tai net ir pirmoji versija ta 2,2 valdo ir degima ir kura, tik nevaldo kiekvieno purkstuko atskirai
o kur cia raso, kad degima valdo? Nebent perdarysi ji...kiek matau, tai raso, kad progr. EFI, bet ne engine mnagement...MS2 jau eina su kibirksties valdymu..ar cia kazkaip paprastai perdarot?

Kaip suprantu tas zu 150$ tik kura valdo...Gal pati board'a perdaryti ir galima...
EDIT: Get MS1 v3.0 board. It has the toothed wheel decoder to decode the stock crank trigger wheel, you can connect the stock coolant temp sensor and modify the software to accept it. You can retain the stock idle control valve with minor modifications. You can control the stock coil using the VB921 coil ignitor which comes onboard with some simple wiring (or waste fire with 3 coils, or sequential fire with 6 coils using more coil ignitors, which are just transistors).
They key to using MS1 is the -extra code for it. It has all the features you need to do spark, idle control, auto-tune, fan control, boost control, launch...