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Autorius Tema: Naudingos nuorodos, manual'ai, dokumentai.  (Skaityta 67300 kartus)

Neprisijungęs Gabriel

  • Vilniaus miestas
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Naudingos nuorodos, manual'ai, dokumentai.
« Topic Start: 2007 Balandžio 03, 22:57:05 »
Daug isknaisiojau neto apie Audi 100/200 modelius, stai mano manymu geriausi puslapiai:      daaaaug issamios informacijos apie audi 100/200 turbininius variklius ir ne tik, issamus aprasymai su nuotraukomis.

Dar vienas labai issamus tinkalapis apie Audi 100/200  C4/A6   Vokieciu tinklalapis apie Audi 100 C3, ziauriai geras.   Sis tinklapis dedikuotas Audi 200 20V. Ji sukure vienas didelis gerbejas is Amerikos.    Puslapis - parduotuve ivairioms Audi 100/200/V8 dalims isigyti.    Apie dauguma modeliu, issamu.   Nuoroda apie Audi 5000 greiciu dezes montavima
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2008 Rugsėjo 06, 17:16:05 sukūrė Gabriel »

Neprisijungęs Gabriel

  • Vilniaus miestas
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
Naudingos nuorodos
« Atsakymas #1: 2007 Birželio 03, 21:58:27 »   The New 1989-1991 Audi 100/200  Service Training Manual  - Audi greiciu deziu perdavimu indeksai ir kodai.
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2008 Birželio 14, 14:49:49 sukūrė Gabriel »

Neprisijungęs mc2

  • Įrašai: 1827
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« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2008 Spalio 23, 18:45:24 sukūrė mc2 »

Neprisijungęs Gedis

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Re: Naudingos nuorodos, manual'ai, dokumentai.
« Atsakymas #4: 2009 Rugpjūčio 30, 11:28:44 »
čia gal bus įdomu turbinininkams ( ) apie vieną 1986 Audi 5000CS Turbo quattro

dar apie 20V diagnostiką, gal kas nebuvo 'užklydęs' būtent šito puslapio būtent šitame saite

Audi 100 1982-1990 remontas ir eksploatacija

The ultimate electrical kit for 1980s Audi I5 engines  :D :D

Neprisijungęs vienzo3b

  • Įrašai: 1750
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Neprisijungęs Domas

  • 200 20v
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  • Įrašai: 18277
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  • Miestas: Vilnius

Neprisijungęs mc2

  • Įrašai: 1827
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Neprisijungęs mc2

  • Įrašai: 1827
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Diagnostics – Pulling the Codes

You can display the codes by inserting a fuse in the top of the fuel pump relay. The Fuel Pump relay is located under the hood in the main fuse panel near the windshield on the drivers side.

If the vehicle starts and runs: You should drive the car for a minimum of 5-10 minutes and raise the engine speed above 3000 RPM and ensure that the manifold pressure goes above 1.2 bar. You want the engine coolant temp to get above 80C, (176F). You should accelerate at full throttle in 3rd gear to exercise this diagnostic system correctly.

The "Check Engine" warning light should come on whenever the fuse is inserted into the top of the fuel pump relay.


THIS FUSE IS ONLY INSERTED "TEMPORARILY" INTO THE TOP OF THE FUEL PUMP RELAY TO ACTIVATE THE FAULT CODES OR TO RUN THE OUTPUT TESTS. There should not be a fuse "permanently" installed in these contacts on top of the fuel pump relay.

NOTE:The fault code reading procedure will be canceled if the engine RPM is raised above 2000 or if the ignition is turned off.

Each fault code consists of four groups of pulses.

The exact sequence for each code is a start sequence of 2.5 seconds with the lamp on, and 2.5 seconds pause with it off.

The codes then follow as a half-second pulse with the light on, separated by a half-second pause with the light off, with a larger pause of 2.5 seconds between each set of pulses.

Example: If no fault codes are stored, code 4444 will be displayed by the ECU. The ECU will turn the "Check Engine" light on and off as follows after the fuse is inserted into the fuel pump relay for 4 seconds and then removed.

