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Autorius Tema: audi s4 stolen  (Skaityta 1863 kartus)


  • Svečias
audi s4 stolen
« Topic Start: 2009 Spalio 22, 10:46:19 »
Sorry for writing in English, but I'm from Latvia. Tonight, October 22, got my audi S4 (1992) got stolen. I have information that very often stolen cars from Latvia are escorted to Lithuania. Here are the pictures how it looked like. The pictures have been taken few months ago. Now it had black windows and "quattro" word in the back window.

If you have any information that could help me, please report it to this mail:
or mobile phone: +371 27814408

Thank you  :/

Neprisijungęs psychadelic

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Re: audi s4 stolen
« Atsakymas #1: 2009 Spalio 22, 11:49:58 »
ok, got your number in case I accidently notice your car here  (h)


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