imesk pilna klaida, nes nepanasu cia adaptacija
19804/P3348/013128 - Control Circuit for Controller for Turbocharger 1 (J724): Electrical Malfunction
Possible Symptoms
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) ON
Possible Causes
Fuse(s) faulty
Wiring and/or Connector(s) from/to Controller for Turbocharger 1 (J724) faulty
Controller for Turbocharger 1 (J724) faulty
Possible Solutions
Check Fuse(s)
Check Wiring and/or Connector(s) from/to Controller for Turbocharger 1 (J724)
Check/Replace Controller for Turbocharger 1 (J724)
Perform (Selective) Output Test, the Vane Positions should change visibly and audibly
Perform System Test using VAS 6395
Special Notes
When stored in the 3.0l TDI (ASB/BKS/BMK/BNG) with throttle body faults P106B/004203 and/or 17988/P1580/005504 check the throttle unit and wiring for issues that may be falsely causing the turbocharger fault. This note is in reference to customer feedback, not official TSB or TPI documentation.