Light on (2.5 sec), Light off (2.5 sec)
Now here comes the code 4444
Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)
Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)
Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)
Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

NO START CONDITION: Crank the engine with the starter for at least 5 seconds and make sure you leave the ignition on after cranking the engine during the no start condition.

NOTE: On the 1986-88 5000T/Q and early 1989 200T/Q, the ignition should not be turned off after doing this full throttle test road test or after the "No Start" cranking test is done, as the fault memory will be erased.

After doing the road test or the "No Start" cranking test, proceed to the section below for reading any fault codes stored during this process.
Here is a list of fault codes:
ECU Fault Code Listing 10V Turbo Engines
1986-88 5000 Turbo and 5000 Turbo Quattro,
1989-91 200 Turbo and 1989-90 200 Turbo Quattro,
UK ur-quattro with MB Engine
NOTE: The fault codes shown below indicate that the ECU has recorded a problem with one or more of the following:

A system component, the wiring, the wiring connections, or from a engine mechanical problem (vacuum leak, low compression, etc.).

If you get multiple fault codes recorded, step through the fault code reading sequence and write down all the fault codes that were recorded. After you locate the source of the problem for the "first" fault code you read, you may want to then clear all the fault codes stored and drive the car again to see if the other fault codes are stored again. In some cases multiple fault codes are recorded even though there may be only one problem with the system.

Code Number
Source of Fault code
Possible cause
Recommended Check or Repair
Symptom in some cases
•1111 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 65535
Engine Control Unit (ECU)
Defective memory circuits
Replace ECU

•2111 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00513
RPM sensor
Open or short circuit,
Defective sensor & cables, metal fragments on flywheel teeth

•2112 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00514
Timing (62 degrees BTDC) reference sensor
Flywheel pin damaged/missing,
Mis-located Sensor, flywheel pin, distributor hall sensor out of adjustment

•2113 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00515
Hall sender in distributor
Distributor alignment, faulty sender,
Mis-located sensor & distributor

•2121 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00516
Idle switch inside Throttle switch
Switch open ckt, stuck closed
Switch defective (Internal solder connections intermittent) or wiring problem

•2123 (Blink Fault Code) , VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00517
Full load switch inside Throttle switch
Switch open ckt, stuck closed
Switch defective (Internal solder connections intermittent) or wiring problem

•2141 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00535
Knock regulator #1
Excessive knock, timing is being retarded by maximum amount 7.8 degrees, Low boost on 20V,
Fuel octane too low, Excessive Compression, excessive boost

•2142 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00524
Knock sensor #1
Open or short circuit, Defective sensor
Check sensor and wiring
Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss, Boost pressure not attained

•2143 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00536
Knock sensor #2, (Cylinders 3, 4, 5)
1989-91 200TQ, 1989-91 200T, with dual knock sensor MC engine,
Excessive knock, timing is being retarded by maximum amount 7.8 degrees.
Fuel octane too low, Excessive Compression, excessive boost

•2144 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00540
Knock Sensor #2, (Cylinders 3, 4, 5)
1989-91 200TQ, 1989-91 200T, with dual knock sensor MC engine,
Open or short circuit,
Defective sensor or wiring
Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss, Boost pressure not attained

•2214 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00543
Engine Over-revved
(1989-91 200TQ, 1989-91 200T),
also UK MB engine.
Engine has exceeded rev limit (~6700-6900 on MC engine
Driver has heavy right foot.

•2221 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00575
Manifold Pressure too low, too high, control difference.
Vacuum hose to ECU pressure sensor
Vacuum hose missing or leaking,
Check hose
Symptom: Loss of Power

•2222 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00519
Pressure sensor
ECU Pressure sensor defective,
Repair or replace ECU

•2224 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00544
Over boost condition (1989-91 200TQ, 1989-91 200T)
UK MB engine.
Boost pressure exceeded 1.6 bar for MC, 1.8 bar for MB
Waste gate or pressure hose, Waste Gate Solenoid/hose problem

•2312 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00522
Coolant sensor
Open or short circuit,
Defective sensor or wiring
Symptom: Cold starting difficulties at low temperatures, Poor idle and acceleration during warm up

•2322 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00523
Inlet air temp
Open or short circuit
Defective sensor or wiring
Symptom: Slight power loss, Increase in fuel consumption

•2342 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00523
Oxygen Sensor
Sensor Wiring or Sensor defective
Symptom: Emissions not within specifications

•4444 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00000
No Faults have been recorded.

