jau gal ir radau beda tame reikale su kibirkstim
viskas sitam protu nesuvokiamam aprasyme kur ka jungti.....
vyrukas is USA raso jog mc/kg pinai yra ( mano ziniom cia viskas teisingai)
bet paksui kai nurodo kuri pina i kur sujungti, tada prasideda reikalai

jis nurodo kad PIN 14 jungti i b3 saugiklines Bsekcija S kontakta ale tai kuro reles minusas, paziurejus i kompo pin 14 pamaciau kad ten ne*uja ne kuro reles minusas.....

ir speju kai pries metus dar net neissivaizdavau kas kaip ir ale jau buvau suirades viska, ir pinus sujungiau taip kaip jis surases tai is kur b* pas mane ta kibirkstis gali buti o jau apie kura isvis nesneku

Jeigu as blogai supratau ka nors ir kas nors turite minciu tai rasykit greiciau kol neatejo rytojus ir as ten neisskerdziau visko is naujo

There's a bunch of useless stuff in this thing so I'll only list what's swap related. Pin numbers are molded into the connector.
Pin 14: ECU ground for fuel pump relay. Connect to fusebox pin
Pin 9: Switched +12v for ISV controller. Connect to a handy source of ignition switched +12v. I used the "spare" fuse #24 as the stock 4kq computer did.
Pin 11: Trigger wire for fault code sequence. Connect to fusebox pin
ILa and also to the ground side of your check engine light.
Pin 4: Cold start valve ground. The ecu uses this to trigger the CSV. Connect to the CSV and provide the valve with switched +12v.
1. Cold start valve ground.
2. Ignition module ground.
3. Charcoal canister filter solenoid.
4. Decel valve.
5. No connection.
6. Automatic transmission code wire. Limits power. Cut for manual.
7. Tachometer.
8. CIS frequency valve.
9. Ground.
10. Coolant sensor.
11. RPM sensor +.
12. TDC signal -.
13. TDC signal +.
14. Over temp switch.
15. Knock Sensor signal.
16. Knock Sensor ground/shield.
17. Electronic boost gauge.
18. Ground.
19. Waste gate solenoid.
20. Idle switch.
21. Fuel pump relay ground.
22. Ignition module control.
23. Intake sensor and hall sensor ground.
24. Intake air temperature sensor.
25. Hall effect +12V.
26. Full throttle switch.
27. Hall sensor signal.
28. RPM/TDC sensor shield.
29. RPM sensor ground.
30. O2 sensor shield.
31. Fault code light control (fuel pump relay fuse).
32. Brake light switch (limits revs while left-foot-braking).
33. O2 sensor signal.
34. California code wire. Emissions thing. Cut.
35. Switched +12 Volts (ignition on).