Kaip reikia teisingai atlikti kodavima 9 bloke, kad uzvedus masina sviesos pacios isijungtu? sviesu jungtukas turi pozicija Auto. Siuo metu sviesos isijungia automatiskai tik juo tamsos.
0?xxxxx: Steering Column Memory
0 = Steering Column Memory not installed or manual Steering Column
1 = Steering Column Memory installed
0x?xxxx: Footwell Lightning
0 = Footwell Lightning using Light Bulbs
1 = Footwell Lightning using LED's
0xx?xxx: Headlight Type
0 = Halogen Headlights w/o Headlight Washer System
1 = Halogen Headlights with Headlight Washer System
2 = Bi-Xenon Headlights
3 = Bi-Xenon Headlights with AFS
4 = Bi-Xenon Headlights w/o Headlight Washer System
5 = LED Daytime Running Lights with Headlight Washer System
6 = LED Daytime Running Lights w/o Headlight Washer System
0xxx?xx: Automatic Driving Light
0 = w/o Automatic Driving Light (Auto)
1 = with Automatic Driving Light (Auto) with Rain/Light Sensor (G397)
0xxxx?x: Daytime Running Lights
0 = w/o Daytime Running Lights
1 = with Daytime Running Lights (not selectable via MMI)
2 = with Daytime Running Lights (selectable via MMI)
0xxxxx?: Country
1 = Rest of World (RoW)
2 = Northern European Countries (Sweden/Finland/Norway/Denmark)
3 = USA
4 = Canada
Pakeitus automatic driving lights is 1 i 0 sviesos pacios isijungia, bet uzgesinus masina lieka degti gabaritai tol kol nepasuki sviesu rankeneles i isjungimo pozicija.
ar imanoma padaryti taip kad sviesu rankeneles visai nereiketu jungineti?