•0000 (Blink Fault Code), VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number 00000
End of Diagnostic Output

Neprisijungęs mc2

  • Įrašai: 1827
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« Paskutinį kartą keitė: 2010 Kovo 25, 15:35:42 sukūrė mc2 »

Neprisijungęs mc2

  • Įrašai: 1827
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Neprisijungęs quattre

  • Klubo draugas
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  • Įrašai: 2328
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Neprisijungęs mc2

  • Įrašai: 1827
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20V Turbo ECU Fault Code Listing

# 1111 (Blink Fault Code), 65535 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Engine Control Unit (ECU) Defective memory circuits,
Incorrect Checksum for internal memory (EPROMs)
(this can occur on some modified ECU's) Check ECU ground connections, Check EPROM programming
Symptom: Check engine light may come on
# 1231 (Blink Fault Code), 00281 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number (S4/S6 with AAN engine Only)
Vehicle Speed Sensor (G68),
Open circuit or short circuit, speed sensor malfunctioning
Symptom: A/C compressor does not shut off during wide open throttle in 1st gear
# 2111 (Blink Fault Code), 00513 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
RPM sensor (G28)
Open or short circuit, sensor malfunction
Defective sensor & cables, metal fragments on flywheel teeth
Symptom: Engine will not start, misfires, may stop running
NOTE: I have seen this fault code occur after cranking the engine during a no start condition
in a few rare cases where there was nothing wrong with the RPM sensor
# 2112 (Blink Fault Code), 00514 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Timing reference sensor, (G4) (located 62 degrees BTDC)
Sensor malfunction, Flywheel pin damaged/missing, Mis-located Sensor,
distance to flywheel pin greater than 1.2mm (3/64 inch), wiring shielding problem for G4,
hall sensor out of adjustment (3B and early AAN engines only)
Symptom: Engine will not start, possible low power
NOTE: I have seen this fault code occur after cranking the engine during a no start condition
in a few rare cases where there was nothing wrong with the Reference sensor or flywheel pin
# 2113 (Blink Fault Code), 00515 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
(G40) Hall sensor in distributor
(3B, early AAN engines) or camshaft position Hall Effect sensor later S4/S6 AAN engine).
Distributor alignment, faulty sender, Mis-located sensor & distributor, Cam timing possibly incorrect on AAN engine, Check lower Crankshaft Gear keyway
Symptom: Engine will not start, power loss, check engine light may come on during driving above certain RPM
# 2121 (Blink Fault Code), 00516 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Idle switch problem
Switch open circuit, stuck closed Switch defective (Internal solder connections intermittent) or wiring problem
# 2141 (Blink Fault Code), 00535 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Knock regulator #1
Excessive knock, timing is being retarded by maximum amount,
Symptom: Low boost on 20V, Fuel octane too low, Excessive Compression, excessive boost
# 2142 (Blink Fault Code), 00524 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Knock sensor #1 (G61)
Open or short circuit, Defective sensor Check sensor and wiring
Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss, Boost pressure not attained
# 2143 (Blink Fault Code),00536 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Knock sensor #2, (Cylinders 3, 4, 5)
Excessive knock, timing is being retarded by maximum amount.
Symptom: Fuel octane too low, Excessive Compression, excessive boost
# 2144 (Blink Fault Code), 00540 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Knock Sensor #2, (G66) (Cylinders 3, 4, 5)
Open or short circuit, Defective sensor or wiring
Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss, Boost pressure not attained
# 2212 (Blink Fault Code), 00518 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Throttle potentiometer,
short circuit to + or to ground,moisture or corrosion in harness connector
Check throttle potentiometer resistance from idle to full throttle.
Symptom: Lack of power or boost pressure is not attained
# 2214 (Blink Fault Code), 00543 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Engine Over-revved
Engine has exceeded rev limit 7440 RPM on 20V engine) Driver has heavy right foot.
# 2221 (Blink Fault Code), 00575 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number for 3B 20V Turbo engine ONLY
Manifold Pressure too low, or too high, control difference.
Vacuum hose to ECU pressure sensor Vacuum hose missing or leaking, Check hose
Symptom: Loss of Power
# 2222 (Blink Fault Code), 00519 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
ECU Internal Pressure sensor (G71)
Pressure sensor defective,
Repair or replace ECU or replace internal pressure sensor
# 2223 (Blink Fault Code), 00528 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Altitude Sensor (F96)
Break in wiring or short to + or ground Symptom:
Symptom: Loss of power, boost pressure is not attainable
# 2224 (Blink Fault Code), 00544 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Maximum Charge Pressure Exceeded,
Intake air leak after turbocharger, ECU Vacuum/pressure line has leak between intake manifold
Waste gate or pressure hose, Waste Gate Solenoid/hose problem, ECU pressure sensor malfunction
Symptom: Misfire during wide open throttle, boost pressure too high
# 2231 (Blink Fault Code), 00533 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Idle Speed Control Valve (N71)
Idle speed adaptation maximum limit exceeded or Minimum adaptation limit not reached
