siuo atveju tai aliexpress, tai PayPal nera jei ka, bet yra dar toks dalykas kaip kreditines korteles apsauga, ir dar plius pirkiniu draudimas 180 dienu
na bus matyt koks finalas, aliexpress stepped in ....
P.S. o kai pasiziuri ko tik nebuna
batareika sitam kompui tai topas 
Aliexpress man dar geriau apsauga veikia.
Bet pirmiausia:
4. Damaged item:
When your order arrives, and you discover that your product is damaged, please take clear photos of the damaged areas. You must also provide a photo showing the entire package the product was shipped in. This will enable us to determine if the package is damaged, or just the product. Please note that if you submit a claim 3 days after you received your product, you will have to provide a damage assessment report from the shipping company that delivered your product to you. Otherwise, your claim cannot be processed by you found that the packaging of your item is damaged upon delivery, please take photos and you may refuse to sign for the package if you wish.
Atskiro punkto dėl damaged items jie kaip ir neturi, tai praktiškai čia item not as described:
2. Refund or keep items not as described
You can get a full refund if your item is significantly different from the seller’s description, or you can choose a partial refund and keep the product.
How it works:
Every seller sets a return policy to resolve issues where the item is not as described (i.e. who is responsible for return shipping costs). If your item is not as described, you should contact the seller to discuss a resolution. If you can accept the product and want to keep it, you should negotiate a partial refund. Otherwise, you will get a full refund as established by the seller’s return policy.
Man buvo keli atvejai kai grąžino visą sumą (rūbai), bet buvo tokia lentyna pirkta, tai grąžino tik už tą dalį kuri sugadinta.
O šiaip jei gali užpildyt per kortelės apsaugą tai tada valio