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Autorius Tema: S4 2.2t wastegate  (Skaityta 17824 kartus)

Neprisijungęs S2

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Re: S4 2.2t wastegate
« Atsakymas #50: 2009 Kovo 19, 23:31:04 »
Na o aš buvau apšauktas, kad slėgį per didelį pasakiau, tai pamokė, kad realiai tėra 0.6 bar :)

Kaip tai??? Kazkas nori pasakyti kad standatine s4 k24 turba tepucia 0.6bar? Toks slegis sutikciau kompresoriui yra beveik virsus, bet ir tai ~0.8.
standartiniame 3B ar aan motore su standartine k24 turba turi but apie 1.0 bar.
The ECU of the ABY engine has one other fundamental difference compared to the 3B in that it has a special 'overboost' mode which allows boost pressure up to a maximum of 1.15bar in short bursts to allow increased torque to be generated when needed e.g overtaking. Outside of the 'overboost' mode the ABY generates the same 0.83bar of boost as the 3B in normal circumstances. The overboost mode is limited by the factory ECU to bursts of no more than fifteen seconds.
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