hardas kai užsilenkė tai dingo mano rašinėliai emailais su panašiais veikėjais,kai buvau Uk teko ant smagumo su tokiais pasirašinėt,atrašo visi kaip iš knygos,atsiskaitymas arba Western Union arba Coinstar
va vienas likusių emaile:
Hello Mr.,
The car is still for salle.The reason wich I want to sell my car is that I just moved back in Germany.The car is located in UK because I was in United Kingdom in the last year with my job and that`s why i bought a car from United Kingdom.
I decided to sell because me and my family have some real financial problems due to the economical crisis we can not afford to pay the registration fees here in Germany.
I tried to sell it to a local dealer but they told me they can not accept it in Germany because of the right side wheel drive.
The car has all the oroginal Uk documents including the service book.The km are real and the car was never been involved in accidents.The interior looks great and also the exterior.The engine it`s perfect and the car has no damages.I`m non smoker and the car looks like a new one.
If you are interested we gonna have a safe deal for both of us. Here is my phone number: 00447040124886 but i don`t think you can call me because i just moved in to a new house and i still have some problems with the phone network.
If you are interested we gonna have a safe deal for both of us.
The final price is 2400 pounds.
You can see some pictures of the car.
Please get back to me to explain you more about the transaction.
Thank You!
Thanks for the reply,for me this proposal, perhaps we can even can meet Friday or Saturday and make this deal? I live in London.
Hello Again,
First of all, i must apologize for the long email that i send you, but i could not explain you the procedure with less words. So please read carefully my proposal because i am sure that you'll find it a safe and fast way to close the deal.
A small problem is the fact that i am out of country, and i don't have nobody in UK to show you the car. But that will not be a problem because i have a good proposal to finish the transaction in the best way for both of us. I will not ask you any money in advance (The transaction will be made face to face ), i just want to see that you are a serious buyer.
For that we'll use a service named coinstar. You must find a local coinstar office and you'll ask a friend or a relative of yours to go there and put 2400 pounds on your name and your address. He just has to go there with cash money and tell to the coinstar agent that he wants a coinstar paper to send money to a friend or relative, for personal use. He completes the paper with his name and address , your name and the address i provide you and gives the cash to the agent in order to complete the payment. Fast Simple, and to the object. Your relative or your friend will be the sender and the receiver is you .
I must tell you from now that under no circumstances you don't have to tell to the coinstar agent that you send the money for an internet transaction. Coinstar is designed to send money between familly or friends .... After that you have to send me the scanned paper of the transfer. With the details of the transfer i can call or verify on the coinstar website if the transfer is valid, and in this way I'll be sure that you are a serious buyer. Also you have 100 % control on your money because the money will be available on your name and only you (the receiver) can pick up the money.
As soon as coinstar confirms me that the transfer is available, I'll go and reserve the plane ticket for Uk. After that I'll scan it and send it to you, as a proof of my honesty. We will also agree on a meeting date and place so we can complete the transaction. As soon as we meet you can check the car at a mechanical garage, and a police office. As soon as you decide to buy it, and we make the papers, we'll both go to a local coinstar office so you pick up the money and give it to me.
I know that moneygtam is kind of expensive but is the only way that I can check you are for real and you have the money so you can deduct the taxes from the amount that you have to send.
Any way i am sure that you'll buy it because it is 100 % in perfect condition.
As you can see from the proposal i made you, this transaction is secure for both of us, because you'll not send me any money in advance, and also i have the insurance that you are a serious buyer.
I wait for your reply.
Thank you!
na ir taip 2 savaites kasdien
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kaina 2400 kai rinkos vertė apie 6000

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