paskutinysis ebay laiskas po caso atidarymo:
Dear ******,
We are sorry you are having an issue with the item you purchased. Here's what happens next:
Seller has been notified
The seller has been notified that the item you have received was not as described and have opened a case in the Resolutions Centre. They now have 10 days to respond to the case. As a solution, the Seller could offer a full or partial refund or send you a replacement.
Action Required from you after 10 days:
If the seller does not solve your issue or you do not hear from them in the next 10 days you should go to the Resolution Centre and choose the "Escalate" option. We can then resolve the issue for you.
In nearly all cases either the seller will fix your problem or if we find in your favour, we will refund your money within 21 days from today.
What incentive is there for the seller to resolve your issue:
Sellers have a strong incentive to fix your issue. The majority of our sellers respond very quickly to customer issues while those that don't will be negatively impacted in their seller standings.
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