V6 TDI purkštukų pririšimas (adaptacija vadinti nesiverčia liežuvis, nes vėliau mašina pati atlieka korekcijas ir adaptuojasi jų darbą)
Jums reikės VCDS, toliau einame į codingus ir suvedame ant purkštukų esančius kodus, viskas atliekama 72-77 kanaluose.
Nesuklyskite koduose, nusirašykite juos prieš dedant į mašiną ir be klaidų, nes kitaip adaptacija iki galo nepavyks.
P.s. Audi centre tai nebrangu atlikti, jei tingite patys - apie 250-300Lt kainuos visa pakeitimo/surišimo procedūra už visu 6vnt.
P.s.s. nemokėkite garažuose po 100lt/purkštukas

už pakeitimą/surišimą.
Patikslinu procedūrą Coding was done before startup of engine via VCDS...
[01 - Engine]
[Adaptation - 10]
Channel 071: IMA-ISA Value for Cylinder 1
Channel 072: IMA-ISA Value for Cylinder 2
Channel 073: IMA-ISA Value for Cylinder 3
Channel 074: IMA-ISA Value for Cylinder 4
Channel 075: IMA-ISA Value for Cylinder 5
Channel 076: IMA-ISA Value for Cylinder 6
[Done, Go Back]
Switch Ignition OFF, wait 10 seconds and switch Ignition ON again. The
values should be saved now, please verify them by double checking the
adaptation values.
I also done this...
[01 - Engine
[Basic Settings - 04]
Set Group to "035"
The electric fuel pump should run for 30 seconds
If the vehicle had a simple repair such as a fuel filter that should be a
sufficient amount of time for the filter to fill up.
If the engine had extensive repairs such as injector replacement and/or fuel
system flushing this process should be repeated no less than 3 times. Click
[On/Off/Next] to reinitialize the process if needed.
[Done, Go Back]