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Autorius Tema: Audi a4 tdi 81 kw juntamas trukciojimas  (Skaityta 11757 kartus)

Neprisijungęs garazasTDI

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Re: Audi a4 tdi 81 kw juntamas trukciojimas
« Atsakymas #25: 2010 Rugpjūčio 26, 16:21:05 »
PVZ Bora 1.9 tdi 81 kw 038 906 018 BM kompas stovi , jei idedi 038 906 018 GQ (0281010244) arba permeti ecu dump'a dingsta bedos.

"Some TD 110s had a problem of stalling while coasting to a standstill from about 15 mph in neutral. The cure was to replace the ECU. This problem now seems to be coming back on high mileage TDI 110s. VAG acknowledges a fault with the ECU (038 906 018 BM) and specifies an upgraded unit (038 906 018 GQ) at £695.00 + VAT. According to VAG technical, this problem will eventually occur with all ECUs of this part number, so a second hand part may only be only a short term cure."
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2010 Rugpjūčio 26, 16:25:15 sukūrė garazasTDI »


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