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Autorius Tema: Audi A4 skyrius  (Skaityta 952757 kartus)

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Re: Audi A4 skyrius
« Atsakymas #500: 2008 Liepos 29, 13:39:19 »
tada bandyk sita >>> ten buna skirtingai kaikur... :)

1. Press the 'trip reset button' and hold it.
2. Turn on the 'ignition'
3. The LCD display shows 'service OIL' ( this will presumably be the
next service)
4. Release the 'trip reset' button. (At this point pressing the 'trip
reset' button for one second approx. toggles the display between
'service OIL' and 'service INSP'smiley.
5. Turn the clock setting knob to the RIGHT and hold it until the LCD
show 3 dashes.
6. Turn the clock setting knob 3 times to the LEFT ( so that 3 switch
clicks can be heard).
7. Turn off the 'ignition'.
8. Turn on the 'ignition' and the warning will be gone!


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