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pamiršau numeraciją pridėt, sorry.
1 - | Fuel gauge sender -G- |
q | With low fuel level sender -G210- |
q | Checking fuel pump (electrical test) → Chapter |
q | Renew only as complete unit |
q | Cannot be renewed separately |
q | Installation position: see arrow → Anchor |
q | To disconnect from flange, press release tab on connection |
q | For low fuel level sender -G210- |
q | For fuel gauge sender -G- |
q | For fuel system pressurisation pump -G6- |
q | Remove and install with union nut tool -3217- |
q | Between fuel pump and baffle housing or between fuel pump and suction-jet pump |
q | To remove fuel delivery unit, disconnect hose → Anchor |
12 - | Baffle housing (outer section) |
q | Shown without fuel tank for clearer illustration. |
t | To ensure that the contents of the fuel tank can be drawn off completely (apart from a small remainder), a two-part baffle housing with electric fuel pump is fitted inside the tank. |
t | The electric fuel pump delivers fuel from the outer part of the baffle housing to a closed container (reservoir chamber) in the inner part of the baffle housing. The injection pump of the diesel direct injection system draws fuel from this chamber. |
t | The electric fuel pump also sends a pressurised stream of fuel into a suction jet pump (entrainment pump) at the bottom of the baffle housing. The suction jet pump ensures that the outer section of the baffle housing is always kept filled with fuel. |
t | To ensure that the engine runs reliably, the chamber in the inner section of the baffle housing must always be kept filled with fuel. If the tank is nearly empty and this chamber is about to be drained, the low fuel level sender -G210- transmits a signal to shut off the injection system. |
t | Installation position of sender for low fuel level -G210-: in inner section of baffle housing. |
t | Checking low fuel level sender -G210- → Chapter. |