padides 100% (tas pats kas pirktas Senukuose metras per 10m pasidarytu staiga 2metrai

) tai paklaida bus 0.2% yai pvz matuojant 66kw varikli yra 0.132kw

Dar kokiu nors minciu yra

Evaldai, kaip matuojamas galingumas darau copy-paste is gamintojo puslapio
" Inertial measurement (method of the measurement possible on both inertial and braked dynos)
The inertial measurement consists of accelerating the car on the dyno, then, after declutching, on waiting until a car will stop, without using the brake. The engine is burdened by the mass of rolls, the resistance of rolling and the resistance of the driving mechanism. The time of the measurement is about 10-30 seconds of the full load and a few minutes of free rolling on the dyno until full stop. The power and the torque are measured as functions of the acceleration of the car on rolls (the power and the torque on wheels) and of its deceleration (the power and the torque of losses). The sum of both is then used to represent the power and the torque of the engine.
The inertial measurement has a few essential advantages compared with the measurement under burdening :
it requires a shorter time of the full load – so it is safer for the engine,
it doesn't require any expensive system for chilling the car –a medium-sized fan is enough,
it is more accurate – since the load cell of the brake and driving limitations of the brake and its termical characteristics are worsening the accuracy of the braked measurement during the braked measurement.
The inertial measurement also has a few disadvantages:
very powerful turbine engines can require a big load for correct boosting up. The braked dyno doesn't have this problem - it is possible to increase the load freely, only slightly worsening the accuracy.
The inertial dyno doesn't allow for examining the car at constant rpm. "
Now clear
