VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:30:11 Group 000: AAT Click on fields for details.
035 Engine speed
054 Commencement of injection
000 Accelerator pedal position
020 Injection quantity
089 Intake manifold pressure (charge pressure)
236 Atmospheric pressure
070 Coolant temperature
160 Intake air temperature
140 Fuel temperature
065 Intake air quantity
VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:30:29 Group 001: Injection quantity
756 /min Enginespeed
6.3 mg/str Injection quantity
1.500 V G149 Voltage
85.5°C Coolant temperature
18:30:29 Group 002: Idling speed
756 /min Enginespeed
0.0 % Accelerator position
0 1 0 Operating status
85.5°C Coolant temperature
18:30:29 Group 003: Exhaust gas recirculation
756 /min Engine speed
285.4 mg/str Intake air (specified)
281.1 mg/str Intake air (actual)
64.5 % Duty cycle N18
VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:30:51 Group 004: Commencement of injection
756 /min Engine speed
0.9 °BTDC Commencement (specified)
0.9 °BTDC Commencement (actual)
67.6 % Duty cycle N108
18:30:51 Group 005: Starting conditions
756 /min Engine speed
16.6 mg/str Starting inj quantity
0.9 °BTDC Commencement of injection
85.5°C Coolant temperature
18:30:51 Group 006: Switch settings (CCS)
0.0 km/h Vehicle speed
0 0 0 pedal monitoring F36/F47/F
000000 operating element
255.0 operating status
VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:31:10 Group 007: Temperatures
39.6°C Fuel
24.3°C Intake air
85.5°C Coolant
18:31:10 Group 008: Injection quantity - limitation
756 /min Engine speed
0.0 mg/str Inj. Quantity
26.4 mg/str Inj. Quantity
21.0 mg/str Inj. Quantity
18:31:10 Group 009: Injection quantity - limitation
778 /min Engine speed
0.0 mg/str Inj. Quantity
80.0 mg/str Inj. Quantity
1.600 V Voltage
VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:31:25 Group 010: Air quantities
281.1 mg/str Intake air quantity
1014.4 mbar Atmospheric pressure
999.6 mbar charge pressure
0.0 % Accelerator position
18:31:25 Group 011: Charge pressure control
778 /min Engine speed
1275.0 mbar Charge pressure (specified)
999.6 mbar Charge pressure (actual)
5.1 % Duty cycle N75
18:31:25 Group 012: Glow plug system
11111111 n/a
0.00 Glow period (seconds)
13.32 V Control unit supply voltage
85.5°C Coolant temperature
VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:31:57 Group 013: Idling speed - smooth running control
-1.57 mg/str Inj. Quantity
-1.65 mg/str Inj. Quantity
-1.14 mg/str Inj. Quantity
-1.57 mg/str Inj. Quantity
18:31:57 Group 015: Fuel consumption
756 /min Engine speed
6.3 mg/str Actual inj. quantity
0.74 l/h Fuel consumption
0.0 mg/str Desired inj. quantity
18:31:57 Group 016
34.5 % Load
00000001 Bin. Bits
00 Bin. Bits
13.32 V Voltage
VCDS Version: Release 805.0
Data version: 20080730
Address 01: Engine (4A0 907 401 P)
18:32:45 Group 017
5.060 V Voltage
0.000 V Voltage
00000000 Bin. Bits
0.0 (no units)