Pas mano 2,7 tdi užsidegė skydelyje signalas keliauti į servisą dėl kietųjų dalelių filtro. Suprantu, kad valyti ar pjauti laukan. Ką turėčiau daryti? Kaip sukelti tą regeneraciją?
Yra Audi maldaknygė, ross tech vadinasi

Particle Filter Emergency Regeneration
Ignition ON
Engine ON (Idle)
Oil Temperature above 70 °C (see MVB 007.2)
Particle Filter Load below 68g (see MVB 104.3)
If the Particle Filter Load is above 68g the Particle Filter needs to be replaced since the car may burn down when regenerating.
Engine Hood CLOSED
Parking Brake ENGAGED
Transmission in (P)ARK
Temperatures at the Exhaust System may rise up to 300 °C!!!
No Fault Codes Stored
Power Consumers ON (Light, Seat Heating, Front/Rear Window Heater, Climate Control)
The Regeneration may take up to 40 minutes, the engine speed automatically increases to about 1500 RPM.
[01 - Engine]
[Coding-II - 11]
Start Regeneration by Entering 10016.
[Do It!]
[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Select all 3 Groups at once 100, 101 and 102
MVB 100.1: Engine Speed
MVB 100.3: Regeneration Counter/Timer
MVB 100.4: Regeneration Abort recognized (0 = No Abort/1 = Abort recognized)
MVB 101.4: Regeneration Status (001 = Heating Up, 010 = Regeneration, 100 = Cooling Down)
MVB 102.1: Temperature before Catalyst
MVB 102.2: Temperature before Particle Filter
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]