Sticky or binding ISV, Mass Air Flow Meter (G70) offset, additional air introduced between G70 and N71
Symptom: Idle speed too low, or too high, Add air leak.
# 2234 (Blink Fault Code), 00532 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Supply Voltage Problem, ECU (J220) supply voltage too low or too high
Poor ECU ground connection at intake manifold, battery discharged, check battery current drain with engine off
# 2241 (Blink Fault Code), 00538 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number (3B 20V Turbo Engine Only)
Second Knock Sensor, (G61)
Excessive knock, maximum control limit exceeded,
open circuit in signal wire from G28 engine speed sensor or G4 ignition timing sensor or G28 and G4 are reverse connected to ECU (J220), Fuel Octane too low, Abnormal Engine noises, Open circuit in knock sensor shielding (G61)
Symptom: low boost, Moderate power loss, higher fuel consumption, top speed not attainable
# 2312 (Blink Fault Code), 00522 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Coolant sensor (G62)
Open or short circuit, Defective sensor or wiring, high resistance between sensor G62 and ECU J220
Symptom: Cold starting difficulties at low temperatures, Poor idle and acceleration during warm up
# 2322 (Blink Fault Code), 00523 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Inlet air temp sensor (G42)
Open or short circuit, Defective sensor or wiring
Symptom: Slight power loss, Increase in fuel consumption
# 2324 (Blink Fault Code), 00553 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor (G70)
Open or short circuit, defective sensor, Signal too low or too high, Open circuit between G70 and ECU J220, Voltage supply interrupted or short to ground
Symptom: system in limp home mode, very poor performance and acceleration, difficult to accelerate
# 2341 (Blink Fault Code), 00537 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Oxygen Sensor Control Limit exceeded,
fuel pressure too low or too high, intake or exhaust leak, defective ignition system component, intake air leak after air mass sensor, O2 sensor is faulty
Symptom: CO before catalyst is below 0.3% or greater than 1.0%, Extremely lean or overly rich exhaust, Spark Plug fouling
# 2342 (Blink Fault Code), 00525 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Oxygen Sensor (G39)
Sensor Wiring or Sensor defective Heat resistor in sensor defective, Signal wiring shorted to ground, Fuel tank empty, Ignition system component failure, air leak at mass air flow sensor, air leak in exhaust pipe before catalyst, poor ECU ground wire connection at intake manifold.
Symptom: Emissions not within specifications, increased fuel consumption, rich exhaust, spark plug fouling,
Carbon Monoxide (CO) percentage above 3%,
# 2413 (Blink Fault Code), 00561 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Mixture Adjustment,
Adaptation limit exceeded, Adaptation limit not reached, Leakage in exhaust system before 3 Way catalytic converters, Incorrect signal for Mass Air Flow Sensor, Spark plugs, ignition coil(s), or Ignition Coil Power output stage malfunctioning
Symptom: Rich mixture, increased fuel consumption
# 3424 (Blink Fault Code), 00824 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number (3B 20V Turbo Engine Only)
Fault Lamp Trigger Defective, short to + or to ground
Symptom: "Check" engine light on dash does not light up with ignition on
# 4343 (Blink Fault Code), 01247 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Carbon Canister Solenoid, Evaporative Canister Purge Valve (N80),
Open or short circuit, +12V supply circuit breaker or fuse open?
Symptom: Poor response in part of load range, fuel odors, idle speed or quality may be affected
# 4411 (Blink Fault Code), 01249 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Fuel Injector for Cylinder 1, (N30)
Open or short circuit, +12V supply circuit breaker or fuse open
Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls
# 4412, (Blink Fault Code) 01250 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Fuel Injector for Cylinder 2, (N31)
Open or short circuit, +12V supply circuit breaker or fuse open
Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls
# 4413, (Blink Fault Code) 01251 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Fuel Injector for Cylinder 3, (N32)
Open or short circuit, +12V supply circuit breaker or fuse open
Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls
# 4414, (Blink Fault Code) 01252 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Fuel Injector for Cylinder 4, (N33)
Open or short circuit, +12V supply circuit breaker or fuse open
Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls
# 4421, (Blink Fault Code) 01253 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Fuel Injector for Cylinder 5,
Open or short circuit, +12V supply circuit breaker or fuse open
Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls
# 4431, (Blink Fault Code) 01257 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Idle Stabilizer Valve solenoid, (N71)
Open or short circuit, check circuit breaker or fuse for +12V supply
Symptom: Engine speed out of range, Engine might die when cold, Engine runs rough or has flat spot,
Note: When in limp home Mode, idle speed is between 1100 and 1200 RPM
# 4442, (Blink Fault Code) 01262 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
Waste Gate Frequency Valve, (N75)
Open or short circuit, sticking valve, malfunctioning valve
Symptom: Boost pressure too high or too low, Severe misfiring during full throttle due to high boost
# 4444, (Blink Fault Code) 00000 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
No Faults have been recorded.
# 0000, (Blink Fault Code) 00000 VAG1551/2 Fault Code Number
End of Diagnostic Output

Neprisijungęs Sposas

  • Įrašai: 792
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  • Miestas: Kitas miestas
Rusiškas manualas kaip pasigaminti a200 žvynus iš a100 posūkių, pats neišbandęs, bet jei kas bandysit papasakokit kaip sekėsi :)

Neprisijungęs audzius

  • Įrašai: 5201
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
turiu kažką panašaus pagaminto, nekažką  (-)

Neprisijungęs quattro

  • Klubo draugas
  • *
  • Įrašai: 3672
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
Na nežinau audziau , sakyk tu ką nori , bet kaip čia padaryta , tai atrodo kaip labai gera išeitis  ?!? Ir atrodo , bent jau nuotraukose , galutinis variantas tikrai labai gerai  8:8

Neprisijungęs Ratas

  • Įrašai: 1691
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  • Miestas: Kitas miestas
Na nežinau audziau , sakyk tu ką nori , bet kaip čia padaryta , tai atrodo kaip labai gera išeitis  ?!? Ir atrodo , bent jau nuotraukose , galutinis variantas tikrai labai gerai  8:8
nu jo visai gerai atrodo gal kas turit kokius paduzusius zvynus pameginciau pasigamint  :V

Neprisijungęs Domas

  • 200 20v
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  • Įrašai: 18277
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
seniai kur mačiau tokį detalų aprašymą:) (y) (y)

Neprisijungęs Matas

  • Įrašai: 2124
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  • Miestas: Klaipėda

Neprisijungęs Backlazhanas

  • Įrašai: 622
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Neveikia nei viena nuoroda, gal kas turit kurnors pas save?

Neprisijungęs Domas

  • 200 20v
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  • *
  • Įrašai: 18277
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  • Miestas: Vilnius
tai kad veikia dropboxo nuoroda, turiu, jei reik kitur galiu įmesti

Neprisijungęs Matas

  • Įrašai: 2124
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Klaipėda
Neveikia nei viena nuoroda, gal kas turit kurnors pas save?
Greičiausiai kai mėginai dar nebuvo įsikėlę man ;)

Neprisijungęs Backlazhanas

  • Įrašai: 622
    • Žiūrėti profilį
  • Miestas: Kaunas
Greičiausiai kai mėginai dar nebuvo įsikėlę man ;)
Taip, aciu, dabar jau veikia ;